The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Rather than just trolling, coming into a thread and derailing with video clip memes, pick fights with players when it doesnt affect your gameplay and your subscription, and trying to digress is trolling and being toxic.


Oh nice, I missed the whole call your opponent a racist on the down low because you can’t actually argue your own point.

No, this is like calling Henry from Silvermoon, and Mbeke from Silvermoon, but you want to call them different cultures because Henry likes the Patriots and Mbeke likes the Eagles. But you want people to think Henry is completely separate from Mbeke because you want to play someone from Silvermoon but you’re a bandwagoner who thinks the birds are inferior and so you need to pretend that the Henries are considered completely different.


Sorry younfeel that way, but you are patently wrong on all accounts.

But it is what you’re saying. “Oh blood elves don’t call themselves high elves so they’re not high elves.”

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They’re all Thalassian. We went over this yesterday

High, blood, void, San’layn and so on

They’re all of Quel’thalas. As such they’re all Thalassian.

But they’re not all blood, or void, or high and so on.

Why is this still an argument its a standard way to do this

It’s no different than calling someone Darnassian, shalassian, or lordaeronian


What I’ve described isn’t an echo chamber, it’s a focused discussion – which isn’t possible, when pro-HE’s want to have Discussion A and anti-HE’s want to have Discussion B.

Yes, of course, which is why I said absent Blizzard moderation the only option is for us to start ignoring your posts. Not sure what was confusing.

This was responded to earlier. It’s a joke, at best, so just going to move on.

They routinely refer to their broader ethnicity as “children of Quel’thalas” or “sons/daughters of Quel’thalas”, the short-form of which would naturally be “Thalassian”. :man_shrugging:

  • Ion is charged with micro-managing the resources of the various teams, and ensuring they make their self-imposed deadlines.

  • There is an entire team that has been charged with discussing the lore and progressing the narrative – they’re put to this task for 40-hours each week. That they’re of an inferior station, insofar as corporate structure, is entirely irrelevant.

Which doesn’t matter, at all. :man_shrugging:

Ion can say that Kul Tirans are 75-feet tall, but until that is patched into the game, it’s just meaningless commentary – regardless of who states it.

Well, as an alternative I could just ignore your commentary – and do my best to convince others to do the same? :man_shrugging:

I’ve repeatedly stated the issue is with the terminology, not the biology – by all means, look those two words up. :man_shrugging:

Nesingwary could probably crack this one.

You know, in that very roman tradition where you’re like, “These are the Celtic people. These are the Germanic people. These are the Grecian people. Oh, us? We’re the Romans.”

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Oh really?

So you want to have a discussion without any sort of interference or hindurance.

Sounds like an echo chamber to me.

Blizzard isn’t going to moderate people who openly disagree with you on a public forum. If you want an echo chamber to discuss in peace, there are other avenues you can visit to achieve that sort of isolation.

And by ignoring what people are saying, you’re actually hurting your credibility for an actual discussion and doing a disservice to yourself.

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Wouldn’t it be, “Quel’thalassian people?”

Though it wouldn’t capture those Dalarian Elves.

It is cited by the encyclopedia, so lets try that again shall we?

Thalassian is the language.
Dorei is the reference of children, so you are incorrect. That is like claiming the Chinese should be called the Mandarins, or the Cantos, because the name of their languages is Mandarin and Cantonese.

What he does, and does not do, is domething for him not for you to dpeak on. In anycase, as lead dev, he has to approve it, including storyboards.

Lore states Tauren and Worgen tower over the other races at like 10 feet or more.

In game? They are 8 foot and down.
So, the lore is wrong then?
Your entire argument is preposterous, and undermines all those statements of you stating “but the devs can change it at anytime.”
Again, your argument is a preposterous one.

Go nuts, I dont care. Doesnt change the fact that opposition will be present.

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Thas the thing though, they arent different ethnicities.
Blood elves and high elves are literally the same people. All blood elves called themselves high elves at one point.

You can refer back to some of my older posts on it.

Quick read is that it gets shortened due to clunkyness.

Fair enough point on Dalaranian. Then again plenty of high elves in SW. So guess they’re
 Stormwindi? Stormwindian?

Though given how elves tend to be a bit holier than thou they’d likely see themselves as Thalassian.

And in either case if you’re looking for a word to encompass the entire lot of the elves of Quel’thalas, thalassian is the word you’d use.

So thalassian elves. Yes thank you.

Exactly. Thank you.

But that isn’t limited to only the Blood Elves, that is also for all those High Elves that you see out in the world, whether it is the group of Highvale Elves, or the Silver Covenant Elves, or the Void Elves, the Vampire Elves or Wizards.

Virtually, every elf that is from Quel’Thalas.


I believe it’s still conjecture though. I don’t think the words ever appeared in lore. Reno mentioned earlier he remembers me bringing that up, which had to be months and months ago.

Sounds like a good use for the Reliquary to add a word like that.

On that note, related to our other discussions, Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher is also interested in ending the Blood Elven dependence on magic, and like the new Blood Elf introduction, is from cataclysm. Which is years after burning crusade as well.

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Exactly. It’s a catch all.

I thought everyone had come to this conclusion.

This way if you mean ALL Quel’thalas elves you can say Thalassian. If you mean the Sin’dorei (horde player race). You can say blood. You want to talk about Ren’Dorei you get void and you want to talk about this elves who do not associate with the blood elves or void elves as their identity i.e. Silver Covenant you can use high.

Takes the confusion of who we’re all taking about out of it.

It DOES NOT mean blood elves are not high elves. They are. They’re just a political/ideal faction of them.


Was in the Primer thread that no longer exists.

Just like with Darnassian I’m pretty sure I’ve seen various elves use and refer to Thalassian as in a people from Quel’thalas.

Been trying to find particular quests
 I know some night elves have at least used Darnassian. Less certain about high /blood.

wasn’t the point of my statement dude. The thalassian thing isn’t official either its just what people do offhand since its easy. It would be like calling the high born and night elves Darnassians. I am unsure if they do that even.

They’ve never used it.
High elf was the title they used after changing from being night elves . Or rather, quel’dorei.
The thalassian thing is just the name of their language. Most use it to be all encompassing, since high elves and blood elves have that odd thing where the high elves kept the original name of their people.

Good memory. I’d forgotten about it. But I’ve had a lot going on for a long time.

This is actually the only one I believe I’ve heard in game.

The opportunity to call Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei one name really only occurs once that I can think of, and in that situation Auric Sunchaser calls them all, “The Children of Silvermoon.”

and I’ve never seen a thalassian translation of Silvermoon.

I feel like Silvermoon’Dorei is a terrible way to go. haha.