The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

So that’s it? Your poke trying to sound smart vanishes like the nothing it was.

Too bad you had to try real hard to sound smart.

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You may be right about this part
but there is also

While I agree some people bring it up because of the cleansing properties, when the statement

is made it’s just factually incorrect. :slight_smile:

Your opinion is wrong.
From an art design and modeling perspective they have just as much work put into them as the Vulpera. You can dislike something, but that does not mean you are correct from an objective lens.

It’s my opinion. I don’t care whether you think it’s wrong.

They are lazy effort copypastas. You aren’t right either as you don’t work for Blizzard.

Let’s agree to disagree and stop derailing a High Elf thread just because I said I would rather have High Elves instead of Low Effort Gnomes?


Ok, in deference to the whole thing flying over your head:

You used a common Trumpism
“low effort”
in your comment and that’s what was being poked fun of. Again, apologies for being too subtle. It

What is this “Trumpism” anyway?

You do realize that you people are getting randomly triggered because I stated my personal opinion that I want High Elves instead of Gnomes?

Not that it isn’t entertaining but as I said to another poster, kindly realize you are derailing a High Elf discussion because of one sentence.


Mage portals cannonically cannot transfer a large amount of people without an enourmous amount of power.

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They’re trying to rile you up and put words in your mouth. Try not to get baited. You’ll only lower yourself down to their level.

Also, I’m consistently stating facts, figures, and citations. Sometimes I get it wrong but I always acknowledge it. Yet, the people who constantly move goalposts, resort to ad hominem attacks, and conveniently ignore points when proving wrong are accusing me of hating facts.

Welcome to 2019, people


Dude, you only needed one person sent through a portal to spread the news.

Well I tried my best to tell them to agree to disagree and stop derailing the thread based on one random nobody’s personal opinion.

If they’re intelligent enough, they’ll listen.


I mean
he was cracking a joke
it seems rather low of you to speak ill of people in such a fashion. Just saying.

This is a lot of nonsense over an exchange that was largely light hearted.

“They’re dumb if they don’t listen to me, but smart if they listen to me and agree.”.

Seems like a jerk thing to say


But do you? Or are you still standing by

this instead of acknowledging that the Sunwell is a mix of both Arcane and Light, and thus in no way preventing blue eyes from the arcane in the well?

Oooo, we’ve got the nonsense that says, I don’t want a massively customizable allied race that’s not to my tastes because it’s laziness on the devs, as opposed to the great effort that would go into giving the alliance a literal copy pasta of the blood elf model.


I can’t say I tried but:

  • You are derailing a thread because you don’t agree with a poster who stated his personal opinion on a topic which has nothing to do with this thread.

  • Knowing that you’re continuing to feel offended because said poster has clearly pointed out that the logical and proper thing to do is to take it out of this thread.

  • Yet even after the poster has indicated that it’s agree to disagree you don’t seem to wrap your head around it.

I don’t see a jerk like you say.

Nonsense to you.

Good for me. To each his/her own.


If you don’t care, why share? This is the excuse I hear constantly out of people.
“Well its my opinion”
Yeah, and it can still be wrong.

Considering I have a background in software programming and graphic design, I am certainly in a better position than you to state they are not a copy paste. I don’t need to be Blizzard to point out the work placed in them is obvious.
Just as I don’t need to be Blizzard to point out that the Kul Tiran model took just as much work as the Zandalari one.

“I don’t like these copy pasta Gnomes”
“I want copy pasta elves.”

Come on man
that’s a contradiction.

Pot, meet kettle.

This is just an attempt to dismiss those who disagree with you by stating they are derailing the thread, while ignoring the fact your opinon was derailing in the first place

Logical and proper thing to do is not make an assumption of an individual’s emotional response. The way you are defending yourself is indicative of an emotional response, and as such, is not logical.

Or maybe I understand, I don’t care, because people who say things should be held accountable for what they say. Perhaps you have not wrapped your head around this concept?

You’re doing a very poor job of proving otherwise with your response. Speak outloud as if someone were addressing you. Perhaps you’ll see where it stems.

It is a contradiction for you to call gnomes a low effort race, but demand the clone of an existing race which would be no effort.

In anycase, this is a place where public opinion is subject to be criticized. I understand this, so I do not get offended and immediately say “WELL ITS MY OPINION!” when people disagree.

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  • I’m sharing because both of us don’t own this forum and we can post whatever we want as long as the Mods allow it. You have a problem?

  • Considering I don’t have just a background in those but I’m a actual Developer, let’s not boast about what we are capable of. I’m pointing it to Blizzard. Do you want to pay my sub so that you can control what I say? Let me know!

  • You really are reaching for straws. My original post clearly meant “Looking at the passion for High Elves, I would have rather got them instead of Low Effort Gnomes.”. Yes they may both be low effort. I would rather such a huge community push be rewarded.

  • You seem to be triggered way too much because I don’t seem to like what you like. May I suggest not reading my posts?


I will .gif you a clip around the ears in a minute.

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Yeah, my problem is people who believe what they say should be respected, but no one else’s should receive the same treatment. So consider this being a call out bud. Welcome to the public. What you say will be critiqued. Get used to it or get out.

you have no background in programming or design, but you’re a developer. :thinking:

if you are, you’re certainly not one with experience.

You see it as boasting, I see it as “This is my view on the matter, and this is why.” as a way of defending my position and not an appeal to authority.

What is with this teen angst response?
Okay, cool story bud, I am saying

Say what you want but expect to be criticized for it..
Bolded it for you since the point is going over your head.

There are those who are just as passionate for Sethrak, Mechagnomes, Vrykul, and more. Why should one get favor over the other?
Passion is not enough. The requests cannot occur within a vacuum because ultimately, they affect the game’s design and the perception of the game.
If you do not find mechagnomes excusable for being low effort, then regardless of the passion shown, you shouldn’t be advocating for high elves which are even less effort. Hence, why i stated you are contradicting yourself.

Oh snap guys, he got me.
I am triggered because I am giving him a serious discussion!

I don’t believe I am the one triggered here Dalfurane. You’re being defensive over my pointing out my criticism of yours.