The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The implication isn’t that you should be made to conform, the implication is that I’m not going to engage with you – if you feel personally targeted every time someone decides not to discuss something with you, life is going to be rough.

Why would anybody take seriously any person who injects themselves into a thread that was designed to express delight about something, only to stir the pot and rustle feathers?

I’m childish for avoiding conversations I don’t have any interest in, but you’re not for entering into a thread for which you aren’t the target audience and sewing dissent? And don’t even get me started on the character name. :laughing:

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an echo chamber, where dissenting opinions are not considered. You’re as bad as Callistus. Its like the femur measurement. Hence, why continuing this discussion isn’t worth it. You’re emotionally set into it.

This is not an echo chamber but we don’t like dissenting opinions and it makes you immature to disagree.


You know dissent means disagreement, right? You’re once again telling people off for disagreeing with you.

So insecure.


Arguing a position on a topic is not 
 there is nothing wrong with it. You claim to not want echo chambers but call upon anyone “injecting” themselves into this public thread with your public responses as some kinda pot stirrer? How is this not you wanting an echo chamber?

I didn’t call you yourself childish, apologies, but the action of ignoring those who disagree with you barring outliers is indeed childish. It’s the equivalent of sticking fingers in ur ears and ytellin yayayayaya.

Name was not my choosing it was my emotionally abusive Ex’s suggestion.

Fyorsing is just trolling at this point and knows it. hence the emoticon usage. It is rather indicative of when she is being serious, or just trying to be annoying.

Poking fun of a name though?

You’re wanting a discussion to occur without anyone disagreeing with you and are upset that those views that oppose yours aren’t being moderated so that you can have an opposing view-free discussion.

A.k.a. The Desire for an Echo-chamber.

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I was about to type a long-winded commentary on this whole echo chamber thing but frankly I have better things to do.

Dissenting opinions are not trolling simply by virtue of being posted in dissent. Posts in disagreement with a topic starter are not in and of themselves subject to moderation for simply existing. People have every right to ignore whoever they want to. Telling other people their opinions are not welcome because they diverge from your own is something anyone can do, and something everyone on these forums can ignore.

Did I miss anything?


As per the definition you provided above, something is an echo chamber when it is “an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.”

What I expressed isn’t for an environmental shift, wherein we’ll only be exposed to pro-HE arguments – instead, I’ve posited that I intend to disregard any subject matter which I don’t personally have an interest in.

This doesn’t mean I intend upon ignoring people, wholesale, based upon where they stand on the issue; but it does mean that I intend to ignore any commentary I don’t consider to be pertinent – and if your emotional need to have your opinion heard is not satiated, because of this, that’s quite simply not my problem. :man_shrugging:

The very first sentence in this thread reads, “this is a thread for discussing our intense love for high elves as and allied race and why they should be playable.”

You’ll have to explain to me how someone expressing dislike for High Elves, and why they shouldn’t be playable, is “on topic”. :man_shrugging:

If you’re implying I’ve called them trolls, then you missed something – otherwise, no?

He didn’t miss anything.

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Immediately prior to my posting that, numerous posts had been removed for trolling. That isn’t the same as suggesting that everything you post, ever, is tantamount to trolling.

Doesn’t matter, you were calling them trolls and just now tried to lie about it.

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Not wasting my time with someone in denial Fyorsing.

Let’s move on to a new subject.
For example, why ask for high elves when blood elves are high elves, and provide a playable avenue?
Why make the request when void elves exist?
I cannot fathom how others interpret void elves as opening the gate when it looks rather clear to be a slamming of it.

Other than this



In the post you just quoted, I was quite specifically referring to the trolling that had taken place immediately prior – which was actionable, apparently, because Blizzard removed the posts from the thread.

At no point, in any post herein, will you find me suggesting that any commentary (past, present, or future) made by someone who is against playable HE’s is tantamount to trolling. If it means you’ll spend a couple hours scrolling through 8,000 posts attempting to find a citation, though, by all means have a look.

Why not?

Why not?

Well, opinions abound.

At this point I’m almost sure Blizzard hates us Alliance and Helf suporters.

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In the post I quoted, I provided evidence of you calling anyone with opinions that disagree trolls/trolling.

Take the L and move on.

I mean, the thread is really High Elf Love Thread and it is written like that for any purpose. If you want to claim that High Elf is Blood Elf or Void Elf, then kudos to you. You can show your love for it if you want to.

When void elves exist, sure. But why not ask for more options of skin colors and hair colors like high elves?

Why not ask for high elves for Alliance Allied race itself? It’s because the thread is to show love and support. Nothing wrong with it. It is within the discussion.

People can disagree as long as they are on the discussion rather than being toxic about it and spam memes.

I don’t think it’s about hate at all. Not giving what is essentially a carbon copy of one faction’s de-facto signature race (look at the % of Blood Elves to the total Horde) to the other faction doesn’t seem hateful on the face of it.

As for the Alliance writ large? I’m going to chalk it up to absolutely abysmal story creation and writing. Never assume something deep like hate when something simple like incompetence can explain it. :wink:

I’m opposed to High Elves becoming a playable race on the Alliance but I certainly don’t hate people who want it. Oh there are one or two I could live without ever seeing another post from
but hate? That’s way too deep to aim at people in a video game forum I have a disagreement over game development with.

As I find myself saying fairly often around here:

You’re absolutely free to do that, and I don’t believe anyone should tell you it’s not ok to ask. I think it’s also perfectly ok for people who don’t agree with you to post their opposition and reasons for it.

Do you have anything meaningful to contribute? Or are you simply being annoying because no one bought the lie of not wanting an echo chamber?