The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Ah I thought you were rejecting it. I apologize for my misunderstanding. Carry on sir.


The fact that HE’s, BE’s, and VE’s are biologically related has precisely nothing to do with what terms they use to describe themselves as a collective – you’ve asserted, numerous times, that they all refer to themselves as “High Elves”.

If this were the case, surely you could cite JUST ONE EXAMPLE of this occurring in-universe. This will be attempt #10 at acquiring that citation.

And I’m suggesting that it isn’t a biological demonym at all, because if it were, there would be examples of BE’s or VE’s self-identifying as “High Elves”; instead, most of them identify as “children of Quel’thalas” or “sons/daughters of Quel’thalas”, which implies that their biological demonym is actually “Thalassian”.

The same way Kul Tirans self-identify as being “Human”, and Zandalari self-identify as “Trolls”

In-universe, it is.

You can’t find even once example of a BE or VE identifying themselves as “High Elves”. Please, attempt to do so?

(Note: Attempt #11.)

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That’s not what I said. I said that they were all High Elves, not that they call themselves High Elves.

So stop putting words where they weren’t. That’s malicious of you to do.

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In-universe as cited way above “Thalassian” is the name of their Language that is used by the Race “High Elves” of Quel’thalas.

Who speaks German? The Germans.
Who speaks English? The Germans.
Who speaks Ukrainian? The Ukrainians.

Who speaks Thalassian? The Thalassians.


High Elves.

Well, can’t stop you from suggesting it. Don’t think it’s really that strong an argument as I don’t see people self-identifying as H. Sapiens outside of basically scientific literature.

It’s the catch all term, and we’re not helped here by the large genre concept of the high elf being pretty widespread. The characters in game don’t have to call themselves that to be that thing, that’s just a thing you made up and are trying to present as a rule.

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Dude, give it a rest. You are right. Blood Elves don’t refer to themselves as High Elves, but they are still High Elves.


She is still upset at me from earlier and wants to get me in a “GOTCHA!!!” moment but is failing.

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The way in which we refer to their broader ethnicity (“High Elves”), is entirely unrelated to how they refer to their own broader ethnicity (“Thalassians”).

There are a whole bunch of in-game examples that indicate that BE’s, VE’s, and HE’s all refer to their broader ethnicity by utilizing something akin to “Thalassian” – there are precisely zero in-game examples that indicate that BE’s, VE’s or HE’s refer to their broader ethnicity by identifying themselves as “High Elves”.

This doesn’t, in any way, detract from the fact that they are all biologically the same – it is principally an issue of cultural self-identification.

Same answer as above.

It’s entirely unnecessary for me to try and bait you into anything – you’ve repeatedly asserted that “High Elf” is the name of the broader ethnicity, and I’ve repeatedly requested that you provide some in-universe example of this being put on display.

I’ll continue to request some in-universe citation, you’ll continue to not provide it – and I’m happy with that interaction, because it demonstrates you can’t actually grasp the difference between what we call a group of people and what they call themselves.

Seriously, give it a rest.


That’s the name of the their language. Which is used by all “High Elves” that originated from Quel’thalas.

Idk why you’re not getting this.

Because anyone who knows the lore knows this is the name of the race that Elves from Quel’thalas are identified as biologically.

It’s common knowledge. It doesn’t need a source.

Also watching you crash and burn repeatedly is tuckering me out, so good night.

They are all high elves, but the Game, Lore, & Current Story recognizes them as different factions is all.


The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves and Blood Elves

Elves in General

Elves do have several characteristics in common. All three groups have unusually acute senses and are able to see clearly even in low-light conditions. As a general rule, elves are also slim, athletic, and graceful. Furthermore, they all have large pointed ears that tend to be greeted with admiration or mockery by other races.

One similarity between night elves, high elves, and blood elves has only recently come about. The night elves sacrificed their immortality and much of their power at the end of the Third War. Thus, all elves are now mortal and have comparable lifespans that can extend as long as several thousand years.

It doesn’t matter what the origin is – all that matters is how they refer to themselves.

(Note: It isn’t as “High Elves”.)

It absolutely needs a source – otherwise what you’re suggesting is “common knowledge” has absolutely no basis in the lore.

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And repeated reminder that you’re changing the topic to fit your argument. Who cares what they call themselves, this is what we, the humans typing on the internet, are using as the term to encompass all the high elves of WoW.

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It doesn’t matter what they refer themselves as. In the end, it is what they are is not what they refer to themselves as. It has been stated so many times, by the devs, by some of the community
 That Blood Elves are High Elves.

And even Void Elves are another flavour of High Elves.


I’d hate too see what Fyorsing thinks of Aboriginals :joy:

Americans :man_facepalming:t4:

Taking video games to the real world :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s an important point of note, because there are many people who genuinely believe that Blood Elves and High Elves are socially, culturally, and politically indistinct – and this is exacerbated every time someone says “Blood Elves are High Elves”.

  • The BE’s are ethnically Thalassian, but they’re not culturally HE’s or VE’s – they didn’t experience any of the circumstances that made the latter two groups what they are today.

  • The HE’s are ethnically Thalassian, but they’re not culturally BE’s or VE’s – they didn’t experience any of the circumstances that made the latter two groups what they are today.

  • The VE’s are ethnically Thalassian, but they’re not culturally BE’s or HE’s – they didn’t experience any of the circumstances that made the latter two groups what they are today.

And I’m positing that both the community-at-large, including many of the developers that aren’t working on the narrative, utilize “High Elf” as a matter of convenience and not as a matter of factual accuracy – and the demonyms used in-universe support this notion.