The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The fel did not mutate them. Void elves on the other hand were clearly physically mutated by the void.

Blood Elves got their eyes to glow a different hue. Clearly thats just a thing with Thalassian Elves. They glow yellow now too.


I can’t imagine this one’s got long with all the flags I assume are flying about.


Correction, we’re the ones getting accused of getting there threads locked.

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Sssssh! We’re trying to see if we can actually seize the power they seem to think we have, then we’ll be thousandaires! Or be able to goof around on the forums with impunity, one of those things. So pretend we’re all powerful!


There you have it, They all come forward as victims the three that harass and belittle everyone that disagree with them, with their belittling mems and false accusations. To Funny.


Oh give it a rest.


He doesn’t know how to do that.

He plays as if he is “all so innocent”

Kael’thas is now seen as an unfortunate victim of it all. The heritage quest is indicative of this aspect. He is not looked down upon in Shadow of the Sun nor in Blood of the highborne. Maybe wow chronicles? Though the heritage quest takes precedence.

Except that the very culture of both Dalaran and Silvermoon is arcane magic. it is the very basis that Silvermoon was built for the purpose of cultivating their magic.

He states he knows they would leave Silvermoon to join Dalaran anyway. Not that they would abandon Silvermoon. They are all calling themselves blood elves after all. There is no indication there was a concern of another schism.


The heritage quest and text from Liadrin speaking of how they honor their past and wish to preserve themselves. it is why they do the yearly honoring to remember what happened, what it made them, and how they wish never to be it again.

It is the same sunwell. The chick that sacrifices herself is the embodiment of the previous Sunwell. Even if it wasn’t, it is still considered a key part of their cultural heritage. They haven’t changed anything else. The most they did was add blood knights and then reverted to having them be light worshipping paladins just like the priests.

dwarves are smelly anyhow

How it HAD changed them, not how they are a different people from today. It is about their ordeal, how they changed because of it, how they changed back once the sunwell was restored.
The heritage quest is about the preservation of their original culture, their high elf culture. It is not at all about them being survivalists. in fact, we know it wasn’t something they desired because the very intro quests are them being unhappy about draining mana wyrms to survive. it was why they were more than happy to change back.
There is nothing indicating their culture remained shifted.

I’ve not seen any indication of it. If anything, Liadrin is heralded as one of the best Paladins and she is fervently about following it in legion and on


sup guys, happy sunday

we have word of development on the matter. until the time that another dev retcons this, you have no argument

at the moment, blood elves are confirmed to be WoW’s playable high elves. And this isnt even a new stance. metzen said exactly the same thing following the announcement of playable blood elves, that they were blizzards take on high elves. that blood elves ARE our high elves

the blood elves (who are the high elves of que’lthalas proper) have been a part of the horde for far, far longer in terms of player engagement than they ever were a part of the alliance

in fact id argue they are an iconic HORDE race at this point in fact. and it seems blizzard agrees with this position :tipping_hand_woman:


I do love the implication that we aren’t fans of Warcraft though

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We aren’t. We’re fans of the Warcraft universe.

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Ah, but you see, word of development isn’t good enough of a source


Nope, false, if you don’t ignore whatever you don’t like and try to invalidate things based on nothing but personal opinion while calling faceless, irrelevant quest givers iconic, I fear you are

A FAKE FAN! dramaticsound.mp3


imagine proclaiming the actual writers of the game story/developers of the game are wrong but a clear biased fan with an agenda is right


According to Joy, that is what we are.

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I, too, love being told what I like and what I don’t like by strangers on the internet.


But how do you know if you really love being told what you like and don’t like?