The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

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I support the latter, not the former.
It is an awful thing for the alliance to get a literal copy paste of a Horde race.
We need more originality, and less bland nonsense that makes the Alliance looks more of a stereotype.

At least we have SOME originality with void elves.


tinkers are an engineeribg profession. Not a class

Oh gods don’t start that convo here!

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Not all of us have embraced the Ren’dorei solution to the Alliance Playable High elf request or love for Playable Alliance High Elfs is all.

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The high elves that decided to honor their fallen have that story, the story of enduring through a massacre and dealing with the abscense of the Sunwell. High elves don’t have that story. As I said, it would be essentially like saying “Why didn’t you do what we did? Chill with the humans and wait until someone else fixed things? We did just fine, we can go explore the world and all!”.

Not sure why you’re estating the obvious.

Again, is not so much about how they could handle future story, my faith on that is already nonexistant as it is. What I don’t want to see is all the Blood elves went through essentially invalidated. Blood elves earned the spot they are in, they fought for it.

Like Lor said, half elves could have better chances of enriching their story than High elves ever could. I can imagine an interesting story of maybe a faction of half elves whose parents honor those who died, maybe even descendant of those still pilgrimaging to the Sunwell, but they happen to choose the Alliance. There’s plenty of possibilities, and this is something that came off the top of my head.

High elves? No, no matter how I look at it, it would be a display that all the blood elves dealt with and did was pointless. It’s bad enough that they are even around, making them playable would be even worse in that aspect.

Would’nt it actually add to their story, One race of elves two factions in Conflict on which direction their people should go both being influenced by the Alliance & Horde, like a sub plot. (imho)

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That’s not really a theme for blood elves. Blood elves are defined by unity, redemption and rebirth. Becoming obsessed with their past would be a huge change in direction and undermine their entire story.

Besides which, it makes no sense. Under no circumstances would high elves ever be in a position to dictate the ‘direction’ of the race. They lost, there’s 9 blood elves for every high elf.

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Someone mentioned void elves, so I’ll post a reminder that we are very close to reach 24 months and seven patches since their introduction and they still have next to no lore.


They did
 Stuff. They can make void dinos. And suck people into the void

Could be worse, could be the irrelevant hell LFD know.

Or Highmountain.

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Their icon is a phoenix for a reason. They are known for being the ones that fought for their city and the ones that honor their fallen. Is the identity which they built their modern history upon.

To have people that did none of this, freely wandering the world merrily, would, as I said, paint that identity as something that was achieved by doing and dealing with things someone else could have handled for them.

They already have to deal with plenty of conflict as it is with the Alliance without having that identity invalidated.


Remind me again how long it took for Trolls and Gnomes to get any sort of lore development?

What about Worgen?

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At least both of them got a zone. We still don’t know really much of anything about the Mag’har.

I could even add Blood elves themselves to the list.

But 24 months

I mean atleast we have WoD?

Highmountain had more development in BfA than void elves did
 Not to mention an entire zone for and about them in Legion.

Their recruitment chain alone puts void elves’ recruitment questline to shame. And highmountain had small, yet consistent, side roles over the entire BfA patch cycle, up to 8.2.5.


Blood Elves who got no actual development until one of the mid patches of WotLK.

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Is this a joke?

Please tell me this is a joke.

That was what, 30 years in the Mag’har’s past? When they were the Iron Horde and way cooler?