The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Why am I not surprised by dishonest citation coming from Renotarshil? Oh, it’s Renotarshil. :laughing:

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What are you even talking about?

And nothing in-universe says that high elf is an invalid racial descriptor.

But we’ve already covered this, you’re just trying it on again to see if it fits this time.

Wasn’t me.

Anyway it’s become clear to me that your objective here isn’t a legitimate discussion but to cause drama and pick fights. I can’t say why you’d want to do that, perhaps as part of your explicitly stated desire to turn this discussion into an echo chamber you wish to aggravate people into eating forum vacations. I cannot be bothered going around this roundabout with you anymore, I will be turning off notifications from this thread and not replying. Have a lovely day.


I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s not for you to understand – it’s for people reading this thread to be able to make judgement calls about the type of person they’re dealing with.

You go on being Renotarshil. :laughing:

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So go on being correct about stuff.


I wish I could be Renotarshil.


It’s a good life.

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There’s nothing in-universe says that “Rainbow Elf” is an invalid racial descriptor either. A silly statement is silly. :man_shrugging:

It’s not a goal of mine to see this, but I can’t say I’m displeased. :man_shrugging:


Considering how you tried to argue with me about not wanting an echo chamber while at the same time you would say that the megathread was “not for dissenting opinion” maybe a couple of months ago?

And you tried to do the exact same thing here when Reno pointed it out.

Yeah, I’m on Reno’s side.

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You go ahead an try to find any instance wherein I suggested that dissenting opinion be stifled (as in, censored) – you’re going to be looking for a very, very long time (i.e. forever, because such a statement doesn’t exist).

What I stated in the megathread, repeatedly, was that anybody who wasn’t discussing things as outlined in the original post were being discourteous. An assertion I completely stand by.


Says the person who wants anyone with a differing opinion to be moderated because it “ruins” your discussion.

Look, I haven’t slept in
 28 hours I think. I can’t be bothered to go looking right now.

But if the event when you contradicted yourself only a few posts later are something to go by

Then my capacity to remember impressive displays of lack of self awareness even while severely sleep deprive might hold a little more weight than actually showing any proof.

But who knows, I might go and do some digging in the megathread.

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As I said, find any instance whereby I’ve requested people be moderated. I’ll wait. :laughing:


“Here, let me state some blatantly incorrect stuff. Oh, what? You want me to prove it? Nah, no thanks.”



Bold words for someone that was quoted contradicting themselves by two different people in the same thread :woman_shrugging:

Good golly, get some sleep!


Coulda, shoulda, woulda

But am I gonna?

No really
 I should, I’m on the verge of thinking I’m a hummingbird of some kind.

(Bonus points if you get this reference)

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I’d love to see the citation. :wink:


Not sure why you guys are going in circles with her.

Callistus ill respond to you agter this weeks insanity

Apu’s racist now, stop that bigot.