The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

“To quote from something that happened back in Wrath.”

That is still the High Elven race.

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I’m sorry, but I treat ingame content with higher relevance

Every ingame reference has BElves and HElves separate.

Factions say they’re BElves. Only faction that mentions HElves is the Convent. They call themselves Blood Elves.

They’re Blood Elves and no longer High Elves.


Arthus is still the Lich King in wrath content. I believe its fair to say that is outdated ingame content and should not be taken with such high relevence


In Game doesn’t represent everything within the lore though. It only represents a fraction.

They are Blood Elves and still are High Elves.

Every in-game reference says Kul Tirans and not humans.

Are they not humans?

The HElf/BElf split happened prior to WotLK. As there hasn’t been anything relevant to it for years, and nothing’s been done to split it back, clearly still relevant

Remember the old RPG books? They used to be canon. Like, not only were they canon, but the Kalimdor/Northrend one basically reads like “This is what Wrath of the Lich King was looking like during the idea phase”. Every zone from Wrath is there, and this came out during Vanilla

Then Blizzard said “Yeah, those aren’t canon any more, only what’s in the games is”

Kul Tiras is referred to as a human nation and there’s never anything done to refer the larger phenotype of KTs as being anything different or special, whereas Blood Elves are called as as no longer being High Elves and being seperate



Blood Elves are still High Elves, even if they no longer refer themselves as High Elves. They can change there name, but they can’t change there race.

Apart from the belf heritage quest in BfA
Which would be of more relevance than anything pre BfA

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There’s about 5 various sources detailing its various levels of “Being canon” and “No longer being canon”, WoWpedia has 'em on the Warcraft RPG page.

They may be biologically elves, but they’re no longer the society of High Elves. Different societies are an acceptable basis for Allied race splits, see Mag’har or Mechagnomes.

Y’know, I remember the BElf heritage quest. It dealt with why Blood Elves are Blood Elves and no longer High Elves. Hell, it even had the line “Behold the last act of the High Elves.” Hardly the words of someone who still considers themselves one of them

At no point during the BElf heritage quest did the various HElf factions out there join with the Sin’dorei. Or did people start getting blue eyes. It was the opposite. It showed how the Sin’dorei overcame adversity and didn’t fall into it.


Biologically what elves?

I mean this entirely depends where we have the species split to “Elf”. Humans are a bit notorious at this as we’ve got H. as encapsulating things that probably should be speciated into their own groups. And then you’ve got Neatherthal’s and that’s a whole mess. Seperate species, or are they H. sapiens neanderthalensis?

I’d argue that HElves are just a slightly shrunken population of NElves when you get down to it

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So why does it say “High Elven” society then? Want me to quote it:

For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. Nourished and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron.


Did I ever deny that BElves used to be HElves? No. Key word though: Used to be.

The past 15 years of this game have been showing there is that split ever since Vanilla. Bringing up “They used to be the same” does not invalidate “They are now different”


As a result, Kael’thas desperately searched for a means to help his people—whom he had renamed the blood elves—and thus he set out for the shattered world of Outland. There he allied with the renegade demon Illidan Stormrage in the hopes of finding a cure for the blood elves’ crippling withdrawal.

From the same place.

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Blood Elves still are High Elves. Not “used to be”, “not were”, they still are!

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No, they’re not. Let’s just quote that page.

They are now Blood Elves. As per the very page you’ve linked. There is no part of that page saying “They changed their name back to High Elves”


“High Elves, honestly, spoiler guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves”

They renamed themselves to Blood Elves to honor there fallen. They did not change there race. They are still High Elves.

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Ion also said that PVP vendors are too confusing.

You’ll forgive me for not considering him an appropriate appeal to authority. Get me the story director saying something and they may actually have some relevance

They’re Blood Elves. They are a different society from the extant beings called High Elves. All of their factions call them “Blood Elves”, as distinct from the factions that have “High Elves”

They remain different.


What, is it shift change or something?

So what does PVP Vendors have to do with talking about the same race?