The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

BTW did you figure those Silver Covenant Questions out yet, just curious.

Oh boy

Direct reply to me.

Direct reply to Guzzle

After calling people little trolls.

Yeah, go ahead Valarian. Tell me I am telling sh*t.


Where it say your trolls? Assumption accusation??

Stop trying to deny it. You have called people trolls. I have linked to a post of mine where you have pointed out me and Guzzle were trolling, with a quote from a post of yours that you have edited out.

Like I said wrong as usual.

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Actually, Prince Kaelthas isn’t well regarded because they think of him as a Dalaran Elf.

I won’t be able to find the source tonight though. I think it’s either Blood of the Highborne, or just WoW chronicles. I don’t think it’s In the Shadow of the Sun. But it’s one of the three.

I mean
 One is a Mage-o-cracy and the other is a Fuedal Kingdom with lots of magic. That’s like saying that Stormwind is like Dalaran and Silvermoon because they’ve got a mage district.

“In the Shadow of the Sun” Lorthemar has to agree to let them join Dalaran because if he doesn’t let them, they’d leave Silvermoon for Dalaran.

I think this is just a problem with the storytelling in general. I’ve mentioned a lot that we just haven’t seen them culturally at all. Our biggest glimpse of their culture since TBC has been them doing weird stuff in BFA.

There was supposed to be a segment about Laidrin’s relationship with the light in Warlords but they cut it.

Their institutions are still radically different. Since we haven’t seen Silvermoon revamped, etc, they’re the only thing culturally we’ve got to go on and they’re still not the same.

The only thing that seems to be staying pretty close to the old stuff is Lor’themar himself.

It’s not even the same Sunwell. Also, it doesn’t matter if you preserve one thing culturally if you change everything else.

It was a joke. :slight_smile:

Though I’ve read Warhammer and Dwarves and Elves don’t get along!

There is a Dwarf Elf joke storyline in Plaguelands though.

Yeah. But it’s also about the event that dramatically changed them.

I’ve always thought it was rather odd that people use their heritage questline to reinforce that they’re High Elves. They’re not High Elves. I’ve played a Blood Elf. I’ve read the novels. I’ve played Warcraft I-3 and all of World of Warcraft. Blood Elves are Blood Elves. They’re pretty different.

And the Heritage Questline is a recap of who they were and who they are now.

Not really. They still have issues with dominating the light versus embracing it. Which was supposed to be addressed in Warlords but wasn’t.

Anyways. I’ve gotta to go to sleep. Busted people are always trying to fall down when I’m working and I like to be alert for it.

It’s been a good chat. I’ve got a tight schedule this week but I’ll find the Kael’thas Dalaran bit when I’ve got time.

No, you’re just outright denying something that you actually have done, and now calling it false accusations. Maybe stop being a little child, acting like your never going to be caught out on anything and face the truth.

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When you stop telling lies about me, I’ll stop telling the truth about you.

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Seriously, stop. You have been caught out.

All from this post of yours that you have editted out.

Remember, mods can see more.

We only see it because Silvermoon has not been updated past TBC

Tbh it’s refreshing to see that they pull this stuff on everyone who wants High Elves. All they’ve got in their arsenal is trying to make Warcraft fans angry simply because they can’t stand that we enjoy an integral part of the Alliance.


Because they are not an intergral part of the Alliance. What part of that do you not understand.

No doubt bro they did good one yesterday acutally cut and pasted one phrase and added to whole different conversation. the spun it big time. I hope the MODs see it, itll match up with the ticket i put in on the group.

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Is this like a holiday special, are all the big names showing up in their ugly christmas sweaters to sing their big hits?

Because if it is, it could really use some stilted and hamfisted introductory scenes like with Bing Crosby and David Bowie talking about their imaginary neighbor.

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Holidays? I know no such thing. I have to work over Christmas and on New Years as well. D:

I know that feeling, except I tend to be in spots where I have to be acutely aware of the holidays.

So do you think the Silver Covenant will join up with the Ren’dorei interested in your opinion on it. Since both sisters favor the Alliance, Also do you think the The two sisters feel like they been batterd to much by the Horde and Sin’dorei?

Bahahahaha did you write a ticket about people who don’t want high elves added to the game? I’m sure they’ll get right on that.


But we’re the ones getting these threads locked you know.