The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Wrathion is basically a half elf in his human form
 Uses the Blood Elf model with a humanish head.

That’s also a very good example.

It’s obviously not terribly hard for Blizzard to Frankenstein parts together and make a “distinct model”.

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It’d offer Blizz the chance to use a modified human model. The standard one I mean, not the Kul Tirans


What? Don’t you want Fat Elves?

just noticed you asked this cezol, wb

void elves are distinct enough to qualify as a separate group just by the nature of their transformation which severed their connection to the sunwell turned their skin blue/purple and sprout tentacles. ‘high’ elves are culturally assimilated into their alliance host populations or well into the process of doing so and they look exactly like blood elves. they bring nothing to the table that is worth the effort of making them playable

Like you are one to talk Kizzan, or you cant since you get silenced at a monthly basis.

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What about mecha high elves as well

Omg can you imagine the alliances reaction to that!

We’d all be so salty.

Unless there aren’t even Vulpera or Void Elf numbers. Almost none.

They don’t. :man_shrugging:

Again, didn’t deny that they were, just denied how significant it was
 and pointed out there are other reasons to not make them playable. Reasons given by the devs. A few percent lead with general name recognition (they are everywhere outside of WoW) of a small piece of the pie isn’t worth much. Especially when it sees a ton of resistance, and has had the opportunity to be distorted by an obsession fan base.
I don’t know what to tell you. :woman_shrugging:

And the most requested to not be made available.

Sorry, what essentially boils down to: They’re purple and have void hair.

Does not, for a compelling difference from Blood Elves make. Don’t pretend there’s a story where there isn’t one.

lol Sorry, i don’t live to spite strangers on the internet, the only thing you ever tend to have to “counter” me is “lul you were silenced once cause we spam flagged you”.

It’s hard to take any “argument” you may have, seriously anymore bourbon, after you’ve openly shown to try and hit the “cap” on the Megathread just to silence the conversation.

So you “points” are only ever “spamming overdone arguments to try and hit the cap and shut these guys up”. Right?

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Cezol, all you have mostly done in these threads is spite people. Hell, your intro into the Lydon’s thread was a vitrol-laced post dude.

Do you have short-term memory loss or do you active choose to forget your post history?

Well I dont take anything you have to say seriously at all and treat it as a guy trying to meme badly.

As for the megathread, who cares? It didnt close. All it was at that point was just bad memes on my end. I apologize for that.

What overdone argument did I spam? Im pretty sure my cap bs was just bad memes between three people.

So again: short term memory loss or purposely forgetting?

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Why I would need to do that when right below your name says “120 Blood Elf Demon Hunter”?


Maybe you should make a post on this section:


Mmmm, good excuse. Doesn’t make your purpose for doing so Less-inherently spiteful.

So we are on the same page then, Thanks for admitting we’re the same.

Overt spite and spite hiding behind abused arguments are the same.

Difference is i don’t pretend to want to “discuss” with you.

Find my posts then dude, and prove me wrong. Ill wait for your typical response of “not wanting to bother” to mask the fact that you aint got nothin AGAIN for a point.

Yea the difference is you come in and spread hate then act like you do nothing wrong. Dont act holier than thou, when you act as scummy as you claim we do lol.

Why dont you do what you do best: disappear for a week or two then come back after trying to dodge silence windows with your posting?

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I think some of them are more into the fight than actually want playable Alliance high elves. I don’t think any casual passerby sees his posts and thinks they’re a great bunch.

Isn’t that just the whole playable Alliance high elf thing?

Cezol/Kizzan stops posting for weeks or hops onto an alt when hes silenced on one Bnet account. He knows his post history gets attention and will lead to long silences.

Basically. How dare I meme?

Don’t fetishise my culture.

High Elf here, checking in. Bring in the love to me :heart:


I don’t know, are you sure you’re a high elf? Your eyes are neither green nor blue. I don’t think you qualify. Where are your papers?

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Oh, I qualify. I am still a High Elf, no matter what.

These papers

“pulls out some papers from her robes”