The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Im pretty sure Alleria and Umbric have been eons more important than Mayla in BfA.

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Well then, Until the Devs decide to make a decision on what to do with all the High Elves that are not Sin’dorei High Elves, will have to wait to see what happened next then. Plus w people will keep asking for them until the devs decide. (imho) Its a door left open at this point.

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Who knows at this point.

Then I’ll continue to provide feedback as to why it shouldn’t happen.

No need to make things worse for any playable race over a mere possibility.

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Lasan and his eagles were essential in the Stormwind extraction scenario.
Highmountain formed a small outpost in Drustvar.
Lasan participated in invasion quests in 8.1.
Mayla has been present and factored in the story in both 8.1.5 and 8.2.5.

Define “importance”.


They do more, appear more, and interact with the player more.

That’s sort of what I mean. Who knows? What important characters do the Mag’har have besides Geya’rah? How are they organised? How many of them are there? Are they more of a brie or double Gloucester sort of folks? Are they troll racists like Garrosh or troll bffs like Thrall? Do they ride or die for the Horde or are they more ambivalent towards it?

Where are the facts to back that statement up?

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Playing the game. You know how Umbric is integral for a couple of the War Campaign missions and Mayla doesnt really do anything until 8.2.5?

Alamara, Im starting to think that 120 Alliance toon is just for show and that you really havent done any sort of BfA story on it.

oh I don’t know


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You obviously wasn’t paying attention while playing Horde.

And you are confusing “appearing more” with “getting more development”.

Lasan’s roles are not different from Umbric’s.
Mayla’s actions don’t differ much from Alleria’s.


And the Void elves brought in a unique force against the Horde in the Siege of Lordaeron.

But let me guess, transport counts as develpment, but actually contributing firepower in the battlefield doesn’t.

A whole quest hub with 3 NPCs? Omg! Such a huge presence!

Too on the nose?

And so did the Void elves.

She had some dialogue upon interaction (not even in a cutscene) in Stomrsong and then she’s seen crying next to Baine The Coward.

 sure, I guess.

Mayla starts and appears in no quests in BFA.

Umbric appears in:

  • The Void Elves Stand Ready
  • Void Vacation
  • A Greedy Goblin’s Paradise
  • Bilgewater Bonanza Go Boom
  • Find the Paper Trail
  • The Void Solution
  • Chasing Gallywix

Plus a couple of others and is available as a champion.

Alleria appears during the battle of the Undercity and during the siege of Orgrimmar.


Uhhhh, no she only appears twice in the Horde story as a background character.

Please tell me when in the Horde War Campaign I go on long quest chains with lasan, right now. Links as well.

Alleria outranks her with appearance in 8.2.5 and her role in Siege of Lordaeron.

Stop downplaying your own faction.

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Quests aren’t the only way to tell a story.

If you are counting “number of quests” as meaningful, I should remind you that Highmountain recruitment story alone (and that’s not counting Legion Highmountain zone quests) had more quests than the entirety of void elf quests in BfA.

Horde introduction scenario for BfA doesn’t count. There’s even a moment in which he saves the Horde infiltration team with his eagles.


This is the part that bothers me the most.

I understand trying to be objective, it can be difficult, but I appreciate the attempt.

But downright downplaying it? For liking the Alliance so much, they sure want to paint it as a bunch of irrelevant useless people.

Because by that logic, I can cancel out Lasan’s end of the realm appearance with Alleria’s.

If you dont appear in the game except in two instances that arent always present, then its meaningless.

She doesnt provide anything.


When void elves get actual story, and not just some glorified cameos, I may change my mind.

Void elves are so poorly known that we can’t even say for sure if and how they create more of themselves, nor what kinds of recruits they have. All they have is the blankest depthless character whose name literally means “Shadowy”
 because you know, they are shadow elves.

Amazing how you arbitraly create rules when what matter is story, not how it’s told. “Oh, void elves have more quests”. And highmountain have more lore. At least I can count three NPCs for them.

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Youre moving goalposts, I said in BFA Umbric and Alleria are eons more important than Mayla.

Funny when you cant win an argument, you try to change it.


I just don’t see the problem with completing the story and making playable all those High Elves (Not Sin’dorei High Elves) already working with and allied with the Alliance, they are already there just not playable.

They are already in the game and part of the lore. wouldn’t change what has happened or going on. (imho) It would Not hurt The (Sin’dorei High Elves) Identity or their story. (imho)

Guess that is where opinion’s enters the Discussion.