The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Thatā€™s too much sass, sorry.


Iā€™m surprised they added any in BfA at all when they couldā€™ve been Void Elvesā€¦ Yā€™know, the race that desperately needs more screen time? Itā€™s not as though Blizz needs to slowly phase High Elves out, they could simply stop using them altogether

Weā€™ll see if they appear at all in Shadowlands, at least the Alliance ones. Iā€™m hoping to see the other 90% of the Thalassian population that was slaughtered


I have a feeling itā€™s going to be tied in with the weeb elf faction since we know Kaelā€™s gonna be there.

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My reaction right nowā€¦

Why the hate on Thalassian?

EDIT: Oh wait, misread your post xD


Pretty Fanfic Recreation,

Was cruising through you tube looking at new wow vids.


Kaelā€™thas got done dirty.

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If weā€™re expanding our sources for snappy animated videos Iā€™m going to suggest an OG.


Guzzle I was just sharing relax bro, the description even said Fanfic Recreation. You never let it rest.

Uhhhā€¦ cool?


uhhhā€¦he wasnā€™t saying anything harsh to you?

iā€™m playing catch-up, here, but you fundamentally misunderstood what Joy stated.

The assertion wasnā€™t that more people would be pleased with the addition of playable High Elves than there would be who arenā€™t pleased.

The assertion was, and I quote, ā€œmore people would be pleased with the addition of playable High Elves than there would be people so upset as to quit playing.ā€

Emphasis added.

Since events throughout WotLK apparently didnā€™t happen or donā€™t matter, what other ramifications might there be that weā€™re not considering? :man_shrugging:

The only person who ever mentioned echo chambers, or anything like one, is Reno.

If I, or anybody else, chooses to simply ignore any commentary that isnā€™t aimed towards the discussion of how playable High Elves might become playable (and, instead, are focused listing why they shouldnā€™t be)ā€¦ thatā€™s my prerogative.

If someone wants to inject themselves into a thread and ā€œjust state their opposing viewsā€, theyā€™ve got every right to do so, but Iā€™m not obligated to engage them point for point ā€“ nor is anybody, for that matter.


Iā€™m aware of what the assertion was. I just didnā€™t think it was a particularly fair assertion. Obviously ā€œwould more people be happy than uphappy?ā€ with a given change is more fair ā€œwould more people be happy than literally quit?ā€.

Itā€™s a completely unrealistic and unfair standard that says an opinion is only valid and only deserves consideration if youā€™re willing to quit the game over it.

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Soā€¦an echo chamber. Like Reno saidā€¦


You think corporate entities like Activision Blizzard take the time to discern the opinion(s) of their playerbase? They operate off of spreadsheets, and have for more than a decade.

This was basically outright cited to as the reason most of the founding members left the company (the interview is on WoWhead and MMO-C, from like a week ago).

An echo chamber is where the only people allowed to speak, are of a singular opinion; Iā€™ve got no intention of silencing you, but also no intention of indulging you either. :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s interesting that the people so adamantly opposed to High Elves, also happen to be the folks so incapable of understanding or dealing with nuance. Maybe there is a correlation?

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As someone who works in software development, yes, they would be acutely aware. They do those stupid questionnaires all the time for that very reason.

Whether or not they choose to act on that information is a different question.

Of course the whole argument has a very obvious hole: Obviously none of you have quit over the failure to implement high elves so how could your opinions deserve consideration?

Itā€™s a stupid, stupid argument.


Echo Chamber:
an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.

That has nothing to do with suppression of someone from speaking, we have another term for that one.

Its interesting that the people so adamantly desiring High elves, also happen to be folks lacking in self awareness.
It was pointed out you wanted an echo chamber, and instead of showing how it was the opposite, you doubled down on it..

No sir, I did not intend to murder the NPC, I just threw a fireball to see how much damage it would do, which I knew beforehand was more than the HP bar on the NPC.

Seriously Fyorsing, someone could show you the color red and youā€™d find a way to say ā€œTHAT IS A DIFFERENT RED EVEN IF THE RGB VALUES SAY OTHERWISE!ā€


But the femur bro.


Authors are not primary sources dude. It has to be a written source. I learned this in my freshman English class getting my Associates in Art.


Bro Iā€™ve written a ticket about a perceived boogie man.


Didnā€™t you know that Blizzard has an alliance bias? I am sure it will be ignored because its from an alliance toon.