The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Sigh as the other poster indicated I should have ignored you lot when you started sounding like monotonous ā€œI have to have the last word to look smartā€ records.

I truly regret trying to explain the concept of ā€œNot derailing a threadā€.

Canā€™t say Iā€™ve tried but Iā€™ll let you have the last word for the cause of the thread.

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This is just transference on your part Dalfurane. The post I have quoted is literally a case of ā€œIf theyā€™re smart they wonā€™t respond any further.ā€. This is a rather snide way of trying to get the last word in, and trying to trap someone from responding.

I truly regret trying to demonstrate to you the hypocrisy of your actions.

You did the last word thing again. I should know, I do it a lot when I want to be snide.

Iā€™ll tuck it away, wish you farewell, and suggest you never come back because it would contradict this post of yours. :smile:

Was the Stormwind Portal in Teldrassil created by the remaining Dalaran High Elves in stormwind or was it on the other side?

I meant the burning of Teldrassil.

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I thought you were going to give the last word?
Oh wait, youā€™re doing that thing where you give the last word, come back and respond to a completely unrelated post from way back to try and passively aggressively get it.

Cool, lets do this then.

What does this have to do with anything?
Greatbrae was stating portals cannot transfer a large amount of people in response to Murgatroyd.
Your response is not at all related to it.

Wow. Since you directly responded to me, Iā€™ll say this one last time: Letā€™s all stop derailing this thread.

Iā€™m discussing lore with someone else which doesnā€™t even indicate your post and you already have a problem with it.

Iā€™m speechless. I asked someone else a question because I wanted to know his opinion on the lore and you randomly felt Iā€™m being passive aggressive?

This is the last time Iā€™m responding to you because honestly me, you and another poster have already brought in way too many unnecessary wars in here.

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Because he had already paid the debt he felt they had with Arator, you missed this part.

That was a thing for High elves from the very beginning, they werenā€™t exactly BFFs with humans, itā€™s always been an alliance of convenience. Alleria and Vereesa and their crush for humans at that point were not the norm, they were an anomaly.

Yes, thatā€™s what a decent person would do instead of acting as if they were Captain Hindsight, point out what could have been done and take off after doing nothing.

Because thatā€™s exactly what they did after that. By the time Arthas made it to Dalaran the civilians were already evacuated and only a small resistance group was left and did absolutely nothing after returning either.
They simply went back to Dalaran and continued to ignore their own people.

I donā€™t care about making them look better as a whole, just when it comes to doing the right thing and staying/returning when it was needed instead of cowering behind someone elseā€™s back. Even Void elves have the moral high ground when it comes to that point, because while they obviously didnā€™t agree with the renamed High elves joining the Horde, at least they went back.

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I would say the tipping point for tensions between the Humans and the High Elves rose to a bigger point when the Trolls razed human cities and elven cities with both sides playing Politics. I think it was the generic Zulā€™Aman or Some trolls?

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong because my lore isnā€™t nearly as good at that point in the Warcraft Universe.

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I thought you were giving me the last word?

Your response is unrelated to what was being discussed. The topic being discussed was the capability of portals. Not lore involving portals.

For being speechless, you have a lot to say.
You stated

ā€œHave the last wordā€
You then respond to a post you were not involved in previously, in a completely unrelated way. Its as bad as catching a teenager sneaking out and them doing ā€œI was just mowing the lawn at 10 p.m. at night with no lawn mower.ā€

You said that last time as well Dalfurane, and then you threw out a post that made little sense.
Again, what does your post have anything to do with the discussion of portals? It makes little sense dude.

It was the Amani trolls which the high elves had been at war with forever. In anycase, the high elves had always been isolationist in their attitudes. High elves such as Alleria favored the alliance because she had suffered a great loss at the hands of the trolls and Horde, and so she felt indebted to them.
Anasterian focused on the bigger picture, and knew being involved with humans only invited constant conflict.


Ah I see. Thank You. I was convinced for some reason they were Zandalari or Zulā€™Aman because Iā€™m not really that well versed into the Troll Wars.

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Zandalari and Zulā€™Aman both lended assistance to the Amani in the background at various points.

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Yes, it was during the Troll wars against the then Amani empire.

The high elves were on the process of occupying Quelā€™thalas which belonged to the Amani because they sensed what was crawling under Tirisfal and decided that dealing with forest trolls was a better choice but it took them 4000 years to retaliate for real and thatā€™s when they requested help from the humans.

Still are.

Thatā€™s the curse of the elven waifu. Itā€™ll never break.

Interesting that would explain that I somehow remember Zandalari and Zulā€™Aman.

Oh so thatā€™s when the ā€œAll Lands are Troll Landsā€ just became something on a bigger scale than before.

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In a way, but at the time it was actually true, they had occupied those lands for a long time by then.

I think the Caverns of time has a good concept of making these things into dungeons but they seem to have abandoned that kind of stuff

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Whatā€™s really interesting if you think about it from the trollsā€™ perspective it makes a lot of sense. The Amani were essentially displaced from their homes by colonialists from Kalimdor.

It is a real shame. Both the Troll wars and the 300 year long War of the Three Hammers were really interesting times that have never been exploited in game.

Lots of wasted potential there.

It would truly show us the lore implications of how the Silver Covenant, High Elves and the Alliance broke off from being somewhat friends to outright bitter.

They really should show a lot of the lore from Warcraft 1 and 2 in Caverns of time to make sure people understand the story.

Sadly itā€™s random books. :frowning:

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Because theyā€™re traitors?