The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Are you sure? I though eye color made you a different race

 looks legit. Everything’s in order here.


Woah, wait, what?

May I pass officer?

You may, I declare you a playable high elf.

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Unless you know, you wanna try some void? :wink:

Instructions unclear you are a night elf

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Don’t drop the whole cyborg high elf stuff, make it a thing.

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Mecha high elves are inevitable and they will join the alliance

Can one of their radials be a transforming ray-gun arm?

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Done, but its just worse Arcane Torrent on a longer cooldown with less range.

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Yes it should be

Stop trying to make Alliance High Elves happen.

It’s not going to happen.


Why are people so bothered that we’re going to keep asking?


Some people just like being kill-joys I guess. Most people who don’t care for the subject have moved on by now, presumably; either because they’re sick of the subject (whether they’re pro or anti) or simply don’t have much more to say.

That’s as I imagine it, at least.


Or perhaps people have some legitimate concerns that brushing away as them being big meanie pants who live to cause suffering in others doesn’t really address.


At least they stopped with the whole ‘racist’ bit.


How is asking for an allied race such a bad thing though? We don’t even know if High Elves will ever be added anyway? Most responses I’ve seen that are against the idea don’t hold up very well as they tend to be some variation of ‘no because I said so’. And then the other camp of against seem to be relying on lore that no longer seems as reliable.

That being said it is obviously in the end Blizz’s decision to make. People are free to suggest whatever Allied Race they want. Whether or not they listen to concerns remains to be seen.


As opposed to “Yes, because I want it!”.

“Unreliable” like trying to argue a formal organization that doesn’t exist into the lore?

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It’s not the asking. It’s the way some people deny us the same courtesy to raise our concerns about what we feel might go wrong with it. We’re told we’re not sincere and just in it to be nasty for nastiness’s sake.


Ask all you want, no one’s saying you shouldn’t ask. They’re saying you shouldn’t receive high elves.

No what tends to happen is we give points and helfers dismiss them out of hand because they want a thing and they don’t care about anything that could challenge that.

There are literally thousands of posts on the subject from people against the addition of high elves. It is incredibly condescending to think that in all those posts there’s no legitimate concerns and it’s just people being pricks.


Which isn’t the only argument. I’m not saying that there aren’t legitimate arguments against High Elves, only that most of them seem to be either in bad faith, or relying on Lore that may no longer be as steady. 
which to be fair to everyone here, regardless of which side you take, can’t really be helped. If Blizzard wants to do something they’ll make it happen, even if it means retcons galore.

It’s also a bit dishonest to suggest that I’m saying that every post that’s ever been against High Elves is ‘just people being pricks’, don’t you think? I never said that at all.