The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It’s explained in the old opening quests that if you don’t dump the arcane energy that you absorb and carry to much of it, you’ll eventually become a wretched.

Quel’lithian lodge was effected by a magical artifact, which had the same effect. Too much magic in an elf.


Not today, no reason to measure leg-length discrepancies on my day off.

Don’t you need to continue pandering to the universe nomenclature that practically no one agrees with you on? The wind is prepared for your shouting.


You mean the same Blizzard who pretty much said they were the same because rather than add them to the Alliance when they had the chance, they invented something out of the Blue instead?

Congrats, you’re achieving “Joyeous” levels of spouting Nonsense.


Nah. She’s not wrong. Otherwise the elves in Stormwind would be named differently, as would the wayfarers in the Void Elf Starting Zone

The Suramar Questline, etc. etc. would be drastically different if Blizzard didn’t acknowledge a difference.

So she’s correct here Reno.


No, she isn’t. Blizzard couldn’t make High Elves different enough to be added, so they invented an entirely new sub group instead and ignored High Elves completely.


Her argument: High Elves and Blood Elves are different groups, as acknowledged by the creators.

My response above: Here are a bunch of areas of Blizzard acknowledging that they’re separate.

Keeping the context of when she made the comment, you’re arguing that because they didn’t become an Allied Race that Blizzard doesn’t acknowledge them as being different.

This is false. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be labeled differently or have dialogue that acknowledges differences.

The Allied Race decision was based largely on gameplay factors.

That doesn’t equal Blizzard not acknowledging they’re different groups.

I’d argue that practically everyone acknowledges them as different groups, otherwise any High Elf thread would have to start with a long discussion about what we’re talking about in the first place. That’s unnecessary, because, they’re different.


Nah, I’m not one to go on extended rants about dubious ideas like someone I could think of.

I’m just not a fan of people changing the topic to try to win an argument, like by saying by using high elves to cover all the groups that started as WC2 high elves that someone is trying to say that those groups in universe still call themselves that.

Other than where the creators have said they are the same thing.


This has never happened

once again
 your argument is obviously baseless because if I create a topic talking about High Elves I don’t have to quantify who I’m talking about and the entirety of the WoW forums would be on the same page.

I’ll agree that, they’re seldom, “extended”


“Blood Elves kind of are High Elves.”

Wrong that’s not what this whole argument is about that has been going on since last night.

You might wanna back out, since you don’t have the full picture, Cal.

“Kind of are” denotes similarity.

Nobody has ever said they’re not similar.

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You’re right, let me rephase.

It is more appropriate, based on the existing in-universe evidences, to suggest that the term that best describes the broader ethnicity of the BE’s/VE’s/HE’s is “Thalassian”.

Your assertion is that we should utilize terminology that we either know, or reasonably suspect, is incorrect
 because “it’s easier”. This is absolutely no different than referring to all Asians, or all Africans, by their respective skin color (especially when you know the actual nationalities of each person you’re doing this to – you know Henry is from Ghana and Mbeke is from South Africa, but you call them by their skin color alone, because “it’s easier”).


You can feel however you want about what they say – the only primary source, insofar as fictional settings are concerned, is the publication or publications.

As we established hours ago, there aren’t any in-universe evidences that the broader ethnicity is referred to as “High Elf”; while there are a plethora of in-universe evidences that the broader ethnicity is referred to as something akin to “Thalassian”.

A primary source is worth more than a secondary source, especially when the primary source directly contradicts the secondary source. :man_shrugging:


Agreed, you said this far more eloquently than I could have. :smiley:

If they were the same, they’d be the same – same faction, same name, same tabards, same quests, same everything. Alas, they’re not the same.


“We can’t make these pale, blonde elves different from the other pale, blonde elves
 so let’s take this new group of pale, blonde elves and make them different from the other pale, blonde elves.”


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Just because you think it’s more appropriate doesn’t make it so.

Thalassian is the name of their Language. High Elf is their grouped species name referring to any Elf that has ever been a part of Quel’thalas at one point in time.

This is a objective fact.

As the idiom is used it mainly denotes sameness. Like correcting someone who is vehemently wrong, but trying to be nice. There isn’t anything else modifying the are, no like to water it down.

But even being generous, it would denote major similarity, like something that is nearly identical to the other but for a couple small changes, not something where you’re stretching to make the similarities overcome the differences. People from the same area but with different accents, twins with different eye colors.

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If it’s objective fact, you should be able to go in-game right now and find just one example of any BE or VE who refers to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”.


Or, since this whole kerfuffle came out of you attacking someone for misleading people, maybe you could back down and just say it’s a difference of opinions on what the right term is, you don’t agree with us, but we’re not being deceptive by saying what we think is correct?

And the creator(s)


Again, as we’ve gone other for the past 12 hours+ you’re twisting my words. It’s quite malicious.

I’ll repeat it for you since you don’t understand.

Thalassian is the name of their Language. High Elf is the collect group name for the species of Elves that have originated from the kingdom of Quel’thalas at one point in time.

This is objective fact, so stop trying to twist my words and accept that facts that exist in the lore that’s common knowledge to anyone with half a brain.

It’s not.

As far as Warcraft has ever been concerned, Elven Races just adopt new names and that’s their name.

It’s not a universe that has detailed taxonomic groups.

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It is.

And the fact that you yourself once lambasted me for trying to say Thalassian Elf was the name of them and then pointed out to me that it was just the name of their language is flabbergasting.

I don’t know why you’re choosing to throw lore into the dirt that you once were defending.