The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Which should be our next topic of discussion.

In order to have a fair trade for Alliance High Elves, which is an exact copy, much like the Nightborne are exactly Night Elvesā€¦

The Horde need a bizzaro Alliance Race.

Soā€¦ Choose an Alliance Raceā€¦ and then strange feature nobody has ever wanted ever, and put them together for the new Horde race.

I submit: Worgen with Duck Bills.


There obviously would be, but:

  1. When has that ever stopped Blizzard before (Nightborne, Void Elves, Vulpera, the original addition of both BEā€™s and Draenei).

  2. Am I not allowed to state my own opinion, when you directly inquired about how people who play NEā€™s would feel about something? :laughing:
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Iā€™ll take a turn speaking for the Alliance. The Alliance deserves something better than Alliance high elves. The Alliance should get something cooler than another horse, even if weā€™re stealing that horse form the Horde.

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Nightborne are the same race as Night Elves because theyā€™re literally the same race as Night Elves.

Their story is that they were ā€œTransformedā€ by a knock off well of eternity. Soā€¦ Theyā€™re Night Elves.

Highborne are part of the Night Elven race, thatā€™s why they allowed Mages to be playable.

And the Nightborne are just a ton of Highborne with some ā€œNight tansā€ but not even all of them.

Iā€™ll accept that Nightborne are a different race when you accept that Blood Elves are a different race because their eyes glow green.

Theyā€™re just some, ā€œWar of the Ancientsā€ Night Elves.


Ducgenā€¦I like it! In battle they should turn an unpleasant shade of yellow too. I think they also need webbed feet.


There are only a few things that are even close to being as popular as High Elves, according to basically every poll ever (on both these official forums, and other websites) ā€“ and the few things that are close, are apparently things Blizzard doesnā€™t like for one reason or another.

Vrykul and Furbolg, come to mind.


Dwarves with Goblin Shark Faces.

Anglerfish Gnome.

All appropriate Horde races to make up for tentacle elves while Alliance gets playable High Elves.


Maybe in a thousand years you can get them after they get an Alliance themed tan and their skin turns blue? Waitā€¦

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Youā€™re a male Night Elf player arenā€™t you?

They should get the void elf treatment, since they seem to like void elves so much. They can get such a riveting story, and have a race based on the spec of a class. Give them good racials too so we can cite how popular they are if people complain about the garbage story and random body parts stolen from aquatic creatures.

You mean a weak lead in a couple of polls circulated by your community?

Iā€™d like to see Blizzard do an official one.

One of their developers already said itā€™s the most requested race. Jeremy Feasel.

Giraffe Draenei.


Donā€™t forget the duck feet to. Then complete good to go. :+1: 1 racial could be 30% increase swimming

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if you think blizzard is going to add a third variety of thalassian elf to the game and a second variety to the alliance when their parent race is on the horde, you are deluding yourself

void elves killed the idea of alliance high elves stone dead

blood elves were never fel corrupted. they are more fel touched

this contamination will fade in time as they are gorging on a font of holy light energy. we got gold and i suspect we will get blue once the new advanced customization options are brought in. so you wont even have this to refer to anymore as differentiation, not that your logic works anyway. if it did golden eyes would have been an AR :joy:

Cool. I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t.

Theyā€™ve also saidā€¦

As Callistus just stated, it doesnā€™t matter if you donā€™t think the polls are accurate or fair ā€“ the development have stated, on numerous occasions, that HEā€™s are one of if not the most popularly requested race.

We get it, you think theyā€™re boring ā€“ the people that actually play the Alliance disagree. :man_shrugging:


Haha. Itā€™s so hilarious whenever someone who is against High Elves argument gets smashed so theyā€™ve got to post the Q&Aā€™s like itā€™s going to hurt someones feelings 2 years later.


Whatever they end up looking like, they need to have some sort of function in the story, like how the void elves can open portals! Maybe they get a bonus to looting, .05% faster so they can have a cut scene where they steal a treasure slightly faster than their comrades.

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The goalpost was here, but now itā€™s there. :laughing: