The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I mean, while all Thalassian elves are High Elves, only the ones who are solely High Elves should be called High Elves. Specificity is important in a discussion, so when someone says “High Elf” they are more likely than not to be explicitly talking about blue eyed, Alliance-aligned High Elves rather than Blood Elves or Void Elves.


That’s what’s being argued here. Nothing more.

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Only those who did not rename themselves to Blood Elves are called High Elves. But it doesn’t change the actual fact of Blood Elves are High Elves while Void Elves are another flavour of High Elves.

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Maybe, but while I wouldn’t use it if I was just referring to say the void elves individually, it’s an easier short hand to refer to them all collectively. I don’t really think the name is that important in the issue of whether they should be playable or not. I mean, I try to keep with the convention of capitalizing the current and not the large group, to differentiate the specific from the generic, just wish they gave everyone a new name so this wasn’t as confusing.

Mostly they’ve been responding to you fighting them on this tooth and nail.

You’ve every right to request high elves for the alliance. But by the same token they’re well within their rights to not want that. You’ve spent more than a day trying to convince them. I think they’re a bit set in their feeling on this topic and running in circles certainly won’t do anything.


Both Blood Elves and Void Elves are another flavor of High Elves. High Elves are High Elves, and not the Blood Elf or Void Elf variant.

The name isn’t important in the issue of whether or not they should be playable, but the fact that the name of these separate versions exist and denote specific differences is important to the issue. It’s kind of reductive to separate the two.

No, Blood Elves are High Elves. They are the same flavour of High Elf. Void Elves are another flavour of High Elf as they went through so many changes due to them being infused with the Void.

then put alliance in front of high elf if its so important to you. it is also appropriate to remind people at every point, high elves are in fact playable

if blizzard hadnt bothered to rename the blood elves back in the day but kept calling them high elves, part of me wonders would we be even seeing this discussion

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Speaking personally it’s more the insistence that there was a degree of bad faith in the usage on our part.


Okay, I know we’re all used to disagreeing with each other as a matter of reflex but we’re all saying the same thing here.

Except Fyorsing who’s saying that only high elves are high elves.

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No character who is part of the Silver Covenant is a Blood Elf. They are High Elves and aren’t playable yet.

I agree here.

It’s disingenuous to try to think that when folk say high elf they mean blood elf.

You want to refer to the entirety of the race use Thalassian.

You want to refer to blood elves use blood

High elves (alliance aligned non void elf) use that.

We’d all get along much better that way and could actually talk rather than bat around cat toy arguments.


who cares. high elves are playable. and while there is a divide caused by a factional split, the vast, vast majority of the race are on the horde with a tiny fraction of the race neutral in dalaran and individuals in the alliance

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The argument as I’ve always seen it is that as high elves and blood elves are the same race (high elves) with only superficial differences like eye colour and political affiliation that there’s simply not enough difference to make for a valid addition and would instead essentially be making blood elves neutral.


That’s an excuse peddled by a know-nothing game director who doesn’t care about the lore or one entire faction in the game. Expecting that excuse to stick after nobody it was aimed at bought it is pretty silly.

And a comment like yours is only an opinion, not an arguement.

I love that you’re calling attention to this. I just want Ion to fully commit to the idea that BE are high elves by adding their customization options if he’s really dead set on not giving them to the alliance.

Also, I think it’s so weird that for the stromgarde warfront, the elves shielding the air ship have green eyes and they’re alliance. It’s so weird. And feels like a retcon.

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It’s an opinion held by more people than just me, which is why I’m comfortable expressing it at all. And if such an opinion exists, Blizzard needs to do better as a company.

I think it’s fair to say that Ion and Metzen are relatively knowledgeable about Warcraft.

And that’s a valid argument, I disagree with it strongly but what we’re dealing with here is Fyorsing attempting yet again to invalidate the anti argument with meta arguments. She’s obviously had to move on since her stance that we didn’t belong here since we didn’t agree with the premise set forth by the OP was explicitly stated to be wrong by a mod, but it’s same tired old schtick.


It’s fairly clear that what folk refer to as high elves are one thing and what folk say blood elves are is another.

Ion and blizz can say what they like and it thus is so, but what folk use to talk about it clearly has further additions and addendums.

I mean you all know what they mean when they say high elf. So you just argue from a point of ignoring what they’re asking. Disingenuous.
Edit : but I agree that’s where the argument is

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