The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

The only thing this achieves is creating a situation that is more confusing, when two different groups are referred to by the same name ā€“ despite having completely different political values.

Also, interesting that you quieted down on population arguments when you realized it was your snugglepal Zootopia there who started that line of discussion. :man_shrugging:

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Be careful when giving void powers to these guys.

Will they sprout tenticals bigger than the Draenei? :rofl:

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A lot more!

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now that sounds hawt :heart_eyes:

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but they arenā€™t, which makes this argument invalid.
Of course, if you insist on considering them high elves, you got your high elves and your request is unnecessary.

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Hey kettleā€¦

ā€œHeads I win, tails u lose.ā€

You guys never have a genuine basis upon which to support your hatred for High Elves.

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Please donā€™t fetishise people with tentacles. Void worship is an important and serious part of our culture.


And yet, the requests will continue anyways. Itā€™s as if your determination of what is or isnā€™t necessary doesnā€™t matter to a single person, excepting perhaps yourself.

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Nice headcanon, friend.


Tā€™was explained. Keep up, darling.

Nice explanation of your headcanon, friend.




Well, thread, does anybody find it interesting how half-truths that support anti-HE sentiments are upgraded to full truths, but half-truths that support pro-HE sentiments are downgraded to complete fabrication?

I know I do.

Also, for those in the know, is Broflake also Australian?


B-b-b-butā€¦ dad.

So a reply of mine to Broflake was removed because it was classified as trolling. Iā€™ve read my post and I donā€™t see anything that was meant as abusive. The only thing I did was compare a response of him saying he worked in law enforcement to a meme. It was purely meant to be tongue in cheek, but also a humorous way of responding to a threatening remark.

I donā€™t know if Broflake flagged it, or if someone else has, but it speaks to a double standard among whoever has done it. People who are against high elves seem to have no problem using memes and humour to get their points across, yet come running to their mummy the second they get a taste of their own medicine. I donā€™t want to tar everyone with the same brush, but it looks like I have no choice since I donā€™t want to accuse Broflake if he hasnā€™t done it.

Either way, this conversation will suffer if one side is held to a different standard than the other


ā€œItā€™s a half truth because I made up some random hoop that a statement has to go through for me to accept it as true.ā€

Are Californian republicans not Californians because they differ politically from the vast majority of the state too, friend? Does it make calling them Californians a half truth? Or is that a specious requirement that someone has just made up because they have an agenda?

No, heā€™s from Freedomistan.


There is always someone out there flagging something. Just upset people. Wouldnā€™t stress too much about it.