The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Which doesn’t mean they’re not experts on the wow story.

I don’t. Why do you put words in people’s mouths?

Yes, there is a lack of evidence that any BE or VE refers to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”. We’re agreed.

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Right, let’s all go home then, everything could potentially change at their whim. The game could literally turn completely into a city builder game tomorrow, so no point asking for anything when that could happen.

I had a Question then, Ion say 's Hey Blood Elves are High elves if you want to play a High Elf then play Horde is a honest answer, knowing the Lore that was formed before him says they are recognized as different factions with Sin’dorei being considered the Sub-Race coming from the original High Elves. No matter what is said the Originals are the Originals They Didn’t change their names and didn’t follow the Sin’dorei

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Not what was said but go off I guess.

Good. So in the absense of any evidence that they don’t either, we fall back to our author’s commentary which sorry, is inarguably evidence.

Just taking it to the extreme to show how that was a bad argument to say that since the devs can retcon it that you can’t use them as a source of information about things relevant to the game.

Uhuh. Why don’t you want folk asking for high elves on the alliance?

Because they are playable on the horde already, and with the way the backstory is written, having a larger source of high elves rather than the scattered remnants of the remnants, can be used to completely change the tone of the blood elf origin story into something villainous rather than desperate. And after this expansion I do not trust blizz writers NOT to do that kind of mess.

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Lore wise
 They were villainous
 A greyer sort but they were literally sucking the light out of a naaru
 Against (more or less) its will.

Their whole story in BC was coming to terms with what they had to do and coming out of their villianous ways.

Since then a lot has happened and given void elves, it wouldn’t be a stretch to get high elves on the alliance.

Just seems you are arguing against nothing.

Not saying they were saints, but they weren’t outright evil. Their actions were driven by survival, these were the answers they were able to find to keep as many of them alive as they could. And no other group had a solution that would have worked for large numbers. So adding a new population that didn’t, well that changes the story.

The expression “Blood Elves are High Elves”, without any context, is misleading – because it isn’t a completely true statement. If it were, BE’s would be on the Alliance (or, the HE’s would be on the Horde).

The issue isn’t that we disagree about biology, the issue is we disagree about the importance of terminology.

  • You’re of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter if we refer to the BE’s, HE’s, and VE’s collectively as “High Elves”, even while bearing in mind that there isn’t a single shred of evidence that they themselves do this, solely because it’s what we’ve always done (and what Ion does, currently).

  • I’m of the opinion that it is more appropriate to refer to the BE’s, HE’s, and VE’s collectively as “Thalassian”, seeing as all of the evidence implies they basically do this themselves, and because doing so allows for a level of conversational specificity that “High Elves” doesn’t.

There aren’t any benefits to be found in your position, and there are a handful of downsides. As far as I can tell, the only reason someone would want to take your approach is to ensure the issue remains a blurry – thus allowing commentary like “Blood Elves are High Elves” to continue to flourish.


  • There isn’t any in-universe evidence suggesting that any BE or VE refers to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”.

  • There is in-universe evidence suggesting that BE’s and VE’s refer to their broader ethnicity as something akin to “Thalassian”.

  • There is out-of-universe evidence suggesting that Blizzard thinks of BE’s and VE’s as belonging to a broader ethnicity known as “High Elf” – which doesn’t mean that the term “High Elf” is factually accurate, especially since this conflicts with the terminology utilized in-universe.

If you’ll recall what we both apparently agreed to less than an hour ago, that in-universe evidences hold more weight than out-of-universe evidences, the second bullet point is the most appropriate of the three.


Buuut they’re already here.

Silver Covenant is the largest, and there are several smaller enclaves. They found alternatives. (or more correctly as I’ve found didn’t use Rommaths method which causes folk to devolve if they go too far)

You can throw the there’s not enough argument but it’s just not enough of an argument since there shouldn’t have been enough of a small exiled group of blood elves to make void elves large enough
 It’s literally something blizz could just make so.

And as far as giving high elves blizz clearly would just wrap em up in customization for void elves. Not like we’d actually get the race as it were.

It’s easier, and likewise the only reason you’re so concerned about this is that you want to magnify any divisions.


Not playable though. Just a few here and there. Adding in what would probably be a heavily played (at least as rp alts) race would change the appearance. The alternatives they found either didn’t scale up (having humans provide you with all the artifacts to drain that you want) or were not useful for the general populace (stuff like the lodge that just went cold turkey)

Uhm, so how’s Quel’lithien fit into your theory aboud turning wretched?

  1. “It’s easier”, isn’t a good argument for using objectively incorrect terminology. It’s also easier to refer to everyone in the real-world by their skin color, do you do that too?

  2. I would argue that statements like “Blood Elves are High Elves” are, by design, intended to create the perception that Alliance-aligned HE’s and Horde-aligned BE’s are indistinguishable – which is objectively false.

    You can’t employ language that is designed to specifically denigrate and devalue another group, then get mad when the people who enjoy that group lean into the aspects they like.

Also, if you don’t like the fact that HE’s are unique and distinct from BE’s, take it up with Blizzard – they’ve written it this way for 15+ years.


From my understanding they found an object and then used the techniques Rommath brought back from Outland.

I am going off what I read yesterday trying to answer another question from the WoWwiki. The Wretched are (at least mostly) Thalassians that used Rommaths techniques for drawing mana from objects or creatures and got a little too hooked on it. They kept doing it too much and become wretched and get an even stronger addiction to drawing mana eventually leading to their deaths.

Well, that’s just wrong.

Or, they’re quoting the developers who are the people who create the whole game, so it’s just a statement of what we feel is a non-controversial fact.

But they haven’t.

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and it’s actually not easier, since absolutely no one does it other than a few trolls on the High Elf forums.

If you say, “High Elf” people know what you’re talking about, and they’re not thinking Blood Elves.

Which is good, because nobody is confused when we talk about the Silver Covenant or Mages in the Stormwind District, etc.

I also like how he claims you’re trying to increase the distance between the groups when he’s delibralitely trying to decrease the distance between groups by using incorrect terminology, which, once again, is only acknowledged by trolls on this thread.


Don’t you have femurs to measure somewhere instead of smack talking me to someone else?