The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Funny you should say that, it was the point I was making.

We could definitely say the same thing about those who argue for playable Alliance high elves.

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Which is also the point I was making. Thereā€™s a reason I said ā€˜someā€™ and not all.

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Guzzleā€¦ come on.

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He has a point.

He doesnā€™t.


Other people who are asking for an allied race deal with differing opinions much better.

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No, he doesnā€™t. He has made some fair points before but this isnā€™t one of them.

Saying some people argue in bad faith, troll, have good points, laugh a lot, etc isnā€™t saying everyone whoever argues from a particular side of a discussion is in that one category.

Otherwise we wouldnā€™t be able to have a discussion at all. The fact people can disagree or agree, even if theyā€™re not all on the same pages, suggests that we can. Weā€™re chatting right now, after all. Even if we disagree.


Sorry, my mistake.

You said that most posts against high elves are being pricks.

Weā€™d all be better off if folk would be less aggressive about all this. Lol


Forgive me, I didnā€™t realize you were beyond reproach.

I get it, we just have to use qualifiers from now on.


You mean like constantly trying to dismiss other peopleā€™s concerns as them being spiteful?

That would be a nice change.


Yeah. I mean on both sides. Iā€™ve seen this place fall to literal name calling like 12 timesā€¦ In a few days.

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I understand some of the concerns, but what are we supposed to do, give up on a race we enjoy? What sort of response to concerns are people looking for exactly?

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After doing the whole reduction/dismisal thing, she didnā€™t much like having it done to her.

Of course not. And i certaintly donā€™t have a good answer. Canā€™t control folk. Just gotta respond calmly as one can to their points I guess.

I am talking about this. How do others deal with opposing opinions to your satisfaction? What is satisfactory to you?

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Because from what Iā€™ve seen in at least two threads, that seems to be the case. Not that most antiā€™s themselves are like that, only that most responses from the most common posters. Sometimes people just get an attitude and I canā€™t fault anyone for that, really. As long as theyā€™re not consistently bothering people, obviously.

Being fair, itā€™s a subject thatā€™s come up since ā€¦what, forever?

My observations of the conversation since the Mega-thread are of course anecdotal, as anyoneā€™s experience tends to be. Iā€™m just speaking from my own experience here.

Thereā€™s bad faith actors on both sides, though ā€¦I shouldnā€™t need to have to point that out, I would think.


No oneā€™s saying that you should stop asking. And yeah, the end-goal of the strictest interpretation for the anti position would be the abandonment of the pro position. However that doesnā€™t mean there has to be these constant moral judgements and personal attacks.

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