The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Sure sure, but they also clearly forget about the Silver Covenant, which I haven’t found any evidence of them getting wiped out? And if they joined the Alliance (being absorbed) then theres more than enough High elves from there to do exactly what folk ask for.

 I was kidding. Stop dragging me into arguments!

its working.

Says the person making a Mt. Fuji out of a pile of Dirt.

Do yourself a favor and just let it go before you embarrass yourself further.

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Just to requote something from this thread on the old forums

To reiterate Ion’s main points of reasoning for why High Elves weren’t going to work, taken from the two live interviews:
-Too similar to Blood Elf in aesthetic (Fair-skinned, tall, majestic, blond-haired)
-Blurs the lines between the factions (Both visually, and by population numbers)
-No clear idea of who/what High Elves are as a larger faction (Splintered groups)
-No hub where High Elves would pull from (Sort of related to the above point)

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What you did is tantamount to lying, I wouldn’t call that “dirt”. :man_shrugging:

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I didn’t lie at all, though. I corrected someone who was incorrect and you’re upset that I did so.

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Also, Avarie, I hope you do get well soon.


Well, no, that isn’t what you did.

You read a statement from a poster, attached meaning to the terminology he utilized which he himself didn’t express, and then attempted to shoe-horn in a largely unrelated semantic factoid. You’re the used car salesman of this thread, at the moment. :man_shrugging:

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Ok, momentary derailing incoming:

I watched Godzilla 2014 & Godzilla King of Monsters last night. For tonight’s double feature do I watch:

Deadpool 1& 2

John Wick 2 & 3

Justice League & Suicide Squad

The Robt Downey Jr Holmes 1 & 2

Man of Steel and Batman v Supes


Fantastic Beasts & Crimes of Griswold?

My homework is bad enough lately I can use it as fertilizer for the tree!

“Oh, I am so touching myself tonight”


I haven’t seen any of these.

And corrected his mistake that there were no playable High Elves on the Alliance by pointing out that there are indeed playable High Elves on the Alliance in the form of Void Elves.

Now what you’re upset about is you somehow think I’m saying this is the only form of High Elves on the Alliance, which is incorrect as it’s public knowledge in 2019 that there two kinds of High Elves on the Alliance, one that’s playable and one that isn’t.

You’re getting upset that I said this when you, yourself were misinformed.

So, once again I say to you: Do yourself a favor and let it go before you continue to embarrass yourself in front of everyone.

Can’t believe I had to explain something so obvious. :man_facepalming:

Oh yeah we all know that, but if I may.

Void Elves look almost the exact same especially in armor.
Void Elves.
Allied Race introductions are literally the perfect time to address this.
Telegorous Rift was litterally made up
 Just have em start in Stormwind like Mar’har start in Org.

Not a big hurdle.

Apparently too big for Blizzard given the numerous opportunities they had to add High Elves.

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So, the entire argument now is people are complaining about things just being made up, but they want more things to be made up for a race that is already on Horde to pull through for the Alliance?

Contradictions, contradictions.

all of those are good except for crimes of grindelwald. i recommend john wick 2/3

Never complained about things being made up. Draenei alone rewrote massively important lore bits. Blizz makes stuff up all the time.

shrug seems your complaining about people asking blizzard to give them a thing they want to play. Did Void Elves affect you or cause you an issue? High Elves on the alliance (especially if its just a cosmetic thing with Void Elves) really wont do much to you.

They ruined my marriage.

I’m very sorry to hear that.

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I’m not at all.