The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I didn’t imply they were a different race or species, by any stretch of the imagination.

You are one of my favorites.

I disagree with you here immediately, because this is NOT a demonstration of cultural difference. This is a suggestion that because they live somewhere else, their culture is different, and this is not the case.
Vereesa models her group after the farstriders. This is cultural preservation.
The void elves think of themselves closer to blood elves. Cultural preservation.
The high elves pilgrimage to the Sunwell. Cultural preservation.

We are not seeing aspects of them changing in their society, demeanor, or behavior. They are all haughty or prudish in some way or another.
Living somewhere else does not immediately denote cultural deviations.

Not really, given that a dwarven ambassador was welcomed to Silvermoon without issue until it was determined he was up to no good. The relationship is not unusual given the blood elf/high elf association with the alliance in the past. This is not a cultural difference.

No, they refused to drain mana from living things. They did not refuse to drain mana, because they were present for the reclamation of Silvermoon which was conducted with mana tapping.

It is stated by Lor’themar the blood elves are preserving their culture. This is a demonstration of similarities.

The addition of a military branch is not a cultural change. It would be a cultural change if they stopped worshipping the light, like they did briefly in TBC. The problem is after TBC, the blood elf people reverted back to their previous culture.
Cultural changes are much larger and significant. Additional military branches does not change a culture anymore than adding a Space Force would.

Good sir they have Jaina’s song as well!
So that’s THREE!

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There is a group here to that do the same thing with insulting mems and belittle peeps that disagree with them.


Yeah man
 But it lists them as the scryers. But when people are like, “They haven’t changed culturally.” I do always think, “Man, go to Nazmir.”

I wish they called them Blood Mages. But maybe they thought they were pushing it with the Sanguine Knights up there.

What can I say, I get testy when people are being insulting and degrading to others and trying to hide it behind a thin veneer of intellectualism or suspicious logic.

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Blood elves are high elves
Not all high elves are blood.

This is true or false to you?

Want to know where you stand.

So you’re against the use of the phrase, “Blood Elves are High Elves”, then?

Nope, I’m against the nonsense that says that that clear statement by a lead dev is somehow not relevant to a discussion of the game that they are in charge of.


Blood Elves are Thalassians.
High Elves are Thalassians.
Void Elves are Thalassians.

They’re the same species/race, but separate from each other on social, political, and cultural levels.

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Basically, they may be from same place but after years with difference from social, political and cultural changes - they are labeled differently.

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So, to be clear, you’re against “trying to hide behind a thin veneer of intellectualism”, but you’re absolutely in favor of using half-truth one-liners to attempt to undermine the validity of something other players are requesting.


I’m going to go back to eating my steak, Mr. Cow.


I mean you could see it as them improving the battle prowess by developing new “technologies” Aka Anima Golems/Blood Magic similar to how real life countries are constantly improving new weapons for war.

No idea what you are referring to exactly.

Biologically they’ve been changed pretty greatly. The tentacles, purple blood, lack of a sun well connection are pretty indicative.
Culturally though? Oh yeah they’re definitely high elf along with high elves and blood elves.

If there are people chasing you down and harassing you, report em. Hell, I’ll report them as well if it has merit.

I am not disagreeing that there has been a significant increase in trolling, but it occurs with such a topic of contention. I don’t let this debate bother me because in the end, its a video game. If Blizzard makes High Elves a thing for the Alliance I won’t be upset. Annoyed? Yes. Not going to throw a keyboard out a window.

Horde can’t see it though, only Alliance can see it.
Let alone that story wise it makes absolutely no sense.
Why would the Zandalari and Tortollan allow the Scryers to use blood magic on the dead corpse of a loa? Particularly when the Horde, including the blood elves, are there to stop that very thing!?
I think its going to end up being a case where the Horde and Alliance see different things and neither are canon. Again.
Happened in MoP and it was ridiculous -_-


Cool. We’re more or less on the same page then.



I’m not letting you get away with this nonsense you’re trying to foist on us.

Creators are the ultimate authority on their creation.
People aren’t being misleading for not agreeing with your view on things.

Stuff like trying to insist there’s some established style guide for discussing fictional worlds that count the author as a lesser authority than literary interpretations of the world they made.

Or taking a statement about a fictional people in a video game that all come from the same nation as an equivalent of basically saying “They all look the same to me”

That’s where I get problems.


Dalaran has its own culture.

It isn’t Silvermoons culture.

Additionally quantified by The Sunreavers aligning more with Dalaran than Silvermoon.

High Elves do conserve their culture.

Like I said, Blood Elves are the ones who culturally have shifted a lot.

If you and I are part of a culture, and I keep to those traditions, and you change yours, we’re culturally diverging.

That’s always the real fault in this conversation. You’re asking, “How have the High Elves changed?”

They’re staying the same mostly, though, if they’re from Dalaran, then that divergence started 3,000 years ago.

Nah man, I’ve read Lord of the Rings. Dwarves and Elves. Weird.

Someone should probably let their institutions know.

The game is called, “World of Warcraft.”

Also, last time I checked, The Greeks were like, “Those Spartans are pretty different!”

Military institutions aren’t exempt from changing your culture. The British Navy had an outsized influence on the culture of Britain.

 as I’ve said
 it’s not World of Music-craft.

That song is dope. Thanks for the reminder. :black_heart:

Those are problems you’re going to have to work through on your own, friend.

(Also, BE’s aren’t HE’s.)


Yeah. It was really interesting at the beginning of BFA where Alliance players were like, “They are killing medic non-combatants!”

and the Horde is like, “You’re setting the vulpera on fire!”

I never hurt a Vulpera.

I play both sides though, so I’ve seen both.