The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I am open to suggestions. Of course, I have no control of what Blizzard will do.

Thats easy. Factioned pandaren writing has been a trainwreck since its establishment and has basically been written off.

Pandaria and the themes of the pandaren really contrast with the rest of wow though. So their story being pretty much dropped may have more to do with that.

Monks are up there as a favorite class but the circumstances of them are so different compared to other classes that it makes it difficult to think of stories for monks that aren’t pandaren.

They did interesting things in MoP, the zones were beautiful and I liked the questing, but I can see how it would be difficult think of what to do with the pandaren narrative upon leaving Pandaria.

And given how the story has been recently if you enjoy pandas I’d hope for them to continue getting ignored.

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Its really not. There is a reason why the neutral Pandaren story has been so vast
and the faction-based Pandaren story is non-existent to a T.

Which they have, just not the faction-based ones who should be more important in terms of BfA than those in Pandaria.

Because any writing that Blizzard has done for the Huojin and Tushui has been more to lead to the question “why are they on different factions?” than having roles in their factions.

The entire philosophy difference between the two sides is bad; badly explained and badly portrayed. It so badly portrayed that such ideology isnt even a FACTOR in any sort for the Pandarens during MoP, Legion, nor BFA in any semblance.

Heck even in MoP, there is so much flame towards the idea of the Pandaren that even the question of them being in factions to begin with after all the corruption and turmoil was a MAJOR story of the expac leading into Y’shaarj and Garrosh.

Then again in Legion, the Monk order Hall questline is a farce beyond all belief with neither of Aysa or Ji being quest givers, faction-based champions, or even in the main path of the order hall. They were put off to the side together on the island away from the main area.

Then in BfA, Pandarens continue to get no representation especially working with/against one of their oldest foes since the ages of the Pandaren Empire. Nothing.

There is no story for them. There is no drive to see them in the Alliance and Horde
and it ultimately reflects back upon the decision of making them a neutral race that could be playable on both sides.

A weak philosophy to split and join factions. No reason to stay seperated. No story drive in newer expacs. Its a failed race unless they receive massive amounts of attention.

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I have no issue with the harsh contrast to the story, heck
were probably going to see it again in Shadowlands and MoP had some of the best story for an expac in recent years.

Bourbon’s Five-Step Plan to Rework Faction Pandarens:

  1. Drop the Philosophy idea and make it more about establishing diplomatic relationships with the outside world. The Huojin/Tushui philosophy is very forgetable and has been so pushed to the wayside that its rarely even mentioned in MoP.

  2. Have Aysa and Ji actually appear in MoP questing as faction quest givers.

  3. Rework the Monk Order Hall story to not be a gigantic meme, and use Aysa/Ji rather than have them as cool cameos.

  4. Have the pandarens have a voice and/or presence with the notions of working and/or fighting against the Zandalari Empire.

4b) Side note, make some of the Alliance fighting in the Battle of Dazar’alor raid Pandaren. (Side achievement: replace the Draenai/Mag’har monk boss with a Pandaren monk boss for the Jadefire Masters fight).

  1. Show off more of Ji and Aysa as we reach towards the ending of the Fourth War and why they would help out as the new Ambassador of the factions moving forward.

I love Ji and Aysa, and I think the dynamic of a group that chose two different sides would be interesting for them to explore in the story.

I like the idea of contrasting themes as well, and we will be seeing Pandaria again in the next patch. It’s just a matter of the narrative getting stuck because they don’t know how to meld them together. As more time passes I think it will be easier, because before MoP Chen was a thing but it doesn’t seem as though many others left Pandaria or the turtle.

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Which is all fine and dandy, but the payoff isnt that good and leads to non-existence in terms of writing.

Huojin and Tushui philosophy is hot garbage though especially when it just boils down to Alliance Pandarens have stoic moral beliefs and Horde Pandarens have their morals change on situation.

Its not developed and is barely a concept in MoP where it is introduced.

Which is meaningless because Huojin/Tushui isnt Mainland philosophy nor are Aysa/Ji set to appear in Pandaria in 8.3 (theyre not in PTR in that zone).

Its more the matter of the idea were there but they werent implemented to be beneficial. You could fix all of this easy with the current philosophy by having them appear and take some role in MoP questing on Pandaria.

They dont appear, which leads me to believe that they were so far an after thought that they didnt get any sort of rep or story outside of their starting zone.

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As long as this leads to trolls (Jungle Trolls, Zandalari Trolls, even Forest Trolls if someone at Blizzard has a heart) having a much greater political presence in the Horde, I’m for it.


Previously the elvish Paladins would have been members of the Silver Hand.

Lady Liadrin creates the Blood Knights after the Scourge wreck Silvermoon. She was a Priestess who lost her connection to the light. But got the chance to drain it from a Naaru. If you play a Blood Elf Paladin, they do some pretty crazy stuff, like you get ambushed by a Blood Knight in your training and kill them, then resurrect them.

They also destroy a church to show that draining the light is superior to being able to ask for it.

They have a hanging plot thread in Warlords of Dreanor where Liadrin was supposed to reconcile her relationship with the light, but it got cut out.

In the book, “In the Shadow of the Sun.” the Blood Knights are what primarily drags the Blood Elves into going to Northrend, since they catch the attention of the Horde leaders.


It is an opinion because like I said
 Blizz could write whatever they want for the Pandaren. Have a purge type situation which makes sure the Pandaren hate each other forever and shenanigans happen. Have them love each other and be the ones who always bring the Horde and Alliance together instead of things like Baine saving Derek and Thrall making kissy faces at Jaina. Have Horde Pandaren drink the blood of Mannoroth and lose their way. Whatever. They can technically pull something out of their rear if they sit down and actually do it. Maybe Aysa and the other one get married in secret even though they swore they were on opposite sides forever.

Looky there. It can be done. The neutral thing is once again an excuse. Even the Windrunner sisters are on opposite sides and yet they were able to write a book or comic featuring them.


The cycle is broken.

Sarcasm or are you serious?

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Alliance shouldn’t get Blood/High elves. It’s rather amazing that anyone would suggest for one of the most popular played race on the Horde to be taken away from their faction. It’s so bad enough that blizz gave the alliance Void elves
I’m grateful they wouldn’t doubled down on a big mistake with making another one.

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Blizz told me the faction war is dead now.

Well once again they can’t get their story straight because they say the faction war is a pillar of the game.

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But the cycle is broken.

Yes you said that. I dunno what to tell you other than they made it clear they don’t want the war to die. They can still write the Pandaren to enhance whatever story they decide to go with either way.

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Why would the war not be over? We can still have faction separation and possible conflict without being at war.

If high elves were playable that wouldn’t make blood elves not playable suddenly. Blood elf players wouldn’t lose anything.


Thank the fates someone else finally said it.