The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

He says, having just made a helf thread.

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I just explained that I was alright if they were added or not back there too. But it was mainly some questions I wanted to ask in that one. I think I should have focused it on the Drow in that case.

If you wanted to make a thread about drow, high elves aren’t really relevant.

No one will think less of you if you just admit that’s what you want instead of hiding behind a mask of feigned indifference.

I dont have to be a kill joy. You guys will again be heavily disappointed when high elves dont come again the next expac (even though you say you wont, you still have each time), implode on yourselves again, then get comedically contrarian and reactionary that you wont suffice for even them looking uniquely diffetent anymore.

Showing my support for the High Elf option. I’ve grown fond of my Ren’dorei, but it’s still absolutely daft that THE premiere Allied Races of both factions - High Elves and Ogres - remain unplayable.


Ogres aren’t an AR and high elves are a copypasta.


We already agreed that there are High Elves on both sides, Just not playable on Alliance side for one reason or the other, and we are here to show the DEVs what we wish for & our Love Of Playable Alliance High Elves (:face_with_monocle:The ones that still call themselves High Elvs :face_with_monocle:) in game like the OP created the thread for. Nothing said here from this point will change anyone minds one way or the other. (imho)

So with that said:
:hearts::hearts:Showing that love for Alliance Playable Quel’dorei & Their Fans :hearts::hearts:


Ogres should be a core race tho.


Do you ever get bored of posting spam?


I asked him that previously and he claimed I was bullying him.


:hugs::hugs::hugs:Good day to you also :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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If you’re not going to interact with anyone or engage in a conversation it seems weird to force yourself to post on a forum.


:hugs::hugs:Thank you for the advice on High Elfs and posting about them, much appreciated :hugs::hugs:

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I like to think of it like theone guy in a movie.
You know, the one who i all like “YOU CAN DO IT X!”, and no one knows who he is, or cares about him or what he says, but he feels like he did something.

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Let’s go champ.

I think everything everyone has said in this post about high elves has been said more then once already, so if you really look at it its all spam at this point. Just because you don’t like a person you shouldn’t attack them. (imho)


You weren’t attacked, it was pointed out that you are once again, spamming your whole "I SUPPORT HIGH ELVES!"thing again.

Whats the topic of the thread?? Please tell us.

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While we’re on that subject.

I support high elves for the alliance And blue eyes for blood elves. :smiley:

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If you don’t want to interact with your fellow forum-goers you don’t have to post.

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