The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Are you Valarian now? Where you just
post things for the sake of posting?

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I have come to the conclusion don’t matter what people say, no one will change their minds, Anties hope Alliance never gets Playable High Elves, It will be left up to the Devs if & when it ever happens, There was a time that no one would expected a Quel’dorei model playable in the Alliance even though it s a of the Shelf Ren’dorei, now all we need is the customization to follow, which I have no doubt will will added one day.

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Especially when you have anties that belittle people and act so aggressively.


Well yeah, now. We’re heading towards the two year anniversary of Ion’s April 2018 comments.

You’re not gonna be able to change a trolls mind, because they’re not here for that discussion.

The people still commenting 8,000 posts into this thread made up their minds a year ago.

Just lost boys versus pirates in here.


If only they were self aware of themselves. That would be neat.

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We can only hope

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Yeah, but anybody peeking in knows what’s going on. It’s just a bunch of offensive memes. I don’t think that occurs as frequently as it used to though. Like I said, in here it’s just two teams facing off.

Maybe if the Megathread comes back and stops getting blocked, or, the new version of it shows up. usually the first couple thousand posts have a lot of random people saying they’re into it.

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I am bereft of any bud.

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Which is why you’re team pirate.


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I will wait for the story to finish out on the Ren’dorei and the High elves (The ones that call themselves High Elves). I doubt it close to being finished yet.

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Yeah, we’ll see.

Classic brought back some subs. BFA had good first day sales.

But I think that BFA cashed in on the Horde versus Alliance nostalgia. WoW’s in an interesting spot. They’re redoing the intro experience and leveling to try and bring in new people. But it’s kind of on that tower to carry it, so we’ll see if people buy into it and WoW becomes a little more Diablo or if people don’t. But either way, the focus on the different cosmologies means they can go a long time without looking too hard at Azeroth.


It absolutely matters, because only one side of the discussion benefits from things being vague or nondescript.

There is evidence, in-universe, to suggest that these people refer to their broader ethnicity as something akin to “Thalassian” – there isn’t any evidence, in-universe, to suggest that these people refer to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”.

There might be plenty of good reasons why someone would elect to utilize the colloquialism borne out-of-universe (“High Elf”), instead of the colloquialism borne in-universe (“Thalassian”), but the only one I can think of is that through use of intentionally vague terminology the anti-HE crowd has managed to keep their foot pressed upon the throats of the pro-HE crowd for years – and a shift towards terminological specificity threatens that status quo. :man_shrugging:

You’ve basically suggested that because someone is employed at Blizzard, and tasked with working on World of Warcraft, that their word on any subject relating to World of Warcraft is to be considered gospel – fine, let’s roll with that.

Why would any commentary made by Ion Hozzikostas, who spent years focusing solely and exclusively on designing raid encounters, be more valuable than the implied opinions of dozens or hundreds of employees who’ve spent similar amounts of time focusing solely and exclusively on developing the narrative and setting?

It doesn’t matter what they say, until it’s published. If something has been published already, and the author(s) wants to make a change, they’re well within their rights to do so – but those changes require a republication, otherwise they’re musings and little else.

J.K Rowling musing something like, “I tend to think of Harry Potter as being a British-Indian”, doesn’t change the fact there are eight publications that describe him as a pasty, green-eyed, ethnic Englishman.

That is Darnassian, an entirely different language – in Thalassian, every translation of “dorei” is exclusively reserved for “children”.

I mean, ultimately we’re going to probably just have to agree to not respond to or even acknowledge the presence of specific people – it’s the only way any productive discussion is going to occur, in the absence of Blizzard moderation. :man_shrugging:


In what way is one side being vague or non-descript? Let’s start here shall we?
When people state Blood elves are High elves, is it not clear to those who have played the game in any fashion, that they are referring to how the two are the same race?
How is it vague?

This has absolutely no relevance because we are not speaking with any of the characters and they are not speaking to us. This is a discussion between players, people who are in reality and not the fictitious realm. So what does it matter? This is arguing for the sake of arguing, not because there is something to argue.

He be da lead dev mon.
Dat be why mon.

Oh ho ho ho. yes it does.
If J.R.R. was alive and said “I made a slight error, I described the ring as gold, it is supposed to be silver.”, then the ring is silver because it is his story not yours..

This is NOT a court of law where the written word matters more than the spoken one. This is story telling, and in story telling, the story teller is the end of all things.

No one cares about who can be more pedantic.

“wants to be heard by devs”
“We tend to ignore the forums because they’re echo chambers.” -Devs


Per the CoC, people disagreeing with you is not grounds for moderation. Tsk tsk


It isn’t a clarity issue for those players who’ve taken any interest in the Thalassians, at any point post-WotLK; it’s a clarity issue for either newer players or players who were previously disinterested in Thalassians, generally.

It’s vague, because without any accompanying contextualization it creates a false implication that Blood Elves and High Elves are socially, culturally, politically, and circumstantially indistinct – which is decidedly false.

It’s perfectly relevant. By utilizing the most appropriate demonyms, and by avoiding the use of any terminology which is overlapping, those players who aren’t as versed on the subject matter become more capable of discerning the talking points and providing their opinion(s) regarding them.

By referring to them all as “Thalassians”, we’d merely be updating our terminology to more accurately reflect the verbiage utilized in-universe – it doesn’t speak to biology, at all, and allows for most over-the-counter confusion to disappear overnight. But, as I posited above, I’m not sure the anti-HE crowd is interested in seeing confusing overlap disappear.

If you’ve got breast cancer, who are you going to go to?

  1. Donald Trump, because he’s the POTUS.
  2. Eric Winer, an internationally renowned oncologist at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

And yet, if I went to the store and purchased the most recent edition of said novel, it would still be described as a gold ring. What an author says, after the fact, doesn’t magically change the text that has already been stamped onto paper and sold to the masses – that requires a republication.

You seem to, since you commented on it. :man_shrugging:

It’s got nothing to do with being an echo chamber.

The discussion that the people in favor of playable High Elves want to have revolves around discussing how they could be made to be distinct enough from BE’s to warrant playability, and that discussion can’t be meaningfully engaged in while the anti-HE crowd is pestering and trolling.




This is essentially you describing that you want a place to discuss how High Elves can be made playable without any interference from anyone else, like a echo chamber.

So which is it?

I mean, are you aware this is a Public Forum that people can access and post on?


Newer players are not going to be interest in the debate.
Secondly, those who are disinterested in the high elves aren’t going to be involved in the debate either.
If someone wants clarification, they often ask what someone means. Even then, no one has ever made stated this was a vague statement. Not that it is impossible, but unlikely, and clarification can be provided immediately after.

Considering the encyclopedia said it was common to mistake one for the other, clearly, there is not nearly the division that you believe.
Allerian stronghold demonstrates how the high elves maintain the same cultural architecture as the blood elves.
The fact that Alleria wants to see the sunwell is an indication of how strong those cultural aspects remained the same.
This applies for Vereesa who considers Silvermoon her home and Quel’thalas a part of her kingdom.
Considering how high elves seekt o be like the far striders, it is clear this divisiveness is not nearly as large as you wish to proclaim it.
Let alone that the statement of “blood elves are high elves” is rather clear in its suggestion of them being the same race.

Except if we want to run by in universe, they never refer to themselves as Thalassians either. So what demonym do you wish to utilize? High elf is the catch all term, and one the devs have used such as Chris Metzen.

Sorry, this is just a nonsensical attempt to refute my statement.
What is Ion Lead Dev of? Let’s start there because you are being obtuse.

This is pedantic and does not counter my statement in the least.
It still means that per Tolkien, its a silver ring, not a gold one. :man_shrugging:

Someone needs to be the messenger.

It very much does so.
If you’re stating “we’ll just have to ignore the people disagreeing with us” then that is implicitly wishing to create an echo chamber. Even worse, to make note that there is moderation which isn’t going in this direction in which you favor. That is not healthy, and to be honest, I am disappointed that you of all people would utter such a thing.

If you wish to accomplish this, then you need to move from a public forum to a private forum, which means going to the discord and discussing it there. Otherwise, you are inviting those who disagree with you.
I am sorry you feel it is trolling or pestering, but that is how you feel. Objectively, it is people coming in to say they don’t agree with you. Which they have as much a right as you do.

Edit: its broflake btw


Just a reminder what the original OP asked for.

This is a thread for discussing our intense love for high elves as and allied race and why they should be playable. Soon or later Ion is going to roll and a blood nelf and think heh. We really should have made these guys alliance from the beginning. No matter it takes, our resolve will remain strong and nothing is going to stop us till High elves finally become playable.


Come share the love at the Legacy of the Quel’dorei discord.


Pretty much on point. Orcs are pretty much same if they want to argue that point about elves are same. Not to mention, there were only like few Maghars left to the extinction of Grom Hellscream followers because they refused to surrender. They were same limited population at this point like High Elves if we go by percentage logic.