The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

The Alliance aligned non-voided High Elves, just need a new identity so this whole matter can be put to rest.


Thatā€™s accurate and true.

You a night elf of Darnassus?
You a Darnassian.
You a highborne night elf
You ainā€™t a non highborne night elf.
You a non highborne night elf
You are not highborne.

High elf is the common name given by humans.

Lion elves. Lol

Or most people just go with Night Elf.

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Highborne was always in reference to a caste within the night elf society. It was never an actual ethnicity, which is why there is no difference in the appearance between Tyrande and the rest of the night elves, even though she is from Suramar and is of the highborne caste.

At least, that is my understanding from the literature.

I figured as such.


Yeah well highborne have the catchy name us regular night elves have no creativityā€¦ Spent too much time asleep.

Yeah, weā€™ll see. When that dude at blizzcon asked the developer about blue eyes for Blood Elves he cringed. So itā€™s not like they donā€™t know this is a thing.

Weā€™ll see. Probably. Iā€™d like to see while Iā€™m still playing though. Gonna give Shadowlands a shot for the tower.

Night Warriors though.

Iā€™m back to my old main, a Night Elf Druid, after maining a Blood Elf Protection Paladin and then a Void Elf Discipline Priest for a few expansions.

I donā€™t think tyrande is highborne.

And I donā€™t think any of the Thalassian elves are really different ethnicitiesā€¦ Maybe void elvesā€¦ More closer to political and ideal differences.

You are correct.

Also, High Elves became High Elves on the boat ride over to Lordaeron. So they looked like Tyrande on one shore and then like Vereesa by the time they hit the other and could make the Sunwell.

Night Elves got to look the same because a bronze dragon made them immortal. So they didnā€™t suffer from that whole lack of the Well of Eternity bit.

It isnā€™t really stated explicitly, but it is suggested because Queen Azshara desired for her to serve as a handmaiden at one point, and Azshara only ever accepted those who were highborne to serve her as she believed all others to be beneath her.

I believe the void elves are the only ones who are a different race due to the immense changes they had through the void ritual.
Everyone else including the high elves literalyl came from quelā€™thalas.
So its likeā€¦ Yankees vs Mets.


It would, to those unable to understand nuance ā€“ doesnā€™t surprise me that youā€™ve got no strong feelings on High Elves either, as itā€™s also a nuanced issue. :laughing:

If youā€™re participating in the discussion within the defined parameters, you donā€™t get ignored ā€“ simple as that. :man_shrugging:

Youā€™re free to chime in, Iā€™m free to ignore you. America, am I right?

Check this out, this is me ignoring all that time and effort you put into your post.

(Editorā€™s Note: BEā€™s, HEā€™s, and VEā€™s are Thalassians. BEā€™s arenā€™t HEā€™s. Sorry, not sorry.)


You tripped on the first stair. Youā€™re trying so hard to be witty and it just makes you look immature. :man_shrugging:

If you want an echo chamber, Valarian posted the high elf discord. If you believe everyone who disagrees with you is violating the CoC, flag them.

  • I donā€™t want an echo chamber, which is why Iā€™m not in the Discord.
  • I donā€™t believe youā€™re violating any rules, which is why I donā€™t flag you.
  • I do believe that Iā€™ve got every right to ignore you when youā€™re being silly, and I will most certainly make use of that right when necessary.

(Editorā€™s Note: Blood Elves arenā€™t High Elves.)

  1. You will have to accept other who wish to discuss opposing ideas if this is the case.
  1. Excellent, then we are of a like mind.
  1. Go nuts.

Dev note: ā€œNo one has abused high elves to this degreeā€ -Chris Metzen 2009
In reference to the blood elves being chosen for the Horde.

Soā€¦it seems likeā€¦theyā€™re one and the same according to the devs. :+1:

Note: This is after the release of WotLK where the Silver Covenant had made their debut.

Mind you, I donā€™t mind people using high elf and blood elf to refer to each group. It makes sense personally. On the other hand, I cannot understand the desire to suggest the two are different ethnically, when there is nothing to support it. Furthermore, I do not understand the suggestions of them being different culturally, and yet everytime I ask for someone to demonstrate it, I never get an answer.

Politically sure, but not culturally.


Nah, I get where Fyorsing is coming from, and sheā€™s not alone. Not very many topics suffer from the sheer amount of harassment that high elf threads get.

It would be fine if it was just people who were disagreeing, I donā€™t mind having a conversation.

But It shouldnā€™t be some situation where people are getting exhausted from being trolled constantly, and there are definitely people who suffer from that here.


Fyorsing doesnā€™t believe dev statements matter. It must make the world make a lot less sense without the dev qnas to clear up contentious issues.


What makes you say that? I mean why would I be here otherwise? What you want as stated is an echo chamber you will not find that on a Public Forum.

Go ahead and ignore me then, wonā€™t change you being wrong and proving to everyone here that you have no desire for a real discussion with people unless you know they 100% share your opinion like in what were they called again? Oh right an echochamber.

Harassment does not mean dealing with a group that is opposing to your cause Callistus. No one is chasing you down and insulting you or anything. It is not honest to suggest you are being harassed. If this were the case, I am sure moderation would have stepped in.

That is a personal issue Callistus. No one is responsible for any mental fatigue you experience from these discussions. If you need to pull back, do so, no one will judge you nor should they.

Yeah, she made it quite clear that those who make the game donā€™t matter. Even though he/she also states they can change things whenever they like as well.


Absolutely! When youā€™re ready to talk about which variety of HE that Blizzard should derive playable HEā€™s from, and not whether they should implement playable HEā€™s are all, weā€™ll oppose each other all the live long day.

There isnā€™t any rule that indicates Iā€™m obligated to indulge your commentary, especially when it falls well outside of the range of what Iā€™m interested in talking about. Sorry, not sorry.

(Note: I ignored the rest of your post, because Iā€™m allowed to. Also, Blood Elves arenā€™t High Elves.)

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