The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Except I didn’t.

Or do you actually not know how this race works?

That would explain so much about your ignorance.

Uh, they are citizens of different nations. :man_shrugging:

Not once did I imply that they’re different races. Not sure what to tell you, read what I wrote a few more times and try again?

Also, the citation, friend? :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


Except you did. I said their group was called High Elves which encompasses all the sub groups of High Elves from Quel’thalas.

You are trying to argue otherwise and failing.

In that they are citizens of Quel’thalas, and the maybe former citizens who have found themselves living with other groups. It’s not like it’s a Stormwind and Lordaeron style thing with multiple kingdoms of elves. Just the one group, some of which have migrated away for at least some length of time.


Lets just agree that Blood Elves and High Elves are the same citizens from the same nation.

yes just like the highvale draenei living in the makeshift shanty shack with a few hermit elves. they are still a part of the draenei race, or do we need a highvale draenei AR because they are SO different :roll_eyes:


How many of you antis would make a high elf if they become playable?

If that ever happened, then I think we’re doomed.

None because I am already playing one

Can the neutral elf answer?

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Of course!

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Then yes, I would play a Alliance Aligned, non Voided, High Elf. Especially if they had normal spiky hair that I use on my Belf.

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The point is about terminology, not biology. Here, let me quote myself for you:

The subject of their biology isn’t broached, at all, in the above statement.

What is being highlighted is that the use of the term “High Elf” as the callsign for any/all Alliance-aligned Thalassians and as the ethnic callsign for all Thalassians, is done exclusively out-of-universe – it doesn’t happen in-game.

BE’s are Thalassian.
VE’s are Thalassian.
HE’s are Thalassian.

You genuinely think that VE’s and HE’s living in Stormwind and Dalaran are socially, culturally, politically, or circumstantially indistinguishable from BE’s? :laughing:

They aren’t. :man_shrugging:

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They are. Blood Elves and High Elves are all from Quel’Thalas. Doesn’t matter how you look at it. Even though those who are alligned with Alliance abandoned there people, they are still citizens of Quel’Thalas.

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How can you post this and try to lecture me and then turn around and post:

Again, since you don’t actually know this but Thalassian is just the name of their language. They are all subgroups of the High Elf group that came from Quel’thalas.

Any fan of this race knows this and unless you legit don’t know this, you are just being ignorant.

They aren’t citizens of quel’thalas anymore though. They left.


Uhuh. I’m not asking for that

I started here by simply saying that I thought it was possible that Void Elves were biologically different than High/Blood Elves. Cause of you know
 the void being infused into them rather than just a source of power. And really all I said was that they might be the furthest from Thalassian not that they were another species or some such.

I was asking all of YOU why some folk asking for High Elves and especially in the case of it being just a possible customization option for Void Elves, why it bothered you.

When you all pointed out that blizz said this and that, all I pointed out is how it really didnt matter. Blizz says many things. Blizz retcons many things. blizz litterally went against almost everything that blocked High Elves in the past to make the Void Elves.

Ya’ll being so surprisingly aggressively against the merest mention of High Elves (the blue eyed ones with the light skin) in the alliance is

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I have nothing against Alliance aligned, Non-Voided, High Elves being added.


Hey, I’m not the one acting like if an American goes to study at Cambridge that they stop being an American.


You’re not the one I’m talking about. You’ve been nothing but genuine in everything I’ve so far seen you say. A few of the others seem to just be running in circles based on Blizzards words
 And aggressive
 for like, no reason.

  1. An individual isn’t required to remain loyal to their birthplace, solely because it is their birthplace.
  2. I’m sure you’ve got a source that suggests that every High Elf, everywhere, maintained their citizenship in Quel’thalas? Surely, you do.

Well then, if “High Elf” is the demonym utilized to refer to their biological species, and “Blood Elf” and “Void Elf” are merely cultural demonyms, then it should be easy for you to find an example of a Blood Elf or Void Elf who self-identifies as a High Elf.

I’ll wait. :wink:

(Note: This is the fourth time I’ve asked you to cite this happening, and all you keep saying is “it’s common knowledge”. If it’s common knowledge, you shouldn’t have a single issue in presenting just one example of it actually happening. :man_shrugging:)

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