The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Yeah but 2BF, High Elves have been asked for since Vanilla and haven’t been made playable vs. Classic being made a thing in short amount of time. So it stands to think, they mean it in regards to High Elves.

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Alliance has issues because people go to Horde where life is better due to the Devs, dont blame me. Of course you don’t want it change since your horde. So lets send blame elsewhere.

achievements include pvp and pve, people can see them if they unlike yours.


And playable High elves doesn’t involve intellectual property protection.


All I’m saying is that the devs aren’t infallible gods.

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Dude racials been out of wack longer then Legion. Method can attest to that, they admitted it.

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It’s always something else’s fault, isn’t it?

“Horde has better racials”
 even if night elves are overrepresented in competitive dungeon running.
“Horde has better races than us”
 even when this is entirely subjective.
“Horde has the elves that I want”
 even though blizzard should not cater to neither side asking for something from the other side.
“Blizzard loves the Horde more”
 even when they keep beating us with the villain stick and killing and changing leaders.

But is never “hey, maybe my side just wants to take it easy.”

Self reflection seems like a lost art


I would be appeased with tattoos for Void Elves and a selectable voice patch that shows they came from Silver Covenant, Highvale, or Allerian Stronghold. Is that close enough for a cookie?


Yup thats what the Horde usually do blame someone else to protect their systems that favor them and that’s why nothing never gets fixed. Bribing Alliance players to participate in World PVP is not considered a fix btw, Never thought I would ever see that in wow.


Of course not. But, it’s kinda easy to see where priorities are.

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Except that you’re playing the best race for M+. So no, the devs have nothing to do with it. It is your defeatist attitude where you blame everyone but yourself.
As my Orc friend pointed out, you’ve never been competitive, but you want to blame the devs? Good stuff.

Do you not read? I am Alliance first dude.

No one cares :man_shrugging:


To be fairer, Classic had to happen to protect Blizzard’s ability to defend its copyright in certain jurisdictions.

No, just




Just keep you profile hidden , mr no one cares.

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I mean
I do more content than you
across multiple characters

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Thast would be cool, But i would rather Have the Real deal , The Alliance High Elves already in game. and a story that connects them to the Rendor’ei like they all become one faction under the 2 sisters. Think that would be doable and satisfying all.

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Every race should have tattoos, but that voice patch seems unnecessary.

How would that even work? “I’m out of mana. Which is strange for me as a Highvale elf who said they would abandon magic, yet here I am, a void elf who has used so much mana as to require more of it. What a pickle for I, a Highvale elf.”?

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Greetings, goodbyes, /silly, /flirt, /charge, etc.

Does no one in here do voice emotes?

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“Hello friend, you remind me of someone I knew from Outland? Did I mention I’m from Outland? Yeet.”

It just seems
forced. I can’t think of any other races that really dig into their character backstory when they’re trying to sell you repairs.