The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

She may be a lady, but she’s taking no nonsense from anyone!

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I did know. And you know what else I know?

Population numbers don’t matter at all anymore in regards to a race’s inclusion.


You right. It’s in Blood of the Highborne:

“The reputation of your Blood Knights has reached all the way to Durotar. I think that your new order has made the prospect of an alliance with the blood elves far more tempting." - Lor’themar

and I can’t agree with you on the point about Aethas. Aethas makes it clear that there are Sin’dorei who are going to join Dalaran whether they have Lor’themars approval or not
 and since he’s the Lord Regent that’s quite the statement.

Also, Lor’themar spends the whole novella grappling with whether or not to let the Sunreavers go. That means he knows saying “No” has repurcussions or he wouldn’t be thinking about it so much.

Pandaren though.

Even if you’re assuming because they’re the same race they can’t be cross faction there is another race with a political division that’s cross faction.

Not to mention Nightborne and Void Elves.


High elf posting in a High elf thread. Oh, if you don’t think that I’m a High elf, then please reread the racial descriptions on the Sin’dorei.


We’re all aware that they’re the same race, it’s just that “High Elf” no longer refers to those who now go by “Blood Elf”

The question is, does being the same race disqualify them from becoming an allied race?


To be completely honest, I don’t think Blizzard should be doing repeat races for the ARs.

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He didn’t grapple with letting them go, he grappled with the consequences of it. Clearly Dalaran desired to renew the relationship with Silvermoon in a formal matter. Lor’themar made it clear his concern was the political maneuvering and not merely the matter of them jonining.

As for the blood knights, it comes across as more desiring to mke an alliance with the blood elves.

If we beat this argument into glue, it won’t be enough until it is a powder.
Pandaren were designed to be neutral and were made to be available to both factions.
This is the only case where politics was ever used, and it is the only one it will ever be used since originally,it was a race meant for the alliance.
It is also a race that was NOT established as playable on another faction.
Stop bringing up the friggin pandas.

If you say Forsaken I am just going to sigh at you. Being undead makes you a new race all together.

Both of which are different races from their core ones.

Can we stop bringing up these same old flawed arguments a they have not been counterpointed already?



Just because something defeats your argument doesn’t mean you get to, “Call it off.”

Not the Nightborne.

If you think glowie tattoos make you a completely different race, then glowie green eyes make you a completely different race.


You can’t get over the Pandaren hurdle because you can’t get over the Pandaren hurdle.

It’s just the end of the conversation.

If you want to have a different conversation then pick a different argument.


It doesn’t defeat an argument when it ha several counter arguments against it listed above, which you often, and continuously ignore for the sake of pushing “but pandaren” argument.
There will never be another neutral race per Blizzard, which is another nail i the high elf coffin.

Besides the fact there is an entire area and storyline dedicated towards dictating how the nightborne are a different race from the night elves?
If it is stated they are a different race by the devs and the lore, they are a different race period.


Counter the argument then?

Waiting for a counter to my counter points.

Still waiting for a counter to my counter points.
Or are we going to do another thing where I go “hey what are the cultural differences” and people prattle off things that have been defunct since TBC?

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I didnt know we were making the blood elves neutral. Guess both sides get green eyes then

The “putting your hands over your eyes” technique doesnt work in forume, Callistus.

Pandaren argument is a bad meme, and if you want to continue repeating it like its some advantageous proof (its not)
go ahead, ill just laugh at you from over here.

Make your own side look bad broski, scream out the same argument that has been done to death as if its something new.

Because at the end of the day
the pandaren argument doesnt mean anything since its a different system, which you cannot refute (unless you can play maghar orcs on Alliance) and we know how Blizzard is with consistency with their systems.

Oh the lack of self-awareness is overwhelming.

the low pop argument is brought up time and time again by development, not just antis. still void elves get around the population problem because they are implied to be able to bolster their numbers

oh, and they are distinct from high elves



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Uhm, where is this implied?


in game, with warfronts and the alliance assault on zuldazar leading into the battle of dazaralor raid where they field much more then a ‘crack sqaud’. the elf npcs speaking with void elves in SW and the rift and an interview the senior narrative designer gave about void elves

You need to be more specific than that and post this interview.


ive linked it so many times its hard to believe you havent seen it

I haven’t at all.