The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Let’s look at the page from the wow website

Less than a decade ago, the wondrous high elven capital of Silvermoon was nearly destroyed during a brutal Scourge invasion. Under the command of Prince Arthas, the undead ravaged the city and went on to corrupt the sacred waters of the Sunwell. Despite this horrific event, the high elves—now known as the blood elves—have labored to rebuild their ruined capital. Most recently, the rebirth of the Sunwell has lifted spirits among the elves, and they have continued to heal Silvermoon’s scars in the hopes of returning the crown jewel of Quel’Thalas to its former glory.

That doesn’t scream different society to me.


Simple: I’m dragging up other arguments on that by pointing out other cases where he was wrong, thereby eroding the idea of just appealing to authority by using him. “Ion said so!” isn’t a good argument when he’s basically the least popular person on the dev team at present

If I really felt like going through early BFA stuff and digging into his points it’d be interesting. Was he the one who said it’d be a surprise when the Teldrassil thing happened and it wasn’t just Sylvy, or was that someone else?

The HElves are the ones with the different society, basically being hangers-on to human society at this point

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So, you’re actually now calling Ion wrong about “Blood Elves are High Elves”.

In my head right now

Editted because Brak

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Yeah, this is all that goes on with some people here on the forums.

I thought we were finally done with this fight after the last day or so

Blizz were wrong about “Vanilla servers won’t be popular”, so, hey, sure!

It never ends. And it never will end until they just drop the bloody faction barrier already and we can all be happy

It’s only a “fight” because y’all insist on coming into every High Elf related thread to spread misinformation and troll people happily talking about High Elves. Nobody is here to argue but the people who insist on talking down to those of us who enjoy High Elves in the Warcraft universe.


But can you at least stop with the whole nonsense about the people who make the game being unreliable sources for information on the game, especially in non-off the cuff prepared settings?

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This is a World of Warcraft tradition ever since Red Shirt Guy.

(plus I’m an old fart from Vanilla and I still carry the ancient salt of shaman posters from those days)

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So, you admit that what you have being doing.

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ok, it’s 4am, I need to go, but let me leave you all with these words of wisdom


I actually agree with this. There’s plenty of races in the Alliance that can do what high elves can do, I don’t get why they keep using them instead of significant races.

Doesn’t sound like a long time player if you werent around until WoD
 all because of high elves. Go play TERA or something.

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Except what is being referenced is not the RPG.

Cool, and, what factions are those two respectively on relative to their core race?

They still are, a name change does not change what you are at the fundamental level. You may play a gnome, but you’re a human behind the screen.

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I’m with Reno on this one. Virtually no thread in these forums exists without dissenting opinions being voiced. Discord exists for creating spaces where “only people with this opinion are allowed to enter the discussion” is an acceptable ruleset.

Now “can we all disagree respectfully?” is another topic altogether
but echo chambers? That’s simply not what the forums are for and it’s not going to happen here.


I finally got a Spirebreaker Harness! :blue_heart: (One down, two to go)

How do the silver tattoos go with my Monk’s Silver Covenant mog?



So this
 but also this?

You are full of double standards lady.