The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It all comes down to Devs saying no even though they are on both sides.

They’ve also said that high elves aren’t really on both sides.

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Void Elves break most of those fairly effectively.

Like they have Void Elves. They use the same skeleton, practically the same model. Theres a large group of High Elves within the alliance with the Silver Covenant and small other groups associated with alliance battle groups.

Blizz has been saying these things for years but they mostly dont make a lot of sense especially given Void Elves. Its what the players want. Why get so flustered when folk ask?

And once again if folk are just asking for a cosmetic option, its still just Void Elves and Blood Elves.

One of the big mysteries of Blizzard.

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You keep saying things like, “you getting offended” or “you’re getting upset” – but neither is the case, I’m merely unwilling to let your unrelated one-liners slip through the cracks without their due scrutiny.

You basically created a strawman argument, by attaching meaning to another players commentary which that player didn’t attach themselves. That isn’t “nothingness”, it’s you misleading the casual forum goer. :man_shrugging:


Sounds like you’re upset to me. A normal person would take notes from Elsa and Leeeeeettttt itttttt gooooooo!

Corrected a mistake.

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I mean, if you want to fundamentally misrepresent the commentary of people and them proclaim yourself enlightened as to the subject matter – by all means, do so.

Doesn’t mean I, or anybody else, has to buy what you’re peddling. :laughing:

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Sometimes i look at Quel’delar in my bank. My eventual Alliance high elf toon will wield it mightily.

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So people think. But the thing is, nobody knows how many High Elves there are within the Silver Covenant, considering in game numbers =/= Canon Numbers. For all we know, there maybe more High Elves within the Silver Covenant than what there is in game or there maybe less.

And once again, going back to a previous post, which is once again, being completely ignored:

I am plenty enlightened to the subject matter.

I know what the Pros want and what the Antis don’t want.

Perk of being neutral.

You’re giving Reno a hard time because you claim they’re doing what you’re doing?

It’s not a misrepresentation just because some of you all try to force a division that isn’t there to try and make the flavor of high elves you want to be THE high elves. There’s nothing exclusive about the term High Elf to those that abandoned their homeland to hang out with humans, they’re one of several groups.

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Which is a mystery as to why they would say that? When quite obviously they use them in the Alliance
 so it just seems as a feign to wave the subject along.


Sara, we all know the population argument doesn’t work thanks to Void Elves. Kinda silly to include it, don’t you think?

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Well, clearly not enough to know when someone is using the term “High Elf” to refer exclusively to those individuals who’ve maintained their allegiance to the Alliance – as the poster you responded to had done, consistently, for dozens and dozens of preceding posts.

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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After several mile long rants of yours, it’s clear to me that you still don’t understand and prolly will never understand.

The whole purpose of that actually is from this:

Yeah and I’m just saying that doesn’t matter for a race’s inclusion anymore thanks to Void Elves.

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you need to stop citing the SC. their role has always been as a foil or as a support to their own people. and they have just lost the role of being a foil to the blood elves. why use the SC when you can use the void elves going forward? theyre pretty much done and will be left to rot and die off in dalaran for the rest of the game now that void elves have arrived and be barely mentioned, if at all, in the future. sure vereesa will continue to be used in the sole context of a windrunner sister when needed, but the SC? dead off screen and everybody knows it

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Why? When I think of High Elves on the Alliance, I picture those guys.


Not ignored. Just invalidated?

Void Elves. Like
 Exactly the same issues.

-Like go look at a Void Elf Warrior in full armor with a helmet and a Blood Elf one and tell me in a split second you’d really tell the difference.

-Void Elves blur the line. Larger faction could easily be the Silver Covenant, especially if during recruitment scenarios they gathered up all those other little groups of High Elves loyal to the alliance. Not a big issue for Blizz.

-And again Telegorous Rift was literally pulled outa their butts as the home of the Void Elves
 and I mean its a few rocks with tents. You telling me they couldn’t just do something similar with High Elves? or as I mentioned earlier, just have em pull a Mag’har and start in Stormwind like the Mag’har start in Orgrimmar.

I’m not saying Blizz never said those things. They did. Clearly. I’m saying the Void Elves really dont change those issues and in fact prove that Blizz could change it should they choose.

And once again for those in the back. Some of the folk asking for High Elves just want it as a customization option for Void Elves. So how would that change anything?