The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I know the mods said antis should stick to the existing helf threads but itā€™s spam for antis to post in existing helf threads bro.


The only logical course is to not post.


Itā€™s only an obvious hole if you assumed that I was of the mind that our discussion here, or our opinions, has any bearing on what Blizzard does or doesnā€™t do ā€“ which Iā€™m not.

Iā€™d argue that 10,000 people writing in the same reason for them quitting at the account cancellation page is probably worth more to Blizzard than 100,000 people, begrudgingly subscribed, complaining on the forums.

The whole definition is the whole definition, you canā€™t cherry-pick pieces of it and then pretend like it is applicable ā€“ in order for something to be an echo chamber, as per your own provided definition, the environment must be one in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own.

That isnā€™t happening here.

And, again, what I proposed isnā€™t an echo chamber even utilizing the dictionary definition that you provided. Iā€™d suggest learning how to fully comprehend a concept, in this case echo chambers, before speaking to it.

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The claim made was the desire for an echo chamber, not the existence of one.


Youā€™re right, the whole definition is the whole definition, and the whole definition refers to a desire for only those where the existing view is reinforced. Which is what you wanted, when you said I only want to talk about this, and others should not talk about it.

nu uh, uh huh, nu uh, uh huh.

Whatevs dude.
You think youā€™re not trying to request one, but you are, and if youā€™re in denial then nothing can be done to change it.

Based on the dictionary definition I provided, you are indeed proposing one.
I only want to discuss how HE can be implemented..
Yeahā€¦echo chamber.

Seriously, this is a case of just being in denial, not a case of interpretation. It is either that, or you have no idea how to properly articulate yourself.


Hey, look whoā€™s 120!

I love Korrakā€™s version of AV, loooooooooooooove it.


Of course itā€™s your prerogative. But ignoring - which again you have every right to do - everyone with a dissenting opinion seems pretty echo-y to me.


She isnā€™t silencing anyone though, so its not an echo chamber.
Its just an environment where she will only ever entertain those of like minds!

Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a technical term for it, but Iā€™d always understood people who refuse to acknowledge views that disagree with their own as wearing blinders.

Which is ironic considering the Allianceā€™s horse ptsd.

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Youā€™ll have to point out any post that I made, last night, in which I expressed a desire to see any and all opposing views censored.

Iā€™ve been rather candid in what I desire, which is the freedom (socially, more than anything) to actively ignore attempts by those who are against playable HEā€™s to undermine any discussion Iā€™m participating in. That isnā€™t censorship, that isnā€™t an echo chamber, itā€™s a person utilizing their freedom of association to actively navigate away from toxic commentary.

I didnā€™t once suggest you shouldnā€™t talk about anything, in fact, hereā€™s numerous quotes:

Youā€™re allowed to discuss whatever youā€™d like, Iā€™m allowed to choose whether I ignore it or not. Itā€™s as simple as that.

Ignoring dissenting opinions is hardly adult.


Oh look, that is a suggestion.
ā€œI wonā€™t discuss anything that is not supporting my playable HEā€™s.ā€

Continue arguing and saying that isnā€™t what you intend, even though its what you intend, but that isnā€™t what you intend.

This is a pointless discussion where you have no desire to acknowledge what you pushed forward so. Iā€™ll ignore it from here and just point it out everytime you go ā€œI am ignoring you.ā€

Depends on circumstances.

Disagree,the USSR didnā€™t appreciate dissenting voices and that was about the most adult nation in history.

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Oh well.


Well sure, if someones screaming in your face racial epithets and how XYZ is inferior, yeah feel free to ignore them. Were having or rather trying to have a civilized discussion on a subject and i donā€™t feel this has anything to do with dependant circumstances.

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Then why would anyone take you seriously?

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I like civilized discussions, those are the best. Iā€™m quite glad that High Elf threads arenā€™t echo chambers, theyā€™d die out otherwise


Sorry, went over my head i canā€™t tell what you are trying to say.

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Come on, the greatest hero is the working man, primary foodstuff is the turnip, the flag has a hammer on it, like 90% of the population lives in the same design of house as everyone else?

Thatā€™s an almost offensively grown up nation.

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my humor/sarcasm detector is down i canā€™t tell if ur messing with me agreeing with me or what. I only have decaf to work with today. Apologies.

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