The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Well, it is I Professor Tarrok, posting from my Cow shaped Cow in the forbidden thread, a thread which yes, is forbidden to you!

All one has to do i read from where it stated to Zootopia it was opinion when she said

Then i said

Nothing else happened, its all above. The usual crew try to spin into something else.

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We can’t expect god to do all the work.

Yup sure cant. But we can pray.

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You know if you don’t get the reference you don’t have to reply fam.

You did a super job of wrapping things up. And I’m not saying that because I have to

Demanding for High Elves as an AR for the Alliance is such a blatant disrespect to the HIgh/Blood Elf storyline in WC3. Their entire essence is about being betrayed by the Alliance, and having to resort to desperate means to find a new place in the world.

And if that’s not enough, Blizz just doesn’t want to do a typical High Elven storyline. You have other games for that


Made a draenei and ported to Stormwind. In the Wizards Sanctum our mage trainer that is training all the different alliance races is a high elf!

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I disagree, because Garithos is literally never mentioned once throughout all of WoW’s history. They resorted to desperate means because they were on the brink of destruction, had they not bent the light to their will and dabbled with blood magic I’ve no doubt that the Alliance would’ve welcomed them with open arms

They joined the Horde because they fit their theme of fighting for survival, not because of their extreme hatred for the Alliance

Thing is, Void Elves kind of are a copy/paste of Blood Elves, being purple doesn’t change that. If you ask me Blizz could’ve been way more creative with a void-themed race. Semitransparent body parts with the same wrappings that the Ethereals have, tentacle limbs, faces with multiple eyes, etc. Void Elves could’ve been something actually unique


Calling that an opinion is an opinion, when we all know it is actually a fact. The problem with the remaining High Elves that did not remain themselves to Blood Elves is that they are so few, they have always been in decline. Even if peple keep saying that they keep popping up.

There is no official hubs left for the High Elves except for Dalaran, but that is the Kirin Tor, and the Kirin Tor is nuetral.
There is no racial leader, and Vareesa is only a leader of a small group. She is not the racial leader of a race.
There is no idea on who they really are as a larger group, and yeah, people can go ahead, and claim that WoWPedia says there is like 700 or more with the Highvale Elves, but the real fact is, nobody knows what the true numbers really are.

And considering that World of Warcraft is built upon multiple IP’s, in game numbers is not really canon numbers. With the Silver Covenant for an example, there could be less there than what is in game, or there could be more than what is in the game. (Though nobody can be sure of this).

Then also saying to give the Void Elves “High Elf” customisations, people really are dismissing the lore with the Void Elves on this one. Void Elves were transformed by Void Etherals. Giving them the option to look like High Elf would then make no sense at all.


Besides the fact that number is drawn from the RPG which is no longer canon, I find that hard to believe. In a literal apocalypse, all hands on deck scenario the Silver Covenant which is essentially a paramilitary outfit managed to provide a battalion which is typically between 200 and 400 soldiers.


To some degree, yes. But I think more to the point they would be serious posterior fedoras for - after not going back to help rebuild - rebuking the survivors and treating them like enemies for doing what they had to to continue surviving and for allying with countries that didn’t treat them like they were evil for doing so.

The “OMG we hate you for mana tapping animals, that’s so cruel!” thing is ridiculous in the context of a world where we are constantly sent out - from the first day we’re in the game - to kill those same animals.


Speak for yourself, butcher. I levelled my character exclusively with peacebloom.

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Press (X) to doubt.

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The actual number canonically is 1/10 the Blood Elf population. I know you’ve read it because it’s been posted in numerous discussions you’ve been a part of. However

" approximately 90%[5] of their population was slaughtered during the Third War.[6] Following this, 90% of the surviving high elves changed their name to “blood elves” or sin’dorei (children of the blood in Thalassian) in remembrance of their fallen brethren, and no longer consider themselves high elven.[2]"

“a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves. High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political.[10] When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.[7] Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War.[11] Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.[2] Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[12][13] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today.”

"High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.[2]

As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race.[14]"

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tbh I think he knows he said something stupid and is now trying to act like it was all an epic trole.

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Are you seriously trying to tell me that no High Elves remained with Dalaran?

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Like said earlier, we all agreed that there are High Elves on both sides, Just not playable on Alliance side for one reason or the other, and we are here to show the DEVs what we wish for in game like the OP created the thread for, any discussion on lore is on you. Just here to support The Alliance Playable High Elves have at folks. The little trolls will always twist the conversation around. I was talking actual numbers. A certain Orc tried to spin it,make a big deal out of what said in another conversation, just look above when “Again Opinion, But welcomed” was used.

like wowwikki site

The non-canon role playing sourcebooks (see below) gave solid population numbers for most races, and put the total high elf population at around 24,810. But this is information is a rough guess but gives a good explanations how they got the number instead of one out of 1/10 or percentages

Again what sites are allowed to be used in the discussion and not, seems people use whatever they want to make point, then when someone disagrees its just Fanfic. Just trying to find out what the rules are without be trolled. By the same 5 peeps.

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Void Elves are still considered High Elves. They are just more purply than normal.

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