The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Taken from wowpedia

" Blood elves who were most loyal to Kael’thas Sunstrider were gifted by Kil’jaeden with the privilege of engorging themselves on copious amounts of demonic blood"

" Courtesy of their exposure to fel magic (the practice of which spread in a similar fashion to the orcs’ own exposure to the substance, tainting even those in its proximity who chose not to dabble in it), blood elf eyes produce an emerald glow. This is a natural reaction to spending time around fel magic."

" In *The Frozen Throne , blood elven eyes were depicted white and pupil-less, both in-game and in official artwork. A possible explanation for this is that when the blood elves first began to feed on demonic magic, it took a while for their eyes to change to the green they are known for today"

" Floating crystals adorn several blood elven cities and outposts. These come in two flavors: the fel crystals (also referred to as Burning Crystals on Sunstrider Isle, and the more standard mana crystals. The former is a device created by the Magisters to store demonic energy"

" Separated more by cultural differences than physiological ones, it has since been determined that they are, in fact, beginning to evolve into a separate race, due largely to their consumption of mana from primarily fel sources. This reliance on fel magic causes the eyes of blood elves to glow green with demonic fire. This readily available source of energy also tends to give blood elves a ruddier or paler look compared to their quel’dorei cousins. A blood elf can appear like a high elf bearing odd red tattoos across his or her face and arms. However, his or her hair and skin is much paler than that of a high elf, their eyes glint with a green light, and they wear blood-red robes. These represent signs of evolution from their high elven cousins, and it is believed that, with time, they may become as physically distant to high elves as satyrs are to night elves."

Check. Mate.

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Hmmmm, that’s not quite true though. You seem very defensive of your liege lord. Are you scared of his tyranny? It’s okay, you’re on a blood elf. You don’t have to worry about tyrants, for in the Horde we’re free.

Mm smell that air free of lords and kings.

This only applies to Kael’s belves, not the player ones.

This one’s been retconned unfortunately. Now the green eyes come from passive radiation.


Its mostly for the purposes of making the game have a more lively feel, which is fair of course.

This means only those who were following Kael’thas and were subsequently killed in TBC. The rest of the blood elf population did not engorge themselves on copious amounts of demonic blood. In fact, they would have been horrified at the notion.

This is not demonic corruption like the above.

This is contradicted by the official lore following after TFT, which demonstrates the glow happens instantly and is not demonic in its nature. :man_shrugging:

This is from the RPG which has been declared non-canon.

Check mate means there is no escape.
This wasn’t even a check.

The above though?

That’s a checkmate.


If no one can tell, I am obviously broflake.


Turbo cringe.


I’ll take your fashion advice when you can put together something more than a basic tier set. Me? I’m quite satisfied with my awesome outfit.

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Yes, that’s true. Shame Orgrimmar doesn’t really fit the Horde’s current theme of disparate groups. It’s all very, well, Orcish.

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I mean
like I said, you can always look at Broflake whom I use for transmog purposes.
Now if you really do insist, I can most assuredly embarrass you by making a better looking high elf mog.

Its part of why I mained Alliance for the majority of my time playing WoW. The only reason I play Horde currently, is because that is where my wife plays. So I follow her about.

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It fits for like what, 8 of the 11 playable Horde races?

Oh, I see where you went wrong with this one; you’re confusing these guys

with these guys:


One of said 3 races being the most played Horde race. :woman_shrugging:

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Blood elves

I think everyone matches in theme actually.

For the Alliance, I think the only odd ones out are the Worgen

Shame about this. They were originally going to make a Gilnean district for the Worgen, before they gave them a tree in Darnassus instead.

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Who joined the Horde, whose nucleus is the three races who made up the founding members of Orgrimmar.

Orgrimmar is much more cosmopolitan in the lore, according to the Cata prequel with Garrosh it has the widest variety of traders and merchants anywhere in Azeroth because Orgrimmar relies on trade to acquire most of its resources.

Stormwind has a King. The Alliance has a High King, who is the commander of the Alliance forces. He also happens to be the King of Stormwind. The Boy King wears two crowns. Now he is dependent on Alliance member states to supply the forces (except humans who he directly controls), but he is the military leader of the Alliance.

Oh, fair enough, but there was a Q&A panel with the devs, including Chris Metzen and they said this.

“The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.”

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Are you serious?
You were corrected by both Murga, and myself, but the only one whom you acknowledged it from was Somand?
Not going to lie, it is rather disconcerting that the only individual you seemingly listen to is that of your own camp. What is the purpose of a discussion?
Are we just here to yell at each other?
If so