The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

We have some mage trainers here and there and I think some hunters? Not entirely sure anymore. Theyā€™re around though. Ohā€¦ I know no one likes Silver Covenant being mentioned but likeā€¦ during wrath all our trainers in Dalaran were elves.

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Yes it does. Thatā€™s how History works.

I can call myself a Blood Elf all I want, but Iā€™m still a High Elf from Quelā€™thalas that speaks Thalassian.

Itā€™s common knowledge to those who know the gameā€™s lore and actually pays attention, not to those choosing to act ignorant. It doesnā€™t need a source when itā€™s painfully obvious.

This is so stupid and reeks of ignorance. Void Elves are Blood Elves who are High Elves. ā€œdidnā€™t experienceā€ They share the history of Blood Elvesā€¦ I feel like Iā€™m arguing with another fake fan who doesnā€™t know Helf History like Joyā€¦

Or you know, it is a matter of factual accuracy.

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Didnā€™t we go over this before? They are their own race now. No connection to sunwell, tentacles, purple, bleed purple.

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There are several portal trainers too actually, and Warfronts.


I am alive and feeling better. Getting alliance high elves would cure me fully though.

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Can we move the thread from being about stupid traitor elves and instead be about Futurama clips?

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This brings me immeasurable joy.

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Butā€¦ If we do that, then weā€™re doomed for another debate

Can we at least all agree who the best character is?

A fine opinion, though a wrong one.

I guess the ghost reenactment will have to be done with me alive. Do you still have that pottery wheel?

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Not I. I also donā€™t play Blood Elves. I have a 58 BE DK that never went past the DK starting area I made years ago.

The only Thalassian I have is a GMO Thalassian and I only have that one because Iā€™ve never run a jokingly emo character before and being able to create a character named Kylorendori was too good an opportunity to pass up. :wink:


Emo I may beā€¦but also buff. Donā€™t deny it, Iā€™m faaaaaaaaabulous.

(MurgAltā„¢ confirmed)

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Your tusks are pathetic.

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