The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Actually the Kul Tiran model probably took more work than the Zandalari.


This is probably true since Kultirans were made from scratch.


That and they have unique females, while the Zandalari don’t.


No, however they’ve been shown to be more amenable to the blood elves as well.

I think they ran out of steam after they tinkered the male darkspear model
 it’s kind of sad.

I would have loved if my fem Zandalari looked like that priestess boss in ToT, the model isn’t that different from the original either.

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To be fair Zandalari will be inferior to the mainline troll race come 9.0 as it comes to be troll rather than Darkspear troll.

Depends if they do get a straight back and even then, the posture should be really something, because male zandalari look imposing and regal.

Obviously I have no way of knowing, but I had assumed that the posture shown in the announcement meant something just because they weren’t in a T pose like the Forsaken were.

What’s odd is that Zandalari player models are shorter than Darkspear. Aren’t they supposed to be taller by the lore? Then again, gameplay.


Yeah they’re supposed to be tauren sized in the lore. But they’re hardly unique in being shortened down. Orcs, tauren, worgen and Zandalari are all shortened pretty hard in-game.

Although the males are actually the same size as male Darkspear while the females tower over female Darkspear.

Or trolls, next xpac. Because I am super hype for playable forest trolls.

They’re the same height actually. They both use the same model. Just one stands straight up.

From what was said by the dev, it took about as much work. Making them straight back is a pain. It throws everything off.
For example, when I made a new skin texture for the SL model, making the leg move to the right would sometimes cause the texture to suddenly warp into infinity.
If I altered the model with a working texture, sometimes, the model would wig out on certain animations.

They find out in TBC what happens and are rather saddened. It is why Auric says he wants to unite them again.

I imagine it was just a preliminary display, but if that’s the pose, then yeah, Zandalari still win.

They should be taller, but they’re also just a wee bit shorter than Tauren. The female zandalari though, that one is over 1 entire head taller than the original. I was actually amazed when I rolled one and found out they were as tall as a tauren woman.

They must’ve shrunk the model for Zandalari then, because when my Darkspear Hunter stands up straight, he’s taller than Tauren.

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For reference:


The difference it’s minimal, but it’s there.

It just looks that way because tauren have that hump. Trolls standing at full extension come just above a tauren’s head and just below their hump.

I didn’t know troll ladies were the same height as orc fellas.

Here’s the real science question, why aren’t there orc-troll halfbreeds? They’ve been living together as essentially a single people for like what, 10 years? 20?

That’s probably the case. I imagine it was so they didn’t have to change doorways.

Genetic incompatability.

Orcs are titanforged just like humans are and humans can have babbies with elves who are just ugly trolls.

They seem to be a little taller than orc males.

I don’t know, that is a good question, though.

I mean, if high elves can become baby factories for humans

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You guys are spores sprinkled on titan forged.

At least humans are just defective titanforged.

I could say something mean
but I’d get in trouble