The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

That you changed the topic.

We’re talking about the high elves that aren’t playable. You know, like the topic says? So I’m for the most part talking about that kind of high elf in these examples. So since you couldn’t counter that point you switched it all over to the void elves who while yes traitors, would still be considered from QT. There’s a term that fits here, Foreign Volunteer units. People who signed up for another nation’s army, not having to give up their citizenry, because they believed in the cause, or it was better than being a POW.

And also, Void Elves are already available, if they were good enough these threads wouldn’t keep popping up. And we wouldn’t be arguing on how different or the same the various factions of the high elves are.

This is incorrect. In Australia, you’re allowed Dual Citizenship along with most other countries if the other country that you’re from also allows Dual Citizenship.

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When someone says High Elf, they tend to mean the ones serving with the Alliance or more correctly not affiliated with the Blood Elves, or the Void Elves.

Sorry thought that’d be clear.

Actually the Darnassians do in fact do this. I’ll see if I can find it.

I certaintly would know who you were talking about. It’d be any Night Elf associated with the Allilance.

I’d like a source on this thing you keep saying.

Yeah, I know. No one is disputing that at all.

But that doesn’t change the fact that Blood Elves, Void Elves, San’layn and Undead High Elves are still all High Elves in their DNA. And that they all came from Quel’thalas. You know, the home of all the High Elves before Human Potential visited.

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There are a plethora of instances whereby HE’s, BE’s, or VE’s refer to the broader ethnicity as “children of Quel’thalas” or “sons/daughters of Quel’thalas”; the colloquialism for this would, naturally, be “Thalassian”.

There are precisely zero instances whereby HE’s, BE’s, or VE’s refer to the broader ethnicity as “High Elves”; that is something the players and the developers do, most probably as a matter of habit and not as a matter of factual accuracy.

If the term utilized to refer to the broader ethnicity was “High Elf”, in-universe, then you shouldn’t have any trouble finding an example of a Blood Elf who self-identifies as a High Elf (or a Void Elf who self-identifies as a High Elf).

(Note: They don’t refer to themselves that way, in-universe, so you won’t find any examples.)

Also, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please take stock of the fact that this is attempt #9 at coaxing JUST ONE EXAMPLE out of Renotarshil of an in-universe BE or VE who self-identifies as a High Elf. :man_shrugging:


Of course it doesn’t. Thats not the point of using Thalassian. Its to make it more clear whom we’re talknig about and when.

And I specifically say that we’re dealing with a group of elves all from Quel’Thalas. But they’re clearly different groups both ideally, and politically.

Take it as you will. its not like we’re making official stuff here.

Totally forgot bout the San’layn for moment. lol

 you’re asking for me to source my assertion that Blood Elves (and Void Elves) don’t refer to themselves as High Elves?

That’s simple – the entire game. There isn’t one Blood Elf or Void Elf that calls him or herself a High Elf.

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Source your claim that Reno has been saying they do.

That is the third time I’ve quoted that. Please, keep up.


That’s the lore that’s common knowledge. Maybe you should go read up on it? Instead of being ignorant about it.

I wish it was, There needs to be a better name for all of them together otherwise you get the High Elf confusion that Fyorsing just doesn’t understand.

Ahaha, I found something that will put all the pro’s out of place!

In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.

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Dont think numbers are an issue anymore.


Nope, Void Elves are proof of that.


See, here’s the thing.

That’s not saying what you’re claiming it says.

You’re putting words in their mouth so you can beat up the strawman that you are able to defeat, rather than the point they made that you can’t.

That no matter what they call themselves they’re still high elves. High elf isn’t the political name, it’s more of like the scientific name, it’s the broad name for that form of elf no matter what they refer to their specific group as. Or, more broadly, it’s an easier way for us as players outside of the game world to refer to all of those elves.


I’m glad someone that cares about the lore that’s common knowledge gets it.

I disagree. As I said the standard way you’d do this in real life would be to take the country of origin, and use that as the base with an ending on it to denote its a person from said place.

Quel’Thalas + ian = Quel’thalasian. Its kinda clunky and as people often do you shorten it to work a little better and get Thalassian. Often do this with a cultures language too.

High, Blood, San’layn, Void, etc, would all be of Quel’thalas and thus Thalassian.

Works perfectly as a catch all. The words we’ve got otherwise then pertain directly to one group over another.

As I think we went over earlier, the numbers are what Blizz says they are. So there are enough void elves to be an AR, but not enough High Elves.

You might want to re-read. I was agreeing with you when I said I wish it was Thalassian Elf instead of High Elf as the broad term. So that this High Elf confusion that occurs to people like Fyorsing is prevented.

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