The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

Light? But I’m filled with Void! Uh oh…


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Now you can reroll a blood elf and be a properly geared hordie.

My Horde Hunter’s already a Troll though. :frowning:

I guess I could always get my Mage 10 levels…

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Joining the Horde is the opposite of cultural preservation.

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Don’t fall for his tricks, the void is the… hang on I can’t think of anything that rhymes with void.

The void is to be enjoyed?


Your troll is a troll, not a blood elf.
If you bring yourself up to level 120…I will gear you up…and I will demonstrate the superiority of blood elves over High elves!

We have an actual city of our own to live in.

This is a nonsensical response.
Allegiances do not alter your culture.

The void is unemployed.
Their favorite names are Boyd, Lloyd, and Roids.

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Is this a serious question or have you actually never used a mage portal?

Sorry, the blood elves chose to retain their independence and now get a formal say in how the Horde is run.

Imagine still being a part of an autocratic dictatorship like the Alliance. So anachronistic.


The void enjoys Pink Floyd.

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That was my point. I already have a Horde Hunter and sadly it’s not a belf.

Now if only they’d update it.

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Yeah. Except that High Elves are like Blood Elves but they’re not demonically corrupted so they’re even more different

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Re-roll it and call yourself a farstrider.

If they did…I’d never leave to be honest. It is easily one of the best cities in the game.
As much as Ogrimmar appeals to my inner rage, I rather prefer the majesty of Silvermoon.
Suramar would be number 1 but, there is nothing there worth staying for.

This is false, the blood elves are not demonically corrupt in anyway. In fact, if you are a blood elf with golden eyes, you have already been cleansed of the fel taint. So… you are wrong in this aspect.


Yes! Plus, it would only make sense for a portal room to be in the magical elven city.

I wish they’d make an updated Suramar that functioned as a Horde city.

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That’s backwards. The Alliance is an organization with individual member states. The Horde is a tyrannical amalgamation of various races into an all-encompassing army of subjugated peoples. The Horde is what it says on the can: a horde.

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Uh uh uh. The Alliance has a high king and the Horde has a council. Enjoy your tyrannical boy king, friend. I’ll be over here enjoying some of that good, good equality.


Honestly it is a shame they rely so heavily on Ogrimmar and Stormwind to be the hub cities. I suppose they do want people to congregate in a single area. I just wish there was at least one other choice.
This is what RIFT did. Even in its new expansions, you ended up with two cities that had everything you desired. Sure, it meant one city had less people but it meant you had preference.

They’re both a formation of member states which have independence from the other. Of course, the Horde now runs on a council based system which makes it superior to the Monarchy which is the Alliance.

You get way too into your Alliance roleplay dude.
Your mog is awful btw, please let me help you fix it.

Stormwind has a king, who is co-equal to all of the Alliance’s other leaders. Sounds like the Horde is copying the Alliance’s homework again with their little council.

Lmao. Better than yours will ever be.

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Your helmet and shoulders do not match.
Your pants and boots do not go together.
I don’t know WTF is going on with your chestpiece but it needs serious help.
Your weapons and shield look god awful and not thematic of a proper paladin.


Me too.

Sounds like how the Alliance used to be split between Stormwind and Ironforge. It’s a shame everyone is funneled into just one city now.

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My Deathknight is the one I mog for…and I have a rather killer Paladin set for him if you’d like some tips.