The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

This is accurate.


It’s not. You have whatever standards you have, but I have mine and KT are a hot pile of garbage.

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Daily reminder High Elves are Blood Elves

*In your opinion.


I saw Umbric while questing and during the War Campaign. I interacted with him enough that I learnt more about his situation as a now Void Elf, All without having to be one myself. I count that as meaningful development

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I already noted that when I mentioned your standards vs mine?

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Then answer this: what’s like to be a void elf?

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But, you were the one that suggested they added. I never said it was a metter of them adding or taking anything from their story. The mere existance of high elves only shows that survival without enduring everything the blood elves fought against and against was possible, giving the rest of the high elves further autonomy would make this worse.

Also, don’t worry about about coming off as aggressive. I never assume tone save for a few individuals, but you’re not one of them.

None of those examples show them doing anything for their people. The only example of High elves doing something for other high elves, green eyed or not, was during the quest chain for Quel’Delar, and those that participated showed to be in good terms with those still living in Quel’thalas.

So, not only you’re constantly changing the bar on what counts as a “valid appearance” of the Void elves, but also as to what counts as relevant?

You trying to downplay the Void elves while overplaying the Highmountain (with some contradictions and double standards sprinkled on it for extra flavor) doesn’t really help your argument.


Stop liking what I don’t like, how dare you!

That wasn’t really how it read to me, but okay.

That is because the appearance is a fundamental aspect of the game and lore is just meaningless fluff added in to tell you about them. It doesn’t change what they look like afterwards.

HM Tauren are fine. Maghar Orcs are fine, female Zandalari are fine, anorexic night elves are fine.

See? I can paint everything in a negative light to when I want to fulfill a purpose.
And ignore every other context as well!

Tell me, the races I listed, what factions are they on relative to their core race?


Why do I need to know this? Again you are making up rules just to invalidate people

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You’re one, so why not answer it yourself? :wink:


Learning about them isn’t a growth in development though. They were exiled and now they fight against the kingdom they sought to protect. The only thing their void powers seem to accomplish is opening portals and reanimating dinosaur corpses, neither of which can be performed by player Void Elves, and both could’ve been accomplished by mage and necromancer NPC’s

Despite Umbric having some screentime, Void Elves have yet to actually develop over the past two years, which is a shame because they desperately need it


I never changed the bar. I said highmountain got more development in BfA than void elves. Never said it was huge or noteworthy, only “more”.

And I’m counting the recruitment questlines, since they were preorder BfA content. That’s where the big difference is. HM introduction was full of lore and exploration of the race, while BE was a rushed scenario. For the rest of BfA, HM and VE get very similar treatment.

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I will

It’s faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!

(MurgAltℱ Confirmed)


So, you can’t answer. Nice to know.

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I have increased mobility, strong racials

Oh wait you mean story wise?
Just like every other race you can play.

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The same people who argue against “void elves have no lore” can’t answer “what’s like to be a void elf?”
