The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Do you have a source for that? The only bit of lore I’m aware of that makes any reference to the new content of the Sunwell are what we put in it (a literal Naaru) and the bit in the
Nightborne? recruitment scenario where the Void-Ethereals use it as a gateway because Alleria and her void energy got too close to it. Both of those indicate an entire Holy well, but if you have a source for it containing elements of arcane still, that’d be very interesting.

I just hope high elves are announced soon. Something to be excited about would be nice.


personally, i just cant wait to see the new blood elf advanced customization. night elves as well. hope its revealed soon!

It’s been stated multiple times by multiple people in multiple places in gameand out, but here’s a quote from Metzen.


I want just one AR I’d genuinely be excited about.


what about vulpera? :fox_face:

It is clearly stated in here as well

In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.

The Entire story was also done within the game back in TBC.

Aye. I meant that the Blood Elves and High Elves have their different eyes mostly based off what they’re primarily getting their energy from for their addiction.

Void Elves are blue skinned, blue eyed from the Void affecting them.

I meant this to say that the Void Elves might biologically be different than High Elves and Blood Elves now. Though likely only minorly. Its just not the same difference between blue eye High Elves and green eyed ones.

You mean arcane? Because blood elves don’t and have never used fel to feed their addiction.

I saw it.

You interpreted his use of “High Elf” to mean “biological Thalassian”, whereas how he meant it was “the specific social, cultural, and political group of Thalassians that have been aligned with the Alliance since at least WotLK”.

Yes, your semantic one-liner accurately describes the biological underpinnings of the situation – but it fails to adequately describe the narrative realities in any way, whatsoever. Hence, my storied response.


They’re not infused with it. They’re using their technique to draw power from various sources to pull power from fel crystals. You can find it in their starting areas and in Outland.

Again, the Void Elves by contrast are now infused with void. Resulting in their significant changes compared to high/Blood Elves.


While there were some particularly power hungry magisters (warlocks) who did so, the only blood elves who fed on fel in any large numbers were Kael’s army. The elves of Azeroth only mana tapped arcane energy as a matter of canon.

From a dev QnA:


Mmm. Fair enough.

My point isnt about where they get the eyes though. Its that Void Elves could be biologically different from Blood/High Elves.

The point was that while the differences between High Elves and Blood Elves is the blue/yellow/green eyes, the differences between them and the Void Elves is their skin tentacle hair and such. They’re void infused, not just feeding on it in some small capacity.

Therefore, Void Elves may not be High Elves anymore.

That was all.

I don’t like the vulpera.

Void Elves were transformed though by Void Etherals to look how they are now. Only exception along that line was Alleria who absorbed the Void Mastery from the Dark Naruu L’ura, which if you done the Argusian Reach Questline all the way up and over the Seat of of the Triumvirate, you would’ve had known this.

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Whats that have to do with what I said my friend?

A lot of you are trying to fight me for what?

All I’ve said is that Void Elves might not be the same as Blood/High Elves on a biological level now. I didn’t even state it as being much
 Like what are you arguing over?

They have been changed into something different from the Original High Elf Form, If we are using the original definition of transformed.

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So, Extra Crispy?

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With a dash of ketchup?

That’s because that’s what it is. To say there’s no playable High Elf on the Alliance is completely inaccurate and disingenuous to the species as a whole.

Pointless response.

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