The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Oooo, oooo! I know why that’s happened!

Because, and are you ready for it?

It doesn’t matter!

That’s just a meaningless hoop you set up and told us to jump through because you’re sure we can’t find the exact thing that you’re looking for to concede the point. Not to mention I have a sneaking suspicion that if we did find one, you’d find a reason that that didn’t count.

We as people are talking about high elves, and a good chunk of us use the term to describe all the groups that formed out of the high elves of WC2 and 3 since that’s where they came from. So it really doesn’t have any relevance whether the npcs in the game wandering around greeting each other “Hello, fellow high elves!”


Maybe it might be better if we just use the Titles given then, Like Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei so there is no mistake of whats being talked about.


Inb4 people just shout “Queldorei and Sindorei are same” leaving Rendorei out.


There’s more in-game evidence of void elves considering themselves the same people as blood elves than of blood elves being treated as the same as high elves.


That will reveal their ignorance on the matter then, grouping them all up to make a point isn’t any good we all know this. imho

High elf
subspecies, see Blood elf , Void elf , Felblood elf , San’layn, Wretched

I mean its only in black and white where ever you look.


Metzen forgot what Eredar were
 They’re not the be all end all. They literally rewrote an entire section of very important lore, and then afterwards realized it and apologized saying that they forgot. Now we have Draenei.

Ion and Metzen are wonderful folk and are in the driver seat
 They’re not 100% on their own lore though. Also they routinely change said lore with retcons.

And we knew those statements were wrong because of conflicting evidence. What evidence is there that they’re both wrong on this? This is one of those rare situations where the burden of proof lies with the negative argument.

Ion and Metzen are not right because they have to be right, however their expert status is such their accounts are legitimate evidence.

This isn’t how primary sources function, as it relates to works of fiction.

The primary source is the publication, or series of publications, and anything mentioned outside of this are secondary sources.

You’re building an argument from ignorance, here.

I also can’t provide an in-universe source that says Blood Elves can’t be called Methamphetamine’dorei. So

It absolutely does.

There isn’t a single BE or VE, in-universe, that refers to their broader ethnicity as “High Elf”; while there are numerous examples of BE’s or VE’s referring to their broader ethnicity as “children of Quel’thalas” or “sons/daughters of Quel’thalas”.

It isn’t a matter of opinion.

And we as people talking about High Elves are doing them, and the franchise, a disservice by using improper terminology.

What evidence is there that Ion and Chris are employing an objectively incorrect term to refer to the broader ethnicity of the BE’s, VE’s, and HE’s? I provided it above, numerous times, you just don’t like it because you want to be able to prattle on about “Blood Elves are High Elves” with impunity.

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Neither is the fact that this whole nonsense was brought into this conversation by you.

It has no bearing on the conversation, it is a distortion of someone else’s statement made so you could strawman it and dismiss it out of hand.

We are not talking about what the various high elves call each other, we are talking about the fact that they’re all high elves. YOU have declared that wrong and are flailing around to try and frame your statement as the correct one.

Just move on, your bait’s not good here.


There isn’t any.

When Blizzard’s talking about High Elves they’re talking about Vereesa style
 you know
 High Elves.

The only people that are unclear on this are people who troll high elf threads after Ion’s Q&A.


That isn’t why the subject was brought up – rather, there were numerous instances wherein the expression “Blood Elves are High Elves” was being utilized to suggest there didn’t exist social, cultural, political, or circumstantial differences between the Horde-aligned BE’s or the Alliance-aligned HE’s.

Which is why I’ve posited that we would be better served, as a community, by utilizing proper terminology to refer to these groups. And it would seem, based upon in-universe examples, that referring to the broader ethnicity as “Thalassians” is infinitely more appropriate than referring to the broader ethnicity as “High Elves”.

If you’ve got any citation(s) that can paint the picture another way, I’m all ears – otherwise, sad as this will make me, “Blood Elves are High Elves” is a misleading half-truth and should be treated as such.


A primary source is any piece of information that provides direct evidence. An account by the author is obviously direct evidence.

So in the absence of evidence we revert to the negative by default. However there is evidence for the positive argument in this instance. You might argue the weight due to that evidence but the fact 9f the matter is an explicit statement by the author is evidence.

You have to disprove that evidence to change the weight of probability. You haven’t provided any evidence against it. All your evidence neither proves nor disproves the argument presented.

I’ve literally never said ‘I’m a primate’ out loud, but that doesn’t mean I’m not one.


That isn’t how primary sources work in fiction – because there wasn’t actually any event for them to be primarily sourcing. By all means, Google it. :man_shrugging:

I would argue weight.

No BE, or VE, ever making an in-universe reference to their being a part of a broader ethnicity called “High Elf” > Ion or Chris calling them High Elves, out-of-universe.

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That’s not evidence, that’s a lack of evidence.

Of course they will never say “Abandon hope, people who pay subscription fees, what you want will never happen.”

They gain nothing by that, it will still be argued against (“Sure, they say that now
but remember Flying?!? As soon as Ion gets fired his replacement could change that direction!”), it encourages no new subscriptions, and some people will quit.

I’ve heard “at least we would have closure.” but no we wouldn’t, not for a lot of people, the demands would go based on “they could change their minds”.

There’s no upside to issuing a definitive “no”.

Besides the eternal gratitude of the High Elves? More Like Bye Elves discord.

I sure do.

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Thalassian is 10 keystrokes (16 if you put elves after it)
High Elf is 8, (or 6 if you use helves)
Plus we all know how to spell high elves, thalassians gets you with the made up name problem of which letter is doubled and spelling problems. High elf is easier.

And again the whole overarching argument is on the degree of how extensive those social, cultural and political differences are. How different are the lodge elves from the official ranger organization other than not liking the current government? So to label the opposition view as misleading is just trying to dismiss us out of hand.

And no, Blood Elves are high elves is a fact as repeated by the people who are in charge of the story.

I’m pretty sure that people who are majorly involved in the crafting of the fiction are THE primary source for information about that fiction. It’s why in a lot of fan sites statements from the people behind the story are listed as “Word of God”


Except they again routinely retcon lore in basically every expansion.

You can’t use them as a defense in this or anything else. It could literally change tomorrow.

Just comes back to the question: Why do you care if people ask for High Elves? They’re just asking. Blizz likely wont give em
 you lose nothing.