The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I was saying that Dalaran was Alliance in WC3.

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what facts? the fact that the the majority of the high elven dalaran evacuees returned to silvermoon with their prince and became blood elves?

that a few high elves opted to accompany jaina?. theramore had probably the largest concentration of high elves until it was blown up :smirk:

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“The Kirin Tor also developed an interest in the defeated orcs’ strange lethargy. Although Dalaran remained loyal to the fractured Alliance in the war’s aftermath, it was noted for being politically aloof and secretive - magi of the Kirin Tor did not get involved in “ordinary” politics, and outsiders were rarely welcome in Dalaran, even visiting royalty.”

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Chronicles mentions Kael returning to Quel’Thalas and mentions nothing of the size of his retinue.

Chronicles Volume 3 Page 88.

By right of succession, rule over the elves fell to the sorcerous prince Kael’Thas Sunstrider, but at first he was nowhere to be found. The heir to the throne had been in Dalaran during his homeland’s downfall. When he received word of the attack, he rushed to Quel’Thalas. By then, the battle had already been lost.

are you really going to claim kael rushed back to quel’thalas by himself

I phrased that poorly. I’ve edited my post to reflect this.

Meaning they’re still part of the Alliance.

Doesn’t mean they left it.

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Kael didn’t. I went in his place and started the restoration project.

page 64 talks about ‘the flight to kalimdor’. it discusses that dalaran was evacuated prior to its fall, that some high elves went with jaina

so think about that. your a high elf, your homeland was just devastated and the city youve been living in was just destroyed. do you go with your prince or jaina? given that blizzard has maintained a steady stream of alliance high elves are a dying few its a safe assumption where the majority went

youre just doing the same thing pros always do, desperate speculation based on a snippet of text or dialogue taken completely out of context and blown up into something it isnt

Hello Guys. I came here not only to support the idea of High Elves ether as a actually race or pretty much a full on customization option for Void Elves.

But right now I have been having this thing on my mind so long. Do any of you High Elf Fans or Void Elf Players have any advice in terms of being a High Elf Ranger on the Alliance but as a Void Elf or Archmage? Been having this issue because I’m on a RP Server and I want to explore the Quel’dorei Fantasy on the Alliance.

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the option to play a high elf is available on the horde just like ion told you

I said Alliance High Elf not Horde Blood Elf. Don’t give Advices to people who wanted the Iconic Experience of Warcraft 2 and 3 If your not much of a True Alliance Player Thank you very much.


Don’t think they acknowledge the difference.


The alliance of lordaeron was falling apart then and ultimately ended with the fall of lordaeron.

The current alliance starts sometime between the third war and just before vanilla wow started. Dalaran never joined the current alliance.

Ok well. Do you know what’s it like being a Void Elf Hunter if you want to live as a High Elf Ranger Fantasy even through the Quel’dorei Customization Options isn’t even out yet?

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You know that’s the whole point.

There is no real difference.

They’re all the same race, from the same place. You guys think that the minor political difference is enough to take them. We feel that it’s nowhere near that and that just because in the story light 2nd WC RTS they made up a few unit types that doesn’t make up for the fact that the race has left them and joined the Horde in everything that has come after WC2.

It’s not some misunderstanding on our part. It’s the crux of the argument, are they actually different in a meaningful way? And as you brought up personal attacks, this is another minor one, a nice little passive aggressive swipe insinuating we just don’t know better. Stay classy as always.


I actually have both Sin’dorei 120 Hunter and a Ren’dorei 120 Hunter neither can be played as Alliance high elf that we see in the game on the Alliance side.,

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Yes we know this already, anties have the problem accepting that there are Alliance High elves to just not playable.

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I have a hard time with it just because the main high elf ranger I want would have had zero reason to be studying void magic in the first place.


that they exist is not an argument for playable alliance high elves. that the race is already playable and an intrinsic part of the identity of the horde faction is the problem