The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

When the high elves first landed on to the eastern kingdoms, they did not have land, they have joined with humans, whom was nomads at the time to fight trolls off the northern edge of the eastern kingdoms so they can have a land to call home. This was done with the first king of qualthalas and before lorderon was even a thing. In exchange they taught humans the way of the arcane (mages) and made a promise to help humans when they are in need. Did anasterian honored that promise? You can say he did by sending a force out to aid in the 2nd war, a small token force that he sent after his lands was attacked by the orcs (This in reality is actually more akin to when USA was attacked at pearl harbor, where the usa did not want in the war until the attack) Even then he still did not want to send an army out to assist the alliance and only said he did when alleria gathered volunteers to get revenge against the orcs for the attack and to protect they’re lands. He did not honor his pact. Later When lorderon was being attacked by the scourge, they requested anasterian for help, guess what he did. Nothing. Qualthalas deserved what they got, by betraying they’re pact, and the ones that did wanted to, or stay with they’re families did not return to them. This is the divide. This is the difference of high elves and blood elves.

Anyways got work tomorrow cya later. good night.


The high elves, led by Dath’Remar, left Kalimdor behind them and challenged the storms of the Maelstrom. Their fleets wandered the wreckage of the world for many long years, and they discovered mysteries and lost kingdoms along their sojourn. Dath’Remar, who had taken the name Sunstrider (or “he who walks the day”), sought out places of considerable ley power upon which to build a new homeland for his people.

His fleet finally landed on the beaches of the kingdom men would later call Lordaeron. Forging inland, the high elves founded a settlement within the tranquil Tirisfal Glades. After a few years, many of them began to go mad. It was theorized that something evil slept beneath that particular part of the world, but the rumors were never proven to be true. The high elves packed up their encampment and moved northward towards another land rich with ley energies.

As the high elves crossed the rugged, mountainous lands of Lordaeron, their journey became more perilous. Since they were effectively cut off from the life-giving energies of the Well of Eternity, many of them fell ill from the frigid climate or died from starvation. The most disconcerting change, however, was the fact that they were no longer immortal or immune to the elements.

They also shrank somewhat in height, and their skin lost its characteristic violet hue. Despite their hardships, they encountered many wondrous creatures that had never been seen in Kalimdor. They also found tribes of primitive humans who hunted throughout the ancient forestlands. However, the direst threat they encountered were the voracious and cunning forest trolls of Zul’Aman.

These moss-skinned trolls could regenerate lost limbs and heal grievous physical injuries, but they proved to be a barbaric, evil race. The Amani empire stretched across most of northern Lordaeron, and the trolls fought hard to keep unwanted strangers from their borders. The elves developed a deep loathing for the vicious trolls and killed them on sight whenever they were encountered.

After many long years, the high elves finally found a land which was reminiscent of Kalimdor. Deep within the northern forests of the continent, they founded the kingdom of Quel’Thalas and vowed to create a mighty empire which would dwarf that of their Kaldorei cousins. Unfortunately they soon learned that Quel’Thalas was founded upon an ancient troll city that the trolls still held to be sacred. Almost immediately, the trolls began to attack the elven settlements en masse.

The stubborn elves, unwilling to give up their new land, utilized the magics which they had gleaned from the Well of Eternity and kept the savage trolls at bay. Under Dath’Remar’s leadership, they were able to defeat the Amani warbands that outnumbered them ten to one. Some elves, wary of the Kaldorei’s ancient warnings, felt that their use of magic might possibly draw the attention of the banished Burning Legion.

Therefore, they decided to mask their lands within a protective barrier which would still allow them to work their enchantments. They constructed a series of monolithic Runestones at various points around Quel’Thalas which marked the boundaries of the magic barrier. The Runestones not only masked the elves’ magic from extra-dimensional threats, but helped to frighten away the superstitious troll warbands as well.

As time wore on, Quel’Thalas became a shining monument to the high elves’ efforts and magical prowess. Its beauteous palaces were crafted in the same architectural style as the ancient halls of Kalimdor, yet they were interwoven with the natural topography of the land. Quel’Thalas had become the shining jewel that the elves had longed to create.

The Convocation of Silvermoon was founded as the ruling power over Quel’Thalas, though the Sunstrider Dynasty maintained a modicum of political power. Comprised of seven of the greatest high elf lords, the Convocation worked to secure the safety of the elven lands and people. Surrounded by their protective barrier, the high elves remained unmoved by the old warnings of the Kaldorei and continued to use magic flagrantly in almost all aspects of their lives.

For nearly four thousand years the high elves lived peacefully within the secluded safety of their kingdom. Nevertheless, the vindictive trolls were not so easily defeated. They plotted and schemed in the depths of the forests and waited for the numbers of their warbands to grow. Finally, a mighty troll army charged out from the shadowy forests and once again laid siege to the shining spires of Quel’Thalas.

Yeah, men were not the one who gave them there lands
 And nor did they were force to trade there knowledge of Arcane for there own kingdom.


When they first arrived they travelled to Tirisfal, they were aware of the humans but didn’t pay them much attention until they realised their settlements were on top of strong ley lines, Dath’remar decided that to avoid war they would move north to Quel’thalas.

Avoiding humans is the defining aspect of how it was created.

They taught magic to the humans in exchange for military support in genociding the hell out of the Amani.

Yes, he did. He didn’t want to, but he did. The invasion of Quel’thalas occurred after he sent troops. Not to mention during the second war the Alliance had withdrew its troops from Quel’thalas to better defend Lordaeron. So despite the fact that they had sent troops they were left to fight the Amani by themselves.

Why should they have? They never wanted to be in the Alliance and had left almost 20 years earlier. No one knew the Scourge was part of something bigger, it just appeared to be the Cult of the Damned at first. Lordaeron had thought the Scourge was defeated until Arthas came back from Northrend.

Quel’thalas was continually expected to make concessions to the Alliance but never received any back and when enough was enough they said no more.

High elves are cowardly traitors who were too scared to fight for Quel’thalas. They are the dregs of the race and deserve the ignoble death their race is getting.


If you’re that passionate about how much you hate 'em, wouldn’t you want them to be playable so you can kill more of them in BGs and PvP?

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the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

On a side note:

Not sure what culture has to do with basic respect and decency - if a group of people do not want to consider themselves as another group of people, regardless of being the same race biologically speaking, then the correct thing to do is respect that and treat them as different people.

The cultural differences between Andorra and Spanish/French catalan regions or San Marino and Italy are few to non-existent - yet we don’t treat them like the same group of people.


Not really. I wouldn’t want them to get so honourable an ending. They chose not to save their homeland so they don’t deserve to be that relevant again.


The most they deserve it’s being fed to the sharks just like the SC did to the Sunreavers, they’re not wroth killing in the battlefield.

Respect it’s not a free currency, it should be earned. I can’t respect a bunch of people that put the fact that they have a weird thing for humans before the hardships of their own people and continue to do so by not even acknowledging the death of those that fought tooth and nails in a losing fight.

And no, wanting to be lapdogs to the humans it’s not exactly what I would call “culture”, because if so, that’s one sad, sad culture.


Tell that to my mum’s labradoodle.

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At least that one is a good boy/girl that have done nothing to deserve being tossed in shark infested waters.


Actually high elves were opposed to how Anasterien treated humans, especially since he blamed them for things that he could have solved if he hadn’t assumed elven lands would be safe. He did this TWICE by the way.

And you can’t blame high elves for not siding with people that slaughtered their people.

And no, no one is obligated to put people who are related to them ahead of people they’ve forged bonds with. I have friends I am so close to that if I had to choose between saving their lives and the lives of certain family members, it wouldn’t be a hard choice.

And the high elves were also suffering from withdrawl because of the destruction of the sunwell. They weren’t vacationing and having a grand time while the blood elves suffered.


I don’t remember seeing any source of these besides Alleria being her usual pesky self about siding with humans.

Them joining with the Horde several years after the massacre by the scourge it’s somehow an excuse for them to not to come back during the gap between one thing and the other?

Oh I will be the first one to agree with this. But this wasn’t specifically about relatives, this was about abandoning their own, relatives or not, including when the Sunwell was also affected by this. They couldn’t even be bothered to lend a hand when it would have benefit them as well.

That’s by the concentrated at Dalaran and did nothing for over a decade?
Yeah, it seems they were indeed taking it easy while the blood elves had more assitance from outsiders (the draenei) than from their own people.

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Alleria threw a troll head at Anastrerian because he wanted to sit on his tush instead of aiding the humans against the horde. He sent a token force and then got pissy that part of quel’thalas was burned. Then he spun it as the alliance abandoning them and enough elves agreed that they left the alliance, aside from the ones like Alleria and Vereesa who saw through his bs and didn’t blame humans because he chose not to take stronger action against the horde. Why? Because he didn’t think it’d affect quel’thalas.

Then Lordaeron was getting owned, and once again he choose to sit on his tush again because he doesn’t think it will effect quel’thalas, ignoring his former allies and any high elves that may have been dwelling in the path of Arthas’ destruction. Yet the high elves are supposed to come running when those who felt they didn’t need the humans suddenly need help because they chose not to act?

High elves are not perfect, but neither are blood elves. High elves are also not dishonorable. And while the silver covenant and Jaina acted rashly and incorrectly during the purge of Dalaran, the blood elves played a part in the bombing of Theramore, and then a sunreaver used dalaran to transport a weapon to Garrosh. The leader of the sunreavers KNEW this and told no one about it.

And blood elves also recently took part in the burning of Teldrassil and then the fight to hold Darkshore. Don’t try to rewrite history as if blood elves have moral high ground and honor over high elves. And while the purge of Dalaran was bad, it’s not on the level of what the blood elves helped do at Teldrassil.

Also Arthas went for Dalaran after the sunwell so I am not sure how you figure they sat around dalaran twiddling their thumbs while waiting for others to find a cure. And the draenei fixed the sunwell for the blood elves, who repaid them by remaining on the side that slaughters draenei.


Ethnicity is a social concept. They are still human.

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Blood elves seem to get a lot of attention from Blizzard, they’re a great race. I swore I’d never make one since they’re so ubiquitous, but I already had a Tauren shaman. I was glad I did. I understand why the alliance might want us in their numbers, I do not fault them for that.

Ok how about:

Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.


This article is a copy of “The Warcraft Encyclopedia,” an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It presented information about a variety of things in the Warcraft universe. The original article, formerly located at, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.

Meaning it was originally posted by Blizzard.

So if High Elves have no culture, and Blood Elves and High Elves have the same culture, then Blood Elves have no culture.



You cannot be serious

I am just, throwing rocks at you now.
Stand still, its going to hurt. A lot.

Wait, let me equip my Polearm so I can parry!


See, sourced information, thank you. I actually really appreciate you taking the time to properly source your statement.

But no, high elves don’t have a culture of their own. In the same way an Australian from New South Wales doesn’t have a culture because they are part of Australian culture.

High elves simply cling onto Thalassian culture as they fritter their race away.


Nope. You cant parry elemental charged abilities. Sorry. Eat light and be smited.

High elves come from the blood elves, but I believe the statement is that the high elf people are vaganonds. They arent a group unto themselves and thus, have no true culture of their own to speak.

On the other hand, blood elves are those high elves who have remained tofether and maintained and preserved their culture.

It is odd, but when you consider it, it makes sense.
You are not a culture unto yourself.

high elves suck. Blood elves are better.

High elves suck, blow, then pass to the left tbf.