The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Are you talking about blood elves? Those blood elves that were totally dependent of the forsaken and had their mind controlled to accept the alliance with the horde?


They must be alts of those who are already been posting here. They keep saying it is largely requested by a high population, but garentee, they are the same 5 people all this time on alts.

Altoholics are a dangerous thing. I should know this well.

All elves are addicted to magic on some degree. The bloodthistle was just another way to “take the edge off”.

No, I was talking of the traitorous elves that decided to abandon their kin in their hour of need.

The rest is an interesting headcanon, but it’s just that, headcanon.

Damn, now I have flashbacks to RPing on Horde in BC

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Well all those hookahs lying around Silvermoon have to be good for something

Post has been going for awhile pretty active maybe more people are stopping in to see whats it all about. (imho)

As we’ve been saying for years.

Blood elves are high elves.


The fact that you’re speaking of High Elves disparagingly in lore-related terms helps the point. Blood Elf players might even relish in killing more High Elves if they’re more playable.

Also, the idea that High Elves are cowards might be negated that they’ve chosen their friends over their race and they chose their principles rather than blindly following their leaders.


Well yeah, I mean who cares if they objected to the way their leaders did things and chose to find their own path. It’s ridiculous that they would choose to stay and defend the homes and loved ones they found rather than going back to a kingdom they were no longer a part of.


I’d already gone to sleep when you replied.

Let me remind you of the context:

Fyorsing said that High Elves were a popular request.
Hecatone challenged that.
I pointed out that developers confirmed that it’s their most requested feature.

He posted the dev Q&A because he’d lost the argument, and you guys always think you can hurt someones feelings if you post the Q&A comment or misquote Ion. Which wasn’t true two years ago and isn’t true now.

You’re arguing that the Devs confirming it’s the most requested feature isn’t confirmation that it’s the most requested feature.

Which is nonsensical.

and then Hecatone tries to get in a nonsensical dig afterwards.

The devs confirming High Elves were their most requested feature is the end of the argument when it comes to, “High Elves are the most requested Alliance Race.”

Ion’s comments about why they went with Void Elves has nothing to do with High Elves being the most requested Allied Race.

You guys can keep running in circles with your goal posts though.


It’s still the most requested Alliance Race. Just because you personally don’t want them doesn’t change that.

It obviously makes more sense to add an Allied Race that the plurality wants.

Once again, Jeremy Feasel pointed out that High Elves are the most requested feature.

The Forums aren’t representative of the community, but Jeremy Feasel is talking about requests over all and Blizzard has different means to receive requests.

Also, the vast majority of people aren’t going to argue about playable High Elves with a bunch of trolls on the five billionth topic created about it, 8,500 posts deep into the thread.

Takes a certain personality to be here at this point
 and most people say all they want to say on the topic when they say, “I support/want playable High Elves in the Alliance.”


and I’m the pope. :black_heart:


I dunno. How much does Vereese ( I think) throwing the head of a forest troll at the feet Aenestrian(sP?) mean before everyone tries to pretend she is a joke?

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Welllllllllllllll, someone didn’t sign the peace accords. :wink:


And for good reason!

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It was Alleria. But the fact that she had to resort to that to get him to act at all is pretty telling about him.

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Vereesa stated she is a high elf only because her children exist, otherwise she would be a blood elf. This suggests she agrees the principles of the blood elf people.
Alleria is also sympathetic, and even goes so far as to enjoy the culture she had been in previously. Were it not for her voidy nature, she would still be allowed to visit the sunwell.

So why, why oh why, would the high elves turn their weapons on the blood elves again and completely destroy any lore that ever suggested they were trying to convince th e other to join them?.

Just so people can run around blood elves on the alliance? Because they cant stand being Horde as a Blood elf?

You’re very stuck on this aspect regarding a king that is generally praised by the majority of his people.
Leaders make mistakes, but I don’t see anyone going

“Yeah, Jaina dong the purge
“Vereesa feeding blood elves to sharks
Or any other such stuff being applied.

High elves won’t be playable purely because the race is already playable on the Hord.
Void elves killed the high elf request.

It has little to do with lore, and politics isn’t enough of a reason to take a Horde race, and copy them over.

I cannot seem to find your post where we were discussing things.
I re-read shadow of the Sun, and I still can’t agree to the notion regarding Aethas and the mages. He states they were formalizing the relationship, suggesting it was continuing prior to him wishing to continue it in public. Furthermore, it is suggested Lorthemar simply did not wish for Aethas to be a representative since he is easily manipulated, not a concern or a suggestion from anyone that Aethas will make them ex-patriots as a threat.

I don’t know where you get the notion that they were going to Northrend primarily because of the DK’s. Sylvanas makes note of all their notable forces, the blood knights not taking the lead in things in her demand.

I’ve never said any leader was perfect. I don’t agree with everything any one leader does. And plenty of people like bad leaders, how well he was liked doesn’t change the fact that if he had taken more and stronger action, part of quel’thalas may not have been burned by the horde. Then he learns his neighbors are being massacred and assumes quel’thalas is safe. Not marching to their aid is one thing, but to assume your people will be fine instead of mobilizing forces to try and ensure they will be, just in case, is a mistake that cost his people dearly.

And yet somehow it’s the fault of the high elves for not rushing back to a place they no longer considered home instead of staying to defend there actual homes and families.

If I get to the point where I have to choose between following the orders of a leader that I don’t agree with and I leave the country instead, I am not obligated to return to clean up their mess. Especially when people I consider my allies were being slaughtered and my former countrymen sat idly by.

And all void elves killed is the little faith I had left in the writing.



In the arms of an angel