The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Because they said that the faction war is done by breaking the cycle.

I always say that it’s better to ask for something equivalent that you want rather than to keep someone from getting something that they want. The game needs more stuff, not less.


But apparently Blood Elf players wouldn’t be speshul anymore. All Horde players will leave the Horde if Alliance get High Elves.

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I guess we should be grateful, we got a bunch on blue berry exiled Sin’dorei on a rock, while the horde got a beautiful city and Shal’dorei, the whole shock troop deal really made a difference.


And yet in the thread that asked if high elves would fix population issues for the alliance a lot of antis said nah. So it will not effect alliance population, but will also decimate belf population.


I know, I know
 It’s why this ends up in circles.

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Well that point is that a fix like that would do nothing for the only thing that’s an imbalance now, which is participation in high end content. The populations are relatively balanced and just switching people who want cosmetic options won’t make the raiders and battle ground players swap.

I mean, for most of what the complaints about imbalance are about we could see people making the argument “I don’t care if 80% of the playerbase is on Alliance, there’s still more horde names on the top raiders list!”

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They have nothing worthwhile to say because there’s no reason why High Elves shouldn’t be playable. So they revert to “no” while changing the basis of their disagreement depending on who they’re replying to.

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Ion’s was quite clear, in his Blizzcon interview(s), that the Alliance and Horde have merely put their conflict on the backburner. :man_shrugging:

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Yes i love me some High Elves.

Can i get a quest line to marry Vareesa please for all my male toons?

And then another quest line to fully bring the SC into the Alliance, that would be lovely and loving at the same time.


So if there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be made playable then why hasn’t blizzard made them playable in the dozens of obvious opportunities that have come up?

Jaina said the cycle is broken in the cinematic. :man_factory_worker:

And Blackhand said we would all die in a cinematic. I’m quite alive.

(In before Death Knight joke.)

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An obvious villain saying obvious villain stuff to his enemies? Tell me more. Not to mention what he thinks is irrelevant now due to being dead.

Even so, the population won’t swing drastically to the alliances side. Plenty of people are proud to be belfs on the horde, and if high elves are an AR they would have a grind in order to play them. I don’t see how that spells disaster for blood elf players, they won’t have their toons deleted, or be forced to faction change.


-trumpet noises-


My belves are proud to be belves, I’d faction change very few of them.

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How many of your nelves are? I assume of neutral blood elves are on the table so are neutral night elves.

I’d faction change my Paladin. But I’ve got a more Blood-Knighty Paladin backup.


Done? You’ve got the Nightborne.


My nelves are all ready to gut the horde at the moment. You know, Teldrassil and all that.

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