The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

You know, to be fair, those who wish for High Elves to be playable on Alliance does have every right to post in this thread to ask for them, even though we know it arenā€™t going to happen.

It is just the same as weā€™re allowed to also request for Blue Eyes for Blood Elves. If one group canā€™t ask for one thing, then both groups should not be allowed to ask for either.

It is only fair that way.


Iā€™ve said many times that exposition is not Blizzardā€™s strong suite. I think they want people to have their own take on things, but it leads to disputes like we see on here. We even have different takes on the character of groups like the Silver Covenant. This is something I frequently bring up during lore disputes.

Even with a major feature like the warfronts, we rely on a Q&A to figure out what happened.

Blood Elves BETTER get blue eyes BLIZZARD!


Yeah, this is too true.

I think it comes down to how much they actually put behind their story. The larger the scale of the story, the more likely itā€™s going to end up looking off or flat-out terrible, or just be kind of ā€¦I donā€™t want to say bland but, predictable?

The way they handled Suramar was fantastic. Perhaps if they did something on that scaleā€¦ :thinking:


Oh yeah I think I remember hearing about that. Seems like thatā€™s about right with Blizzard when it comes to story stuff like that, half the time.

Iā€™ve played since Vanilla and this is what caused me to like Blood Elves.

Suramar was one of the best story lines and the city is gorgeous.


I wish the entire city was able to be visited post Legion. Maybe they couldā€™ve made a seperate, city phase for it for the players or something. sigh what could have beenā€¦

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Surumar shouldā€™ve been made the main city for Legion. As for why they didnā€™t do this, and did it for Dalaran instead :woman_shrugging:


Oh uh ā€¦the system removed my quote just now. Thatā€™s a bit ā€¦strange? o:

That would be really cool. Iā€™d hang out there all the time.

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Tbf I think this is the best compromise both sides could agree on: a schism between High Elves, one part joining the Sinā€™dorei (ie, blue eyes for BEs) and the other part turning into Void Elves infusing themselves with the Void (ie, HE customization options paired with Void scars or tattooes to distinguish them from BEs).

I would certainly be thrilled with this solution.

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A schism? Yeah, I agree, that would be potentially an interesting way to take the story. Itā€™d give High Elves some much needed internal conflict too, since at the moment they all seem to be pretty chill with the Alliance? At least from what Iā€™ve seen, do correct me if Iā€™m wrong!

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty who want to return home ā€¦perhaps just as many want to remain in the Alliance? From there they could either become their own distinct thing, with lore implications suggesting some went with the Sinā€™dorei or Renā€™dorei ā€¦or they ultimately pick aside, with some becoming Void Elves, others becoming Blood Elves.

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I respect your answer. I disagree with what you might say, but Iā€™ll defend to the death your right to say it


Everyone does has the right to agree or disagree with each other. :heart:

Doesnā€™t matter if weā€™re Anti-Helfers or Pro-Helfers, we all have the right to discuss the same topic, whether we disagree or agree with each other, a good discussion is a peaceful discussion


Yes Iā€™m late, but Iā€™m still recovering from spending far too long awake as Iā€™m too old to handle that as well as I used toā€¦ but anywhoā€¦

You seem to be putting too much weight on the way Iā€™m refering to them instead of what Iā€™m saying.

Yes, itā€™s obviously not a secret that I donā€™t like them, specially as someone that adores the lore of blood elves, but that still doesnā€™t change that them gaining autonomy has the risk of devaluing the story of the blood elves.

No, I wouldnā€™t want them to be available to kill in BGs and wpvp, as someone that dislikes them, it would be far more satisfying to have them dealt with by the NPCs characters that have an actual reason to deal with them, specially if that means the writers wonā€™t be tempering with everything the blood elves went through.

The least thing any race need, specially playable races, is writers ruining their storiesā€¦ we all know how well that went with for example Night elves and Forsaken.

About time you got some sleep.

I do think High/Half Elves could enrich the Blood Elvesā€™ story though. At least, moreso than the Void Elves. The dynamic of ā€œlight worshiping elves vs void elvesā€ is only interesting at face value imo


I donā€™t know about this one. There hasnā€™t been much of a High Elven story since after the third war except for the Blood Elves, but Blood Elves arenā€™t all the High Elves out there, and there isnā€™t really much of a half-elven story either since spawns of Half Elf can:

  1. Be Half High Elf or Half Night Elf
  2. Half Elven children are extremely rare.

I just see Half Elves as a way to bring something new and interesting to the table as well as being a true compromise to the Helf request

And giving High Elves some spotlight almost certainly would require more Blood Elf screentime too, which is always nice. Itā€™s good that Lorā€™themar is actually doing something now, but heā€™s hardly the only Thalassian thatā€™s deserving of attention. I for one and curious as to what Silvermoon is like nowadays


I was actually thinking why donā€™t we look at a possible new elven race, even if from another World. After all, the Warcraft universe is quite big, and I am pretty sure Azeroth, Draenor and Argus are not the only realms in the Warcraft universe. There could be new worlds out there that we may not know about.

Just a suggestion though, and I donā€™t expect anyone to agree with me on this suggestion.