The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

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Im cracking up, you’re legit a beast :joy::joy:

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And I am posting an actual fact that Blood Elves are High Elves, no matter how many times this gets denied. A name change does not indicate a new race, culture or political group.

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Why cant folk ask for High Elves on the Alliance again and why do you care?

Blood Elves are High Elves. Great.
Some Blood Elves then dont support the Horde.

No matter what they say High Elves & Sindorei can be the same race but also against one another faction wise.

That’s your take on it.

I think you’re wrong for the most part.

All of the high elven groups share the vast majority of their history with each other, they all come from the same culture. In recent years there have been arguments about the path they should take after the slaughter of their race. And while each group is distinct, they’re also at the core the same people.

They are the elves who are working to rebuild QT and Silvermoon.

The ones who have migrated, settling with others, some have dreams of rejoining their kin, or maybe returning and taking over their homeland with force.

And there are the ones who were exiled for going too far in the methods they wished to use to protect their people from another tragedy like Arthas.

Who said nobody can ask for them to be on the Alliance.

And to be honest, think it is fair for the Pro’s to ask for a Horde race when some of those pro’s have said for us who want Blue Eyes for our Blood Elves to stop asking for that?

Not saying that you did, but to be refered from this thread:

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Every single race can be against one and another faction wise. Humans. Orcs. Blood Elves. Night Elves. Every single race can be against each other!

like defias, they may wear red and fight stormwind, but they are still stormwind humans


Similar I would agree, but show where they fight for or alongside the horde, train the horde, part of the horde story other then training some horde race based individuals. I Think I read somewhere they just started to allow Sin’dorei and Forsaken into their ranks along with Kaldorei to.

what’s the horde got to do with it? i’m not asking for defias to be horde

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Alteraci Humans for the Horde! lol

TBH I never read about those, you got me curious now. :+1:

Alterac is an interesting place. Especially during the 2nd war.

Show me where High Elves have been training the Alliance, or have been a huge part of the Alliance story? And yeah, the quest with the Silver Covenant back in Wrath, they were not part of the Alliance story, but more of a small side step in something for the Alliance.

Think Ill start reading about them, checking them out.

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I wish we could visit Azeroth in a time to see all these wonderful kingdoms before it all fell apart
 In 3D too.

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Pretty interesting indeed, King Aiden Perenolde was a little sneaky dude. :+1:

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Aye. Want a WoD for Azeroth
 but with Blizz actually completing it and not leaving out whole swaths of lore and quests
 and a raid tier

He was indeed. I could see Alterac rise from the ashes and offer their services to the Horde. Sneaky politically motivated humans, using the undead skelly. Turned slightly more ragged and wild by having their kingdom be destroyed and having to survive for all this time on the edge of the Forsaken lands, ogres taking their homes, the horde later doing some stuff there in general, and their ongoing fights with Stromgarde.

Could be amazing.

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