The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And backed up that statement with nothing but opinion and arbitrary rules. Number of quests do not equal importance, and being in a ship all expansion is not development (heck, Lasan was also in the ship all expansion, lol).

Big introduction to BfA, and Lasan was there.
Highmountain NPCs in Dazar’alor.
Advanced outposts in Kul Tiras, and highmountain got one themed around them.
Faction invasions in 8.1, and Lasan was there.
Big Horde metting in 8.1.5, and Mayla was there.
Big war conclusion in 8.2.5, and Mayla and the highmountain were there.

Void elves aren’t “eons ahead” of highmountain simply because their roles are very much alike. But with the difference that:

  • Highmountain got a whole zone in the previous expansion.
  • Highmountain introduction further improved their lore.

They had a better headstart and got similar exposition. How can the opposition be “eons ahead”?

When void elves get something that can be considered a racial culture, then you can defend them.

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I agree that they need development, but don’t try to compare it with a race that has been the equivalent of decorative antlers hanged over a fireplace by downplaying the times the void elves were active.

And again, there’s been races that waited for years until development for them happened. 24 months it’s nothing.

It’s not completing it, though. It’s invalidating it. They are peeople that have done absolutely nothing for their people, and I’m not talking about blood elves only. Their existance doesn’t help things, but letting them become their own independant faction that are capable of essentially provide mercenaries for the Alliance (which, like it or not, we’re kind of like mercenaries for our respective sides), does not help the story of the blood elves.

peeks cautiously into thread

 okay then.

Flee this damned place.

What arbitrary rules? I had a point, you said prove it
then when I proved it, you changed the rules. The rule change is on you, Alamara.

And Alleria was at the end of the Battle of Lordaeron, so ironically they are about the same.

Who cares? So was every other Horde leader including Ji Firepaw. She says nothing during the meeting but is interactable afterwards when she says:

" Is this what the Horde stands for? Imprisoning those who act with compassion and honor?

Perhaps my people should have never left Highmountain

Such lore, amiright.

And there are Void Elf npcs in Nazjatar, Battle of Dazar’alor, Invasions.

And a Void Elf is the flightmaster for the main nazmir outpost.

Umbric LED the Zuldazar one.

When she is ordered back to defend Thunder Bluff. I will say she does more than Alleria in 8.2.5 but nowhere else.

Void Elf intro cancels this out.

Because your only defense is “But Legion” and it counters your point about BFA relevance.

Unless you want to big brain claim that Legion and BFA are the same expansion.


If you insist

tosses a box of fleas into the room and runs

How are void elves remotely original? You say that High Elves are bland and stereotypical, but void elves are absolutely a blood elf ripoff. They didn’t even take the time to actually develop them like NB for crying out loud.


Activity is not the same thing as development. That’s the falacy: I complain about lore, not appearances. Void elves appear in 8.3 (as traitors in N’Zoth visions), but that’s not development for them.

Those “decorative antlers” got several different tribes, interesting NPCs and their own signature culture (river magic, eagles, drogbar allies, a dragon mentor, a relationship with the Void), as well as a capital city and a whole zone.

Now, can you answer ONE of the following basic questions about void elves?

  • Can they create more of themselves?
  • How they create more of themselves?
  • Who are their recruits?
  • How many are out there? Enough for a town?
  • WHat are they doing to establish themselves now as a “race”?
  • What was the mindset of those who followed Umbric into exile?
  • What is the mindset of those who seek them now?
  • Who are Umbric’s favorite and most gifted students?
  • Where do their rangers and fighters come from?
  • Why would their non-casters want to be tainted by corruptive magic if they are not magic users?
  • Why would any sane elf choose to join them and study a highly dangerous magic rather than stay safe in Silvermoon?
  • What’s their outlook of other Alliance races? And what other races think of them? Especially night elves?

When you are able to answer with actual canon lore at least one third of those questions, then they’ll have began to have some meaningful development.


By said standard, none of the Legion ARs have received development in BFA.

Or roll a blood elf

Not trying to sound aggressive here, but that does sound a little selfish then, Because they don’t add to the Sin’dorei Story, that they shouldn’t be allowed to be playable For the Alliance even tho they have adding to the Alliance story. But I still dont see how it invalidates the Sindorei Story if they have been their the whole time doing what they do. Again not being aggressive here just confused.

They have particpated in the story:

2.0 = Allerian Stronghold High Elves added with Quests.

3.0 - 3.2 - 3.3 = Silver Covenant and Alliance 7th Legion added with Quests.

4.1 = Rise of the Zandalari - The Silver Covenant takes part.

5.1 - 5.2 = Operation: Shieldwall, Kirin Tor Offensive and Purge of Dalaran etc.

Warlords of Draenor = Not featured.

7.0 = Silver Covenant helps the Hunter Lodge.

7.1 = Suramar Campaign.

7.2 = Silver Covenant helps on the Broken Shore.

7.3 = Veressa, Alleria and other High Elf moments.
7.3.5 = Three Sisters Comic

8.0 = Arathi Highlands Warfront 7th Legion Battlemages,Frostfencer Serphai and Quest giver Yvera Dawnwing added.


Highmountain recruitment introduced their relationship with the tauren and introduced their history of containing the Void in highmountain. And then Mayla’s small roles in 8.1.5 and 8.2.5 further developed the said tauren relationship, to the point that people now ship her with Baine.

It’s small development, but it’s development.

How did void elves developed further in BfA?

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Ok, so we agree that the Highmountain presence was far from noteworthy, then?

Or that only applies to Void elves?

Lore does not matter, that is fluff.
They are purple, they have tentacles and they bleed purple.

High elves? Same skin color. Same traits. Same exact race.


no one can believe that kind of hogwash.

Lore can be added, but design is something that tends to stick.

I never said it was noteworthy, only more than what void elves got. And that says a lot about how neglected void elves were, which is my point.

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So you are making up arbitrary rules for what counts as meaningful development

It sounds like you can’t get beyond what they look like.

But LFD are fiiiine. KT are awesome. Diaper Gnomes are great. Sure.

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This is kinda my issue with void elves too.

They have so little and when we asked for more lore in the early days blizzard said their history was blood elf history and left it at that.

We have two groups contending if they can or cannot make more, based on what we see in telgorous rift and what is intoned in their recruitment scenario
 And we don’t know anything with clarity.

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We actually want them because they are part of the Alliance story and we have done Allot Quests/grindy stuff with High Elves Especially with Silver Covenant. Well that’s why I fight for them to be Playable. Cant speak for everyone else.


So, you think that exploring the race’s most basic aspects is not meaningful development?

It would be great to at least see how they choose their recruits and transform, and how they are establishing a culture somewhere. It would be a great start.