The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Must be nice

None of the Elves sneeze. It is a human thing, considering they allow Worgen to run around free without giving them a bath.


I will have a talk with pollen for you.

What a sweetheart.

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Just read through the past 200 posts. I unno what went on.

Something involving a bottle cap and a bottle.

So, your conclusion for our discussion is a sarcastic remark that you didn’t even dare to reply to me with?
But I’ll let you know that you’re misrepresenting all I’ve said. Never said, or even implied anything was the fault of the humans; just because some high elves seem to have a fascination with them, doesn’t make it the humans’ fault, and that doesn’t mean the high elves should be excused from doing the right thing,

So yes, in that situation, when the Scourge attacked, when they rebuilt, while the rest simply chilled at Dalaran? Yes, they are indeed victims. No, that doesn’t excuse the mistakes Anasterian made either, but as I said, pointing what could have been done instead of doing something when the tragedy already happened, that’s where the problem is.

Congratulations. I like them becausde they’re flawed and because they had harships and also, with all their flaws, they still pulled through and did the right thing instead of cowering behind the back of someone else.

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So if someone’s an expat, and a disaster happens in their home country, they’re cowards for not going back?

Anastarien made the same mistake TWICE, and after the first time HE blamed the humans because HE did not send enough people because HE didn’t think it was a threat to quel’thalas. Some high elves objected to this and left.

Also I am going to need a source for how exactly the high elves were cowards just because they didn’t rush back to help a kingdom they were no longer a part of when you are giving Anasterian a pass for sitting on his butt while loraedon was obliterated by Arthas and the scourge just because they were no longer allies.

And considering you are a forsaken player you would think you would feel more for people who thought Anastarian was wrong to ignore former allies than the ones who were content to sit in their butts while lordaeron was getting decimated.


I like to keep discussions about fictions in the fictional side of things, specially since with rl examples there’s far too many examples and circumstances involved to take into account as well, lots of things that are not the same factors in fiction and specially in this one since we’re pretty much aware of what was happening.

Like for example, I can’t really blame someone from fleeing a “socialist utopia”, I would like to do that myself (even though my situation it’s not the same as the little example mentioned). That is not the same as “My fellow elves are being demolished by zombies created by demons and even after they’ve dealt with that, I won’t come back because reasons”.

That doesn’t mean what they dealt with any less bad. If leaders’ mistakes or bad judgement have to be held against everyone, shall we talk about Azshara?

Leaving is not a problem. Kael’thas was away when the massacre happened as well. The problem is that Kael’thas went back, and not everyone went back with him.

They weren’t banished (with the exception of the Quel’lithien lodge rangers later), their citizenship was not revoked, they simply were not there.
As for a “source for how exactly the high elves were cowards”
 really? I don’t know, perhaps every source that estates that that they weren’t there?
I’m calling them cowards, I could also call them traitors, or petty if their reasons was simply pinning Anasterian’s mistake on every single person that was there, and many, many more things, that’s based on what the lore says they did.

Yes, I’m a forsaken player, not a forsaken. And yet from that point of view, just saying “oh you did this and this wrong” or worse, “I told you so!”, won’t get buildings fixed or the Sunwell running.
It would be like someone blaming the people of Stratholme for eating the bad grain and turning into undead.

They were citizens of Dalaran. Why would they go to Quel’Thalas because it was destroyed? Just because they’re High Elves?

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Yes, that’s kind of the whole problem.

So because it’s fantasy it should have no realism?

Aren’t the citizens of Dalaran nuetral between both Horde and Alliance though, considering the Dalaran Citizens does not represent the Kirin Tor or any other faction, they’re just
 Citizens? :woman_shrugging:

I know Dalaran has always been owned by the Kirin Tor, but not every citizen there is part of the Kirin Tor.

During WC3, which is the time period being discussed, they were Alliance.

Considering that Anastarian didn’t make the decision to leave the alliance on his own, because he talked other elves into also blaming the humans for his inaction. Those who left no longer considered themselves part of the kingdom. Kael’thas was away yes, but he was still part of the kingdom.

Anastarian and the others that chose to leave the alliance are not cowards for sitting by as they get decimated, but the high elves for cowards for leaving quel’thalas and no longer considering it their kingdom or home and not returning? Double standards. Their loyalty was no longer to Anastarian just as his loyalty was no longer to the alliance, except in his case it was purely because he didn’t think it was convenient for him.

Just “not being there” isn’t a source for them being cowards or hiding. I need you to cite something concrete that actually says they were hiding and being cowardly rather than it just being your opinion.

Also there’s a difference between eating grain that you don’t know is tainted and sitting there while your neighbors all get slaughtered because you don’t think it will effect you too.


no clue what you are talking about. there was no schism among the high elves until well after kael went to outland and rommath returned with the controversial new teachings

probably because the leader of the high elf community in dalaran was prince kael and quel’thalas is still their homeland. in chronicles3 its stated the high elf population in dalaran evacuated completely before it was destroyed. a few individuals went with jaina on a boat while the VAST majority of the dalaran pop returned with kael

Ah, I missed this. Reminds me of old times. :hugs:

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No room for facts here!


The High Elves were only a part of the Old Alliance in the 2nd war, and even then it was only a volunteer force.