The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Why do you think this statement means anything? Humans are H. Sapiens even though we call ourselves many different things depending on the context. You’re just stubbornly clinging to it because you think it lets you ignore a point that does not involve what the characters say about themselves.

And it applies in this situation because the game director outright said they’re the same thing, among other things.


If J.K. Rowling did an interview tomorrow and stated that Hogwarts was located in Narnia, that doesn’t make it an objective, in-universe truth – because the previous publication(s) state differently, and the previous publication(s) are the primary source.

If she wants to order a reprinting of her series and make it blatantly clear that Hogwarts is in Narnia, that is her prerogative – but until then, the primary source is the primary source.

As it relates to World of Warcraft, in-universe, not a single BE or VE has ever referred to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”; whereas a plethora have referred to themselves as “children of Quel’thalas” or “sons/daughters of Quel’thalas”.

If Blizzard wants to make it clear in 8.3 that all BE’s and VE’s refer to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”, that is their prerogative – but until then, the primary source is the primary source.

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Oh dear god this is just another femur incident isn’t it?


yes it does, because she is god of the thing.

You’re trying really hard to sound intelligent and it is having the opposite effect. A primary source is anything DIRECTLY connected.
Authors of the literature are the primary source because it is from them that th information stems.


Maybe they’re the same person :laughing:

Maybe everyone that disagrees is the same person,

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Then what does that make me, who is neutral?

A weirdo


Since I missed the earlier futurama-ing

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By this logic, if Mike Morhaime commented that World of Warcraft is actually inside the Matrix, it’s canon. :laughing:

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Dunno, He always starts fight with everyone & tries to belittle them.

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Everyone starts fights with everyone else.

Yeah, pretty much.
If another dev said “he was obviously joking” it means he was joking.

Welcome to reality, you’re not in charge of the product. This pseudo-intellectualist nonsense is rather silly.


Well, as is evident by their preferred terminology, we can be assured that at the very least the folks who actually write the in-game text (i.e. dialogue boxes, quest text, broadcast text, etc.) are of the opinion that BE’s and VE’s don’t refer to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf” – because they’ve had 15+ years to write-in even a single example of this occurring, and they’ve refrained from doing so.

You are, by all means, entitled to stand by the expressed opinions of a single employee – whose time at Blizzard has primarily focused on raid design, and who blunders his way through any discussion of lore.

I, however, choose to stand by the opinions expressed by dozens of employees through their work – whose time at Blizzard has primarily focused on narrative and story development, and who know the in’s and out’s of the setting better than anybody.

You do you, but don’t be surprised when I continue to scrutinize silly comments like, “Blood Elves are High Elves”. :man_shrugging:

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None of this matters. At all. This is an argument about nothing, to go in a circle about nothing.
It doesn’t matter what video game characters refer to themselves. Refer to my Harry Potter posts earlier.

Does he help design the game? Yes.
Do you help design the game? No.
His word > yours.

It doesn’t matter that J.K. Rowling once blundered an interview, she is still god of Harry Potter and her word > yours.

Do not be surprised when no one cares or ignores you when its a stupid thing to scrutinize.:man_shrugging:

Its like earlier, when Guzzle said devs are a primary source.
Your response?
“Well a primary source is

Which didn’t even matter, and what was worse, was that you were wrong about it and then tried to defend it by saying “well it doesn’t matter what the creator of the literature says.” which was preposterous.

Less trying to sound intelligent, more saying intelligent things.


Yeah, but I can’t think of a situation outside of arguing with people in High Elf threads where I’ve ever needed to not be specific about elves
 and it’s a fabricated experience anyways because it only seems to arise when people are being obtuse.

Like, the only scenario where you’d ever need to maybe talk about the Elves collectively is in Suramar. But we don’t.

But beyond that, the nomenclature for it is set for us anyways because they’re a fantasy trope. We know we call them, “Elves.” because we’ve called them Elves since 1954.


True, I agree with that.


maybe cause the devs call them elves? :man_shrugging:

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Original Warcraft Encyclopedia:
Kal’dorei = children of the stars - Can also be interpreted as “people of the stars”. Typically used to refer to night elves.